< Job 32 >
1 So these three men ceased to answere Iob, because he esteemed himselfe iust.
omiserunt autem tres viri isti respondere Iob eo quod iustus sibi videretur
2 Then the wrath of Elihu the sonne of Barachel the Buzite, of the familie of Ram, was kindled: his wrath, I say, was kindled against Iob, because he iustified himselfe more then God.
et iratus indignatusque Heliu filius Barachel Buzites de cognatione Ram iratus est autem adversus Iob eo quod iustum se esse diceret coram Deo
3 Also his anger was kindled against his three friends, because they could not finde an answere, and yet condemned Iob.
porro adversum amicos eius indignatus est eo quod non invenissent responsionem rationabilem sed tantummodo condemnassent Iob
4 (Now Elihu had wayted til Iob had spoken: for they were more ancient in yeeres then he)
igitur Heliu expectavit Iob loquentem eo quod seniores se essent qui loquebantur
5 So when Elihu saw, that there was none answere in the mouth of the three men, his wrath was kindled.
cum autem vidisset quod tres respondere non potuissent iratus est vehementer
6 Therefore Elihu the sonne of Barachel, the Buzite answered, and sayd, I am yong in yeres, and ye are ancient: therefore I doubted, and was afraide to shewe you mine opinion.
respondensque Heliu filius Barachel Buzites dixit iunior sum tempore vos autem antiquiores idcirco dimisso capite veritus sum indicare vobis meam sententiam
7 For I said, The dayes shall speake, and the multitude of yeeres shall teach wisedome.
sperabam enim quod aetas prolixior loqueretur et annorum multitudo doceret sapientiam
8 Surely there is a spirite in man, but the inspiration of the Almightie giueth vnderstanding.
sed ut video spiritus est in hominibus et inspiratio Omnipotentis dat intellegentiam
9 Great men are not alway wise, neither doe the aged alway vnderstand iudgement.
non sunt longevi sapientes nec senes intellegunt iudicium
10 Therefore I say, Heare me, and I will shew also mine opinion.
ideo dicam audite me ostendam vobis etiam ego meam scientiam
11 Behold, I did waite vpon your wordes, and hearkened vnto your knowledge, whiles you sought out reasons.
expectavi enim sermones vestros audivi prudentiam vestram donec disceptaremini sermonibus
12 Yea, when I had considered you, lo, there was none of you that reproued Iob, nor answered his wordes:
et donec putabam vos aliquid dicere considerabam sed ut video non est qui arguere possit Iob et respondere ex vobis sermonibus eius
13 Lest ye should say, We haue found wisedome: for God hath cast him downe, and no man.
ne forte dicatis invenimus sapientiam Deus proiecit eum non homo
14 Yet hath he not directed his words to me, neyther will I answere him by your wordes.
nihil locutus est mihi et ego non secundum vestros sermones respondebo illi
15 Then they fearing, answered no more, but left off their talke.
extimuerunt non responderunt ultra abstuleruntque a se eloquia
16 When I had wayted (for they spake not, but stood still and answered no more)
quoniam igitur expectavi et non sunt locuti steterunt nec responderunt ultra
17 Then answered I in my turne, and I shewed mine opinion.
respondebo et ego partem meam et ostendam scientiam meam
18 For I am full of matter, and the spirite within me compelleth me.
plenus sum enim sermonibus et coartat me spiritus uteri mei
19 Beholde, my belly is as the wine, which hath no vent, and like the new bottels that brast.
en venter meus quasi mustum absque spiraculo quod lagunculas novas disrumpit
20 Therefore will I speake, that I may take breath: I will open my lippes, and will answere.
loquar et respirabo paululum aperiam labia mea et respondebo
21 I will not now accept the person of man, neyther will I giue titles to man.
non accipiam personam viri et Deum homini non aequabo
22 For I may not giue titles, lest my Maker should take me away suddenly.
nescio enim quamdiu subsistam et si post modicum tollat me factor meus