< Job 37 >
1 At this also mine heart is astonied, and is mooued out of his place.
Langenxa yalokho inhliziyo yami iyathuthumela, yeqe endaweni yayo.
2 Heare the sound of his voyce, and the noyse that goeth out of his mouth.
Zwana lokuzwa umdumo welizwi lakhe, lomsindo ophuma emlonyeni wakhe.
3 He directeth it vnder the whole heauen, and his light vnto the endes of the world.
Uyakukhulula ngaphansi kwamazulu wonke, lokukhanya kwakhe kuze kube semikhawulweni yomhlaba.
4 After it a noyse soundeth: hee thundereth with the voyce of his maiestie, and hee will not stay them when his voyce is heard.
Emva kwalokho kubhonga ilizwi, uyaduma ngelizwi lokuphakama kwakhe, angakunqandi lapho kuzwakala ilizwi lakhe.
5 God thundereth marueilously with his voyce: he worketh great things, which we know not.
UNkulunkulu uyaduma ngelizwi lakhe ngokumangalisayo kakhulu, wenza izinto ezinkulu, esingeziqedisise.
6 For he sayth to the snowe, Be thou vpon the earth: likewise to the small rayne and to the great rayne of his power.
Ngoba kuliqhwa elikhithikileyo uthi: Woba semhlabeni; lakuzihlambo zezulu, lakuzihlambo zezulu elikhulu lamandla akhe.
7 With the force thereof he shutteth vp euery man, that all men may knowe his worke.
Uyanamathelisa isandla somuntu wonke, ukuze bazi bonke abantu bomsebenzi wakhe.
8 Then the beastes go into the denne, and remaine in their places.
Inyamazana ziyangena emihomeni yazo, zihlale ezikhundleni zazo.
9 The whirlewind commeth out of the South, and the colde from the North winde.
Isivunguzane siphuma ekamelweni leningizimu, lomqando emimoyeni yenyakatho.
10 At the breath of God the frost is giuen, and the breadth of the waters is made narrowe.
Ngomoya kaNkulunkulu kunikwa ungqwaqwane, lamanzi abanzi abe yilitshe.
11 He maketh also the cloudes to labour, to water the earth, and scattereth the cloude of his light.
Njalo uthwalisa amayezi ngobumanzi, ahlakaze iyezi lokukhanya kwakhe.
12 And it is turned about by his gouernment, that they may doe whatsoeuer he commandeth them vpon the whole worlde:
Njalo lona liyajikajika liphenduka ngokuqondisa kwakhe, ukuze enze konke awalaye khona, ebusweni bomhlaba emhlabathini.
13 Whether it be for punishment, or for his lande, or of mercie, he causeth it to come.
Loba ngoswazi, loba ngomhlaba wakhe, loba ngomusa, uyakufikisa.
14 Hearken vnto this, O Iob: stand and consider the wonderous workes of God.
Beka indlebe kukho, Jobe; mana, unanzelele imisebenzi emangalisayo kaNkulunkulu.
15 Diddest thou knowe when God disposed them? and caused the light of his cloud to shine?
Uyazi yini ukuthi uNkulunkulu uwalungisa nini, enze ukukhanya kwamayezi akhe kukhanye?
16 Hast thou knowen the varietie of the cloude, and the wonderous workes of him, that is perfite in knowledge?
Uyazi yini ukulengiswa kwamayezi, izimangaliso zopheleleyo elwazini?
17 Or howe thy clothes are warme, when he maketh the earth quiet through the South winde?
Ukuthi izigqoko zakho zikhudumala njani, ekuthuliseni umhlaba ngomoya weningizimu?
18 Hast thou stretched out the heaues, which are strong, and as a molten glasse?
Uwendlalile yini amayezi kanye laye, aqine njengesibuko esibunjiweyo ngokuncibilikisa?
19 Tell vs what we shall say vnto him: for we can not dispose our matter because of darknes.
Sifundise ukuthi sizakuthini kuye; singeke silungise lutho ngenxa yomnyama.
20 Shall it be told him when I speake? or shall man speake when he shalbe destroyed?
Kungalandiswa kuye yini ukuthi ngiyakhuluma? Uba umuntu engakhuluma, isibili uzaginywa.
21 And nowe men see not the light, which shineth in the cloudes, but the winde passeth and clenseth them.
Khathesi-ke kabakuboni ukukhanya okubenyezelayo okusemayezini, lapho umoya udlula uwahlambulula.
22 The brightnesse commeth out of the North: the praise thereof is to God, which is terrible.
Igolide livela enyakatho. KuNkulunkulu kulobukhosi obesabekayo.
23 It is the Almightie: we can not finde him out: he is excellent in power and iudgement, and aboundant in iustice: he afflicteth not.
USomandla singemfumane; uphakeme ngamandla, langokwahlulela, njalo mkhulu ngokulunga; kacindezeli.
24 Let men therefore feare him: for he will not regarde any that are wise in their owne conceit.
Ngakho abantu bayamesaba; kanaki wonke owabahlakaniphileyo ngenhliziyo.