< Job 30 >

1 Bvt now they that are yonger then I, mocke me: yea, they whose fathers I haue refused to set with the dogges of my flockes.
“Asi zvino vanondiseka, varume vaduku kwandiri, vane madzibaba andaishora zvokuti handaivaisa pakati pembwa dzinofudza makwai angu.
2 For whereto shoulde the strength of their handes haue serued mee, seeing age perished in them?
Ko, simba ramaoko avo raizondibatsirei, sezvo simba ravo rakanga rapera?
3 For pouertie and famine they were solitary, fleeing into the wildernes, which is darke, desolate and waste.
Vapererwa nokuda kwokushayiwa uye nenzara, vakadzivaira usiku munyika yakaoma, mumatongo nomunyika yakaparara.
4 They cut vp nettels by the bushes, and the iuniper rootes was their meate.
Vakaunganidza miriwo inovavira kubva mumakwenzi, uye zvokudya zvavo zvakanga zviri mudzi womuti womurara.
5 They were chased forth from among men: they shouted at them, as at a theefe.
Vakabviswa pakati pavanhu vokwavo, vachitukwa kunge vakanga vari mbavha.
6 Therfore they dwelt in the clefts of riuers, in the holes of the earth and rockes.
Vakamanikidzwa kuti vagare mukati mehova dzakaoma, pakati pamatombo nomumakomba, muvhu.
7 They roared among the bushes, and vnder the thistles they gathered themselues.
Vakarira samakwai pakati pamakwenzi, uye vakamanikidzana pasi porukato.
8 They were the children of fooles and the children of villaines, which were more vile then the earth.
Vakanga vari vanhu vakazvidzika vasina zita, vakadzingwa kubva munyika.
9 And now am I their song, and I am their talke.
“Uye zvino vanakomana vavo vanondiseka munziyo; ndava shumo pakati pavo.
10 They abhorre me, and flee farre from mee, and spare not to spit in my face.
Vanondisema uye vanomira kure neni; havazezi kundipfira mate kumeso.
11 Because that God hath loosed my corde and humbled mee, they haue loosed the bridle before me.
Sezvo zvino Mwari akatsudunura uta hwangu uye akanditambudza, havazvidzori pamberi pangu.
12 The youth rise vp at my right hand: they haue pusht my feete, and haue trode on me as on the paths of their destruction.
Kurudyi rwangu rudzi runondirwisa; vanoisira makumbo angu misungo, vanovaka michinjiziri yokurwa neni.
13 They haue destroyed my paths: they tooke pleasure at my calamitie, they had none helpe.
Vanoparadza mugwagwa wangu; vanobudirira pakundiparadza, pasina munhu anovabatsira.
14 They came as a great breach of waters, and vnder this calamitie they come on heapes.
Vanofamba zvavo kunge vanopinda napakakoromoka; pakati pamatongo vanongopinda zvavo.
15 Feare is turned vpon mee: and they pursue my soule as the winde, and mine health passeth away as a cloude.
Zvinotyisa zvinondibata; kukudzwa kwangu kwabviswa sokunge nemhepo, kuchengetedzeka kwangu kwapera segore.
16 Therefore my soule is nowe powred out vpon me, and the dayes of affliction haue taken holde on me.
“Uye zvino upenyu hwangu hwava kuguma; mazuva okutambudzika anondibata.
17 It pearceth my bones in the night, and my sinewes take no rest.
Usiku hunobaya mapfupa angu; zvinondiruma-ruma zvinorwadza hazvizorori.
18 For the great vehemencie is my garment changed, which compasseth me about as the colar of my coate.
Nesimba rake guru Mwari anova chipfeko kwandiri; anondisunga somutsipa wenguo yangu.
19 He hath cast me into the myre, and I am become like ashes and dust.
Anondikanda mumatope, uye ndava seguruva namadota.
20 Whe I cry vnto thee, thou doest not heare me, neither regardest me, when I stand vp.
“Ndinochema kwamuri, imi Mwari, asi hamundipinduri; ndinosimuka, asi munongonditarisa zvenyu.
21 Thou turnest thy selfe cruelly against me, and art enemie vnto mee with the strength of thine hand.
Munondishandukira noutsinye; munondirova nesimba roruoko rwenyu.
22 Thou takest me vp and causest mee to ride vpon the winde, and makest my strength to faile.
Munondibvuta mondidzingira pamberi pemhepo; munonditenderedza mudutu.
23 Surely I knowe that thou wilt bring mee to death, and to the house appoynted for all the liuing.
Ndinoziva kuti muchandiburutsa muchindiendesa kurufu, kunzvimbo yakatsaurirwa vapenyu vose.
24 Doubtles none can stretch his hand vnto the graue, though they cry in his destruction.
“Zvirokwazvo, hakuna munhu anobata munhu ari kushushikana paanochemera rubatsiro pakutambudzika kwake.
25 Did not I weepe with him that was in trouble? was not my soule in heauinesse for the poore?
Ko, handina kuchema nokuda kwevaitambura here? Ko, mweya wangu hauna kuva neshungu pamusoro pavarombo here?
26 Yet when I looked for good, euill came vnto me: and when I waited for light, there came darkenesse.
Kunyange zvakadaro, pandakanga ndakarindira zvakanaka, zvakaipa zvakasvika; pandakatarisira chiedza, ipapo rima rakasvika.
27 My bowels did boyle without rest: for the dayes of affliction are come vpon me.
Kumonyoroka kwoura hwangu hakumbomiri; mazuva okutambudzika anondivinga.
28 I went mourning without sunne: I stood vp in the congregation and cryed.
Ndinodzungaira ndichisvibiswa, asi kwete nezuva; ndinosimuka pakati peungano ndichichemera rubatsiro.
29 I am a brother to the dragons, and a companion to the ostriches.
Ndava hama yamakava, neshamwari yamazizi.
30 My skinne is blacke vpon me, and my bones are burnt with heate.
Ganda rangu riri kusviba uye riri kufunuka; muviri wangu unopisa nefivha.
31 Therefore mine harpe is turned to mourning, and mine organs into the voyce of them that weepe.
Mbira dzangu dzava kungoridza nziyo dzokuchema, uye nyere yangu nziyo dzokuungudza.

< Job 30 >