< Job 20 >

1 Then answered Zophar the Naamathite and saide,
तब सोपर नमातीले जवाफ दिए र यसो भने,
2 Doubtlesse my thoughts cause me to answere, and therefore I make haste.
“ममा भएको चिन्ताको कारणले, मेरा विचारहरूले मलाई झट्टै जवाफ दिने बनाउँछन् ।
3 I haue heard the correction of my reproch: therefore the spirite of mine vnderstanding causeth me to answere.
मलाई अनादार गर्ने हप्की म सुन्छु, तर मेरो सुझबुझको आत्माले मलाई जवाफ दिन्छ ।
4 Knowest thou not this of olde? and since God placed man vpon the earth,
यो सत्यता तपाईंलाई प्राचीन समयदेखि नै थाहा छैन र, जति बेला परमेश्‍वरले मानिसलाई पृथ्वीमा राख्‍नुभयोः
5 That the reioycing of the wicked is short, and that the ioy of hypocrites is but a moment?
दुष्‍ट मानिसको जित क्षणिक हुन्छ, र ईश्‍वरहीन मानिसको आनन्द क्षणभर मात्र रहन्‍छ ।
6 Though his excellencie mount vp to the heauen, and his head reache vnto the cloudes,
उसको उच्‍चता आकाशसम्मै पुगे, र उसको शिर बादलसम्मै पुगे पनि,
7 Yet shall hee perish for euer, like his dung, and they which haue seene him, shall say, Where is hee?
त्‍यस्‍तो व्यक्ति आफ्नै मलमूत्रझैं स्थायी रूपमा नष्‍ट हुनेछ । उसलाई देखेकाहरूले सोध्‍नेछन्, 'ऊ कहाँ छ?'
8 He shall flee away as a dreame, and they shall not finde him, and shall passe away as a vision of the night,
ऊ सपनाझैं हराउनेछ, र भेट्टाइने छैन । वास्तवमा ऊ रातको दर्शनझैं लुप्‍त हुनेछ ।
9 So that the eye which had seene him, shall do so no more, and his place shall see him no more.
उसलाई देखेका आँखाले फेरि उसलाई देख्‍नेछैन । उसको ठाउँले फेरि उसलाई देख्‍नेछैन ।
10 His children shall flatter the poore, and his hands shall restore his substance.
उसका छोराछोरीले गरिब मानिसहरू सँग क्षमा माग्‍नेछन् । उसको धन-सम्पत्ति उसकै हातले फिर्ता गर्नुपर्नेछ ।
11 His bones are full of the sinne of his youth, and it shall lie downe with him in the dust.
उसका हड्‍डीहरू युवावस्थाका ताकतले भरिएका छन्, तर ऊसँगै ती पनि भुइँमा ढल्‍नेछन् ।
12 When wickednesse was sweete in his mouth, and he hid it vnder his tongue,
उसको मुखमा दुष्‍टता गुलियो भए पनि, उसले त्‍यसलाई आफ्नो जिब्रोमुनि लुकाए पनि,
13 And fauoured it, and would not forsake it, but kept it close in his mouth,
उसले त्‍यो त्‍यहीं राख्‍छ अनि त्‍यसलाई, फुत्‍किन दिंदैन तर त्‍यो आफ्‍नो मुखेमा राख्‍छ भने पनि,
14 Then his meat in his bowels was turned: the gall of Aspes was in the middes of him.
उसको भुँडीभित्र भएको खाना तितो बन्छ । उसको भित्र त्‍यो सर्पको विषझैं बन्छ ।
15 He hath deuoured substance, and hee shall vomit it: for God shall drawe it out of his bellie.
उसले धन-सम्पत्ति निल्छ, तर उसले फेरि ती बान्‍ता गर्छ । परमेश्‍वरले उसको पेटबाट ती बाहिर निकाल्नुन्‍छ ।
16 He shall sucke the gall of Aspes, and the vipers tongue shall slay him.
उसले सर्षको विष चुस्‍नेछ । साँभे-सर्पको जिब्रोले उसलाई मार्नेछ ।
17 He shall not see the riuers, nor the floods and streames of honie and butter.
महको धारा अर्थात् तरलता, र घिउको आनन्‍द उसले लिन पाउनेछैन ।
18 He shall restore the labour, and shall deuoure no more: euen according to the substance shalbe his exchange, and he shall enioy it no more.
आफ्नो परिश्रमको फल उसले फिर्ता गर्नेछ र त्यो खान सक्‍नेछैन । आफ्‍नो व्यापारद्वारा कमाएको सम्‍पत्तिको आनन्‍द उसले पाउनेछैन ।
19 For he hath vndone many: he hath forsaken the poore, and hath spoyled houses which he builded not.
किनकि उसले गरिब मानिसहरूलाई अत्याचार र बेवास्ता गरेको छ । आफूले नबनाएका घरहरूलाई उसले जबरजस्‍ती कब्जा गरेको छ ।
20 Surely he shall feele no quietnes in his bodie, neither shall he reserue of that which he desired.
ऊ आफैमा सन्तुष्‍ट नभएको हुनाले, आफूले मजा लिने कुनै कुरा पनि उसले बचाउन सक्‍नेछैन ।
21 There shall none of his meate bee left: therefore none shall hope for his goods.
उसले नखाएको कुनै कुरो बाँकी छैन । त्यसकारण उसको सम्‍बृद्धि स्थायी हुनेछैन ।
22 When he shalbe filled with his abundance, he shalbe in paine, and the hand of all the wicked shall assaile him.
आफ्नो धनको प्रचुरतामा ऊ सङ्कष्‍टमा पर्नेछ । गरिबीमा रहेकाहरू हरेकको हात उसको विरुद्धमा आइलाग्‍नेछ ।
23 He shall be about to fill his belly, but God shall sende vpon him his fierce wrath, and shall cause to rayne vpon him, euen vpon his meate.
उसले आफ्नो पेट भर्नै लाग्दा, परमेश्‍वरले आफ्नो घोर क्रोध उसमा उतार्नुहुन्‍छ । उसले खाइरहँदा परमेश्‍वरले उसमाथि त्‍यो बर्साउनुहुन्‍छ ।
24 He shall flee from the yron weapons, and the bow of steele shall strike him through.
त्‍यो मानिस फलामको हतियारबाट भागे तापनि, काँसको धनुले उसलाई प्रहार गर्नेछ ।
25 The arrowe is drawen out, and commeth forth of the body, and shineth of his gall, so feare commeth vpon him.
आफ्नो पिठिउँबाट उसले त्यो तान्‍नेछ, र चम्कने टुप्पो उसको कलेजोबाट बाहिर निस्कनेछ । उसमा त्रासहरू आउनेछन् ।
26 All darkenes shalbe hid in his secret places: the fire that is not blowen, shall deuoure him, and that which remaineth in his tabernacle, shalbe destroyed.
उसको धनको लागि निस्पट्ट अन्धकार साँचिएको छ । प्रचण्ड आगोले उसलाई भस्म पार्नेछ । उसको पालमा छोडिएका सबै कुरालाई त्‍यसले भष्‍म पार्नेछ ।
27 The heauen shall declare his wickednes, and the earth shall rise vp against him.
स्वर्गले उसको अधर्म प्रकट गर्नेछ, र साक्षीको रूपमा पृथ्वी नै उसको विरुद्धमा खडा हुनेछ ।
28 The increase of his house shall go away: it shall flow away in the day of his wrath.
उसको घरको धन लुप्‍त हुनेछ । परमेश्‍वरको क्रोधको दिनमा उसका सामानहरू टाढा बग्‍नेछन् ।
29 This is the portion of the wicked man from God, and the heritage that he shall haue of God for his wordes.
परमेश्‍वरबाट दुष्‍ट मानिसले पाउने भाग, परमेश्‍वरले उसको निम्ति साँच्नुभएको पैतृक-अंश यही हो ।

< Job 20 >