< Job 4 >

1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered, and sayde,
Eka Elifaz ja-Teman nodwoke kama:
2 If we assay to commune with thee, wilt thou be grieued? but who can withholde himselfe from speaking?
“Bende chunyi nyalo doko malit ka ngʼato okeloni wach moro nimar ok anyal lingʼ mak awuoyo?
3 Behold, thou hast taught many, and hast strengthened the wearie hands.
Parie kaka isepuonjo ji mangʼeny, kendo isejiwo joma chunygi onyosore.
4 Thy wordes haue confirmed him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the weake knees.
Wechegi osekonyo joma opodho; kendo isejiwo joma tekogi orumo.
5 But now it is come vpon thee, and thou art grieued: it toucheth thee, and thou art troubled.
To koro chandruok osechoponi kendo chunyi onyosore omiyo ionge gi kwe.
6 Is not this thy feare, thy confidence, thy pacience, and the vprightnesse of thy wayes?
Luor miluorogo Nyasaye dak koro miyi chir koso ngimani moriere dak koro miyi geno?
7 Remember, I pray thee: who euer perished, being an innocent? or where were the vpright destroyed?
“Koro par ane: En ngʼa mosekum maonge ketho? Koso joma kare mage minyalo tieki?
8 As I haue seene, they that plow iniquitie, and sowe wickednesse, reape the same.
Gima aseneno en ni joma chwoyo richo gi chandruok kayo mana richo.
9 With the blast of God they perish, and with the breath of his nostrels are they cosumed.
Itiekogi apoya nono gi much Nyasaye; kendo sa ma mirimbe obiro to gilal nono.
10 The roaring of the Lion, and the voyce of the Lionesse, and the teeth of the Lions whelpes are broken.
Sibuoche nyalo ruto kendo sibuoche mager nyalo goyo asumbi, to kata kamano leke sibuoche maroteke osemuki.
11 The Lyon perisheth for lacke of pray, and the Lyons whelpes are scattered abroade.
Sibuor koro tho nikech gima ocham onge, kendo nyithi sibuor oringo ma oke.
12 But a thing was brought to me secretly, and mine eare hath receiued a litle thereof.
“Ne okuodhna wach moro mos, to ne awinje mana marach rach.
13 In the thoughtes of ye visions of the night, when sleepe falleth on men,
Wachni nobirona gotieno e yor lek, e sa ma nindo goye ji ngoga,
14 Feare came vpon me, and dread which made all my bones to tremble.
kendo luoro gi kibaji nogoya momiyo denda duto onyosore.
15 And the wind passed before me, and made the heares of my flesh to stande vp.
Eka muya nokudho wangʼa, mi yier denda duto nojuol.
16 Then stoode one, and I knewe not his face: an image was before mine eyes, and in silence heard I a voyce, saying,
Nochungʼ molingʼ thi, to ne ok anyal ngʼeyo ni en angʼo. Kido moro nobiro mochungʼ e nyim wangʼa, kendo nawinjo dwol moro machil, kawacho niya:
17 Shall man be more iust then God? or shall a man be more pure then his maker?
‘Bende dhano mangima nyalo bedo makare moloyo Nyasaye? Dhano bende dibed maler moloyo jachwechne?
18 Beholde, he founde no stedfastnesse in his Seruants, and laid follie vpon his Angels.
Ka Nyasaye ok nyal geno jotichne, ma kata malaika bende joketho e nyime,
19 Howe much more in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which shalbe destroyed before the moth?
to koro ere kaka dodew dhano molos gi lowo, ma mise mag-gi en mana buru, ma inyalo duny marum mana ka oguyo!
20 They be destroyed from the morning vnto the euening: they perish for euer, without regarde.
Chakre kogwen nyaka odhiambo inyalo turgi matindo tindo ka ok ongʼeyo, kendo gilal nyaka chiengʼ.
21 Doeth not their dignitie goe away with them? do they not die, and that without wisdom?
Donge tondegi ma gitweyogo hema igonyo, mondo omi githo ka gionge rieko?’

< Job 4 >