< Job 23 >

1 Bvt Iob answered and sayd,
Då svara Job og sagde:
2 Though my talke be this day in bitternes, and my plague greater then my groning,
«Endå gjeld klaga mi for tråss, tungt legg eg handi på min sukk.
3 Would God yet I knew how to finde him, I would enter vnto his place.
Berre eg kunde finna honom og koma til hans bustad fram!
4 I would pleade the cause before him, and fill my mouth with arguments.
Då la eg fram for han mi sak og fyllte munnen min med prov.
5 I would knowe the wordes, that he would answere me, and would vnderstand what he would say vnto me.
Då høyrde eg kva svar han gav, og merka det han sa til meg.
6 Would he plead against me with his great power? No, but he would put strength in me.
Vilde med magt han mot meg standa? Nei, lyda på meg vilde han.
7 There the righteous might reason with him, so I shoulde be deliuered for euer from my Iudge.
Ein skuldfri stod då for han fram; for alltid slapp eg domar min.
8 Behold, if I go to the East, he is not there: if to the West, yet I can not perceiue him:
Gjeng eg i aust, han er’kje der; mot vest, eg vert han ikkje var;
9 If to the North where he worketh, yet I cannot see him: he wil hide himselfe in the South, and I cannot beholde him.
i nord han verkar, ei eg ser han, han snur mot sud, eg ser han ikkje.
10 But he knoweth my way, and trieth mee, and I shall come forth like the gold.
For all den veg eg fer han kjenner; prøvde han meg, eg var som gull.
11 My foote hath followed his steps: his way haue I kept, and haue not declined.
Min fot hev fylgt i faret hans; hans veg eg gjeng ubrigdeleg,
12 Neyther haue I departed from the commandement of his lippes, and I haue esteemed the words of his mouth more then mine appointed foode.
veik ei frå det hans lippa baud, meir enn mi lov eg lydde hans.
13 Yet he is in one minde, and who can turne him? yea, he doeth what his minde desireth.
Men ein er han, kven hindrar honom? Det han hev hug til, gjer han og.
14 For he will performe that, which is decreed of me, and many such things are with him.
Han um min lagnad avgjerd tek, og hev med meg so mangt i emning.
15 Therefore I am troubled at his presence, and in considering it, I am afraid of him.
Eg difor ræddast for hans åsyn, når eg det minnest, skjelv eg for han.
16 For God hath softened mine heart, and the Almightie hath troubled me.
Ja, Gud hev brote ned mitt mod, og Allvald hev gjort meg fælen,
17 For I am not cut off in darknesse, but he hath hid the darkenesse from my face.
ei er det myrkret som meg tyner, og ei mi eigi myrke åsyn.

< Job 23 >