< Job 3 >

1 Afterward Iob opened his mouth, and cursed his day.
Bangʼ mano, Ayub nowuoyo ka kwongʼo chiengʼ mane onywole.
2 And Iob cryed out, and sayd,
Ayub nowacho kama:
3 Let the day perish, wherein I was borne, and the night when it was sayde, There is a man childe conceiued.
“Mad chiengʼ mane onywolaeni lal nono, kaachiel gi otieno mane owachie ni, ‘Onywol nyathi ma wuowi!’
4 Let that day bee darkenesse, let not God regarde it from aboue, neyther let the light shine vpon it,
Odiechiengno mad lokre mudho; mad Nyasaye man malo kik dewe; mad ler moro amora kik rieny kuome.
5 But let darkenesse, and the shadowe of death staine it: let the cloude remayne vpon it, and let them make it fearefull as a bitter day.
Mad odiechiengno otim luoch kendo mudho mandiwa oime; boche polo mondo oume; kendo wangʼ chiengʼ otim mudho.
6 Let darkenesse possesse that night, let it not be ioyned vnto the dayes of the yeere, nor let it come into the count of the moneths.
Otienono, mad olal e mudho mandiwa; kik obed kaka achiel kuom odiechienge mag higa, kendo kik kwane kaka achiel kuom odiechienge mag dwe.
7 Yea, desolate be that night, and let no ioy be in it.
Mad otienono bed migumba; mad kik winj koko moro amora mar mor e iye.
8 Let them that curse the day, (being readie to renue their mourning) curse it.
Mad joma kwongʼo odiechienge okwongʼ odiechiengno, ma gin jogo molony gi luongo le manie nam miluongo ni Leviathan mawuogi.
9 Let the starres of that twilight be dimme through darkenesse of it: let it looke for light, but haue none: neither let it see the dawning of the day,
Mad sulwege mokinyi lokre mudho; mad piny mogeno ni biro ru tamre, kendo kik one ka ugwe chako wangʼ,
10 Because it shut not vp the dores of my mothers wombe: nor hid sorowe from mine eyes.
nikech ne ok oloro dhoudi mag ii minwa mondo ne kik nywola kendo ane chandruok makoro anenogi.
11 Why died I not in the birth? or why dyed I not, when I came out of the wombe?
“Dine atho ei minwa, kata dine obwoga ka inywola?
12 Why did the knees preuent me? and why did I sucke the breasts?
Angʼo momiyo minwa nopira e chonge kendo adhodho thunde?
13 For so shoulde I now haue lyen and bene quiet, I should haue slept then, and bene at rest,
Nimar dikoro ayweyo gi kwe; kendo dikoro anindo kendo ayweyo,
14 With the Kings and counselers of the earth, which haue buylded themselues desolate places:
gi ruodhi kaachiel gi jongʼad rieko mag piny, mane ogero kuondegi madongo mag dak matinde olokore gundni,
15 Or with the princes that had golde, and haue filled their houses with siluer.
kaachiel gi joloch mane nigi dhahabu, kendo mane opongʼo utegi gi fedha.
16 Or why was I not hid, as an vntimely birth, either as infants, which haue not seene the light?
Koso angʼo mane omono panda ei liel ka nyathi monywol kosetho, kata ka nyathi mayom mane ok oneno ler mar odiechiengʼ?
17 The wicked haue there ceased from their tyrannie, and there they that laboured valiantly, are at rest.
Kuno joma timbegi richo weyoe timbegigo, kendo kuno joma ool yudoe yweyo.
18 The prisoners rest together, and heare not the voyce of the oppressour.
Joma ni e twech kuno bende winjo maber; nikech gionge gi nyapara ma chikogi kuno.
19 There are small and great, and the seruant is free from his master.
Jomatindo gi jomadongo ni kuno kata wasumbini bende bedo maonge e bwo chik.
20 Wherefore is the light giuen to him that is in miserie? and life vnto them that haue heauie hearts?
“Angʼo momiyo ichiwo ngima ne joma winjo malit, kod ngima ne joma chunygi lit,
21 Which long for death, and if it come not, they would euen search it more then treasures:
gigombo tho, to tho ok neg-gi, adier, gidwaro tho moloyo mwandu mopandi,
22 Which ioy for gladnes, and reioyce, when they can finde the graue.
gin joma opongʼ gi mor kendo gibedo moil ka gitundo ei liel?
23 Why is the light giuen to the man whose way is hid, and whom God hath hedged in?
Angʼo momiyo owe ngʼato ka ngima to yorene odinore, ka ngʼatno Nyasaye ogengʼone koni gi koni?
24 For my sighing commeth before I eate, and my roarings are powred out like the water.
Nikech kuyo kod ywak omona chiemo; kendo chur ma achurgo chalo gi oula mabubni.
25 For the thing I feared, is come vpon me, and the thing that I was afraid of, is come vnto me.
Gima ne aluoro ema koro osemaka; gima ne aluoro mogik e ngimana ema koro osetimorena.
26 I had no peace, neither had I quietnesse, neither had I rest, yet trouble is come.
Aonge gi kwe, chunya chandore; aonge yweyo, kendo thagruok lilo ema aneno.”

< Job 3 >