< Job 21 >

1 Bvt Iob answered, and sayd,
respondens autem Iob dixit
2 Heare diligently my wordes, and this shalbe in stead of your consolations.
audite quaeso sermones meos et agetis paenitentiam
3 Suffer mee, that I may speake, and when I haue spoken, mocke on.
sustinete me ut et ego loquar et post mea si videbitur verba ridete
4 Doe I direct my talke to man? If it were so, how should not my spirit be troubled?
numquid contra hominem disputatio mea est ut merito non debeam contristari
5 Marke mee, and be abashed, and lay your hand vpon your mouth.
adtendite me et obstupescite et superponite digitum ori vestro
6 Euen when I remember, I am afrayde, and feare taketh hold on my flesh.
et ego quando recordatus fuero pertimesco et concutit carnem meam tremor
7 Wherefore do the wicked liue, and waxe olde, and grow in wealth?
quare ergo impii vivunt sublevati sunt confortatique divitiis
8 Their seede is established in their sight with them, and their generation before their eyes.
semen eorum permanet coram eis propinquorum turba et nepotum in conspectu eorum
9 Their houses are peaceable without feare, and the rod of God is not vpon them.
domus eorum securae sunt et pacatae et non est virga Dei super illos
10 Their bullocke gendreth, and fayleth not: their cow calueth, and casteth not her calfe.
bos eorum concepit et non abortit vacca peperit et non est privata fetu suo
11 They send forth their children like sheepe, and their sonnes dance.
egrediuntur quasi greges parvuli eorum et infantes eorum exultant lusibus
12 They take the tabret and harpe, and reioyce in the sound of the organs.
tenent tympanum et citharam et gaudent ad sonitum organi
13 They spend their dayes in wealth, and suddenly they go downe to the graue. (Sheol h7585)
ducunt in bonis dies suos et in puncto ad inferna descendunt (Sheol h7585)
14 They say also vnto God, Depart from vs: for we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes.
qui dixerunt Deo recede a nobis et scientiam viarum tuarum nolumus
15 Who is the Almightie, that we should serue him? and what profit should we haue, if we should pray vnto him?
quid est Omnipotens ut serviamus ei et quid nobis prodest si oraverimus illum
16 Lo, their wealth is not in their hand: therfore let the counsell of the wicked bee farre from me.
verumtamen quia non sunt in manu eorum bona sua consilium impiorum longe sit a me
17 How oft shall the candle of the wicked be put out? and their destruction come vpon them? he wil deuide their liues in his wrath.
quotiens lucerna impiorum extinguetur et superveniet eis inundatio et dolores dividet furoris sui
18 They shall be as stubble before the winde, and as chaffe that the storme carieth away.
erunt sicut paleae ante faciem venti et sicut favilla quam turbo dispergit
19 God wil lay vp the sorowe of the father for his children: when he rewardeth him, hee shall knowe it.
Deus servabit filiis illius dolorem patris et cum reddiderit tunc sciet
20 His eyes shall see his destruction, and he shall drinke of the wrath of the Almightie.
videbunt oculi eius interfectionem suam et de furore Omnipotentis bibet
21 For what pleasure hath he in his house after him, when the nomber of his moneths is cut off?
quid enim ad eum pertinet de domo sua post se et si numerus mensuum eius dimidietur
22 Shall any teache God knowledge, who iudgeth the highest things?
numquid Deum quispiam docebit scientiam qui excelsos iudicat
23 One dyeth in his full strength, being in all ease and prosperitie.
iste moritur robustus et sanus dives et felix
24 His breasts are full of milke, and his bones runne full of marowe.
viscera eius plena sunt adipe et medullis ossa illius inrigantur
25 And another dieth in the bitternes of his soule, and neuer eateth with pleasure.
alius vero moritur in amaritudine animae absque ullis opibus
26 They shall sleepe both in the dust, and the wormes shall couer them.
et tamen simul in pulverem dormient et vermes operient eos
27 Behold, I know your thoughts, and the enterprises, wherewith ye do me wrong.
certe novi cogitationes vestras et sententias contra me iniquas
28 For ye say, Where is the princes house? and where is the tabernacle of the wickeds dwelling?
dicitis enim ubi est domus principis et ubi tabernacula impiorum
29 May ye not aske the that go by the way? and ye can not deny their signes.
interrogate quemlibet de viatoribus et haec eadem eum intellegere cognoscetis
30 But the wicked is kept vnto the day of destruction, and they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath.
quia in diem perditionis servabitur malus et ad diem furoris ducitur
31 Who shall declare his way to his face? and who shall reward him for that he hath done?
quis arguet coram eo viam eius et quae fecit quis reddet illi
32 Yet shall he be brought to the graue, and remaine in the heape.
ipse ad sepulchra ducetur et in congerie mortuorum vigilabit
33 The slimie valley shalbe sweete vnto him, and euery man shall draw after him, as before him there were innumerable.
dulcis fuit glareis Cocyti et post se omnem hominem trahet et ante se innumerabiles
34 How then comfort ye me in vaine, seeing in your answeres there remaine but lyes?
quomodo igitur consolamini me frustra cum responsio vestra repugnare ostensa sit veritati

< Job 21 >