< Job 3 >

1 Afterward Iob opened his mouth, and cursed his day.
Oluvannyuma lw’ebyo, Yobu n’ayasamya akamwa ke n’akolimira olunaku kwe yazaalirwa.
2 And Iob cryed out, and sayd,
N’agamba nti,
3 Let the day perish, wherein I was borne, and the night when it was sayde, There is a man childe conceiued.
“Olunaku kwe nazaalirwa luzikirire, n’ekiro lwe kyalangirirwa nti omwana mulenzi.
4 Let that day bee darkenesse, let not God regarde it from aboue, neyther let the light shine vpon it,
Olunaku olwo lubuutikirwe ekizikiza, omusana guleme okulwakako, Katonda aleme okulufaako.
5 But let darkenesse, and the shadowe of death staine it: let the cloude remayne vpon it, and let them make it fearefull as a bitter day.
Ekizikiza n’ekisiikirize eky’okufa birujjule, ekire kirutuuleko, ekizikiza kikankanye ekitangaala kyalwo.
6 Let darkenesse possesse that night, let it not be ioyned vnto the dayes of the yeere, nor let it come into the count of the moneths.
Ekizikiza ekikutte be zigizigi kirunyage, luleme okubalirwa awamu n’ennaku eziri mu mwaka, wadde okuyingizibwa mu ezo eziri mu mwezi.
7 Yea, desolate be that night, and let no ioy be in it.
Yee, lubeere lugumba, waleme okuba eddoboozi lyonna ery’essanyu eririwulirwako.
8 Let them that curse the day, (being readie to renue their mourning) curse it.
Abo abakolimira ennyanja n’ennaku balukolimire, n’abo abamanyi okuzuukusa agasolo galukwata mu nnyanja, balukolimire.
9 Let the starres of that twilight be dimme through darkenesse of it: let it looke for light, but haue none: neither let it see the dawning of the day,
Emmunyeenye ez’omu matulutulu gaalwo zibe ekizikiza, lulindirire ekitangaala kirubulwe, luleme okulaba ebikowe by’oku nkya.
10 Because it shut not vp the dores of my mothers wombe: nor hid sorowe from mine eyes.
Kubanga terwaggala nzigi za lubuto lwa mmange, nneme okulaba obuyinike.
11 Why died I not in the birth? or why dyed I not, when I came out of the wombe?
“Lwaki saafa nga nzalibwa, oba ne nfa nga nva mu lubuto lwa mmange?
12 Why did the knees preuent me? and why did I sucke the breasts?
Lwaki amaviivi ganzikiriza okugatuulako era n’amabeere okugayonka?
13 For so shoulde I now haue lyen and bene quiet, I should haue slept then, and bene at rest,
Kaakano nandibadde ngalamidde nga neesirikidde, nandibadde neebase nga neewummulidde,
14 With the Kings and counselers of the earth, which haue buylded themselues desolate places:
wamu ne bakabaka n’abakungu ab’ensi, abezimbira embiri kaakano amatongo,
15 Or with the princes that had golde, and haue filled their houses with siluer.
oba n’abalangira abaalina zaabu, abajjuzanga ffeeza mu nnyumba zaabwe.
16 Or why was I not hid, as an vntimely birth, either as infants, which haue not seene the light?
Oba lwaki saaziikibwa ng’omwana azaaliddwa ng’afudde, atalabye ku kitangaala?
17 The wicked haue there ceased from their tyrannie, and there they that laboured valiantly, are at rest.
Eyo ababi gye batatawaanyizibwa, era n’abakooye gye bawummulira.
18 The prisoners rest together, and heare not the voyce of the oppressour.
Abasibe gye bawummulira awamu, gye batawulirira kiragiro ky’oyo abaduumira.
19 There are small and great, and the seruant is free from his master.
Abakopi n’abakungu gye babeera; abaddu gye batatuntuzibwa bakama baabwe.
20 Wherefore is the light giuen to him that is in miserie? and life vnto them that haue heauie hearts?
“Lwaki omuyinike aweebwa ekitangaala, ne kimulisiza oyo alumwa mu mwoyo,
21 Which long for death, and if it come not, they would euen search it more then treasures:
era lwaki yeegomba okufa naye ne kutajja, n’akunoonya okusinga obugagga obuziikiddwa,
22 Which ioy for gladnes, and reioyce, when they can finde the graue.
abajaguza ekisukkiridde, ne basanyuka ng’atuuse ku ntaana?
23 Why is the light giuen to the man whose way is hid, and whom God hath hedged in?
Lwaki okuwa ekitangaala oyo, atayinza kulaba kkubo, Katonda gw’akomedde?
24 For my sighing commeth before I eate, and my roarings are powred out like the water.
Kubanga nkaaba mu kifo ky’okulya, n’okusinda kwange kufukumuka ng’amazzi.
25 For the thing I feared, is come vpon me, and the thing that I was afraid of, is come vnto me.
Ekintu kye nantiiranga ddala era kye nakyawa kye kyantukako.
26 I had no peace, neither had I quietnesse, neither had I rest, yet trouble is come.
Siwummudde wadde okusiriikirira wadde okuba n’emirembe, wabula buzibu bwereere bwe bunzijidde.”

< Job 3 >