< Job 33 >

1 Wherefore, Iob, I pray thee, heare my talke and hearken vnto all my wordes.
然ばヨブよ請ふ我が言ふ事を聽け わが一切の言語に耳を傾むけよ
2 Beholde now, I haue opened my mouth: my tongue hath spoken in my mouth.
視よ我口を啓き 舌を口の中に動かす
3 My words are in the vprightnesse of mine heart, and my lippes shall speake pure knowledge.
わが言ふ所は正義き心より出づ わが唇あきらかにその智識を陳ん
4 The Spirite of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almightie hath giuen me life.
神の靈われを造り 全能者の氣息われを活しむ
5 If thou canst giue me answere, prepare thy selfe and stand before me.
汝もし能せば我に答へよ わが前に言をいひつらねて立て
6 Beholde, I am according to thy wish in Gods stead: I am also formed of the clay.
我も汝とおなじく神の者なり 我もまた土より取てつくられしなり
7 Beholde, my terrour shall not feare thee, neither shall mine hand be heauie vpon thee.
わが威嚴はなんぢを懼れしめず わが勢はなんぢを壓せず
8 Doubtles thou hast spoken in mine eares, and I haue heard the voyce of thy wordes.
汝わが聽くところにて言談り 我なんぢの言語の聲を聞けり云く
9 I am cleane, without sinne: I am innocent, and there is none iniquitie in me.
われは潔淨くして愆なし 我は辜なく惡き事わが身にあらず
10 Lo, he hath found occasions against me, and counted me for his enemie.
視よ彼らわれを攻る釁隙を尋ね われを己の敵と算へ
11 He hath put my feete in the stockes, and looketh narrowly vnto all my paths.
12 Behold, in this hast thou not done right: I will answere thee, that God is greater then man.
視よ我なんぢに答へん なんぢ此事において正義からず 神は人よりも大なる者にいませり
13 Why doest thou striue against him? for he doeth not giue account of all his matters.
14 For God speaketh once or twise, and one seeth it not.
15 In dreames and visions of the night, when sleepe falleth vpon men, and they sleepe vpon their beds,
16 Then he openeth the eares of men, euen by their corrections, which he had sealed,
かれ人の耳をひらき その教ふる所を印して堅うし
17 That he might cause man to turne away from his enterprise, and that he might hide the pride of man,
斯して人にその惡き業を離れしめ 傲慢を人の中より除き
18 And keepe backe his soule from the pit, and that his life should not passe by the sword.
人の魂靈を護りて墓に至らしめず 人の生命を護りて劍にほろびざらしめたまふ
19 He is also striken with sorow vpon his bed, and the griefe of his bones is sore,
人床にありて疼痛に攻られ その骨の中に絶ず戰鬪のあるあり
20 So that his life causeth him to abhorre bread, and his soule daintie meate.
その氣食物を厭ひ その魂靈うまき物をも嫌ふ
21 His flesh faileth that it can not be seene, and his bones which were not seene, clatter.
その肉は痩おちて見えず その骨は見えざりし者までも顯露になり
22 So his soule draweth to the graue, and his life to the buriers.
その魂靈は墓に近より その生命は滅ぼす者に近づく
23 If there be a messenger with him, or an interpreter, one of a thousand to declare vnto man his righteousnesse,
しかる時にもし彼とともに一箇の使者あり 千の中の一箇にして中保となり 正しき道を人に示さば
24 Then will he haue mercie vpon him, and will say, Deliuer him, that he go not downe into the pit: for I haue receiued a reconciliation.
神かれを憫れみて言給はん彼を救ひて墓にくだること無らしめよ 我すでに收贖の物を得たりと
25 Then shall his flesh be as fresh as a childes, and shall returne as in the dayes of his youth.
その肉は小兒の肉よりも瑞々しくなり その若き時の形状に歸らん
26 He shall pray vnto God, and he will be fauourable vnto him, and he shall see his face with ioy: for he will render vnto man his righteousnes.
かれ若し神に祷らば神かれを顧りみ 彼をしてその御面を喜こび見ることを得せしめたまはん 神は人の正義に報をなしたまふべし
27 He looketh vpon men, and if one say, I haue sinned, and peruerted righteousnesse, and it did not profite me,
かれ人の前に歌ひて言ふ 我は罪を犯し正しきを抂たり 然ど報を蒙らず
28 He will deliuer his soule from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.
神わが魂靈を贖ひて墓に下らしめず わが生命光明を見ん
29 Lo, all these things will God worke twise or thrise with a man,
30 That he may turne backe his soule from the pit, to be illuminate in the light of the liuing.
31 Marke well, O Iob, and heare me: keepe silence, and I will speake.
ヨブよ耳を傾むけて我に聽け 請ふ默せよ 我かたらん
32 If there be matter, answere me, and speak: for I desire to iustifie thee.
なんぢもし言ふべきことあらば我にこたへよ 請ふ語れ 我なんぢを義とせんと慾すればなり
33 If thou hast not, heare me: holde thy tongue, and I will teach thee wisedome.
もし無ば我に聽け 請ふ默せよ 我なんぢに智慧を教へん

< Job 33 >