< Job 19 >

1 Bvt Iob answered, and said,
Dia namaly Joba ka nanao hoe:
2 Howe long will yee vexe my soule, and torment me with wordes?
Mandra-pahoviana no hampalahelovanareo ny fanahiko sy hanorotoroanareo ahy amin’ ny fiteny?
3 Ye haue now ten times reproched me, and are not ashamed: ye are impudent toward mee.
Efa im-polo izay no nanaratsianareo ahy; Tsy misoroka izay hampahory ahy ianareo.
4 And though I had in deede erred, mine errour remaineth with me.
Ary raha diso tokoa aho, dia izaho ihany no andrian’ ny fa hadisoako.
5 But in deede if ye will aduance your selues against me, and rebuke me for my reproche,
Raha mirehareha amiko kosa ianareo ka mampiaiky ahy ho nanao izay mahamenatra,
6 Know nowe, that God hath ouerthrowen me, and hath compassed me with his net.
Dia aoka ho fantatrareo fa Andriamanitra no efa nampitanondrika ahy ka efa naningotra ahy tamin’ ny fandrika haratony.
7 Beholde, I crie out of violence, but I haue none answere: I crie, but there is no iudgement.
Indro, miantso mafy aho hoe: Loza! nefa tsy misy mamaly ahy; Mitaraina aho, nefa tsy mahita rariny.
8 Hee hath hedged vp my way that I cannot passe, and he hath set darkenesse in my paths.
Ny lalako dia nofefeny, ka tsy afa-mandroso aho; ary nasiany maizina teo amin’ ny lalana alehako.
9 Hee hath spoyled mee of mine honour, and taken the crowne away from mine head.
Ny voninahitro nalany tamiko, ary nesoriny ny satro-boninahitra teo an-dohako.
10 He hath destroyed mee on euery side and I am gone: and he hath remoued mine hope like a tree.
Efa nandrava ahy manodidina Izy, ka efa ho faty aho; Ary efa nofongorany tahaka ny hazo ny fanantenako.
11 And he hath kindled his wrath against me, and counteth mee as one of his enemies.
Dia nampirehetiny tamiko ny fahatezerany, ka nataony ho fahavalony aho.
12 His armies came together, and made their way vpon me, and camped about my tabernacle.
Miara-mandroso ny antokon’ ny miaramilany ary manandratra tovon-tany hamelezany ahy izy ka mitoby manodidina ny laiko.
13 He hath remooued my brethre farre from me, and also mine acquaintance were strangers vnto me.
Ny rahalahiko efa nampanalaviriny ahy; Ary ny olona nahazatra ahy efa nihafahafa tamiko avokoa.
14 My neighbours haue forsaken me, and my familiars haue forgotten me.
Efa tsy misy eto intsony ny havako, ary ny sakaizako efa nanadino ahy.
15 They that dwel in mine house, and my maydes tooke me for a stranger: for I was a stranger in their sight.
Ny vahiny izay mitoetra ao an-tranoko sy ny ankizivaviko aza samy manao ahy ho olon-kafa; Tonga olon-ko azy eo imasony aho.
16 I called my seruant, but he would not answere, though I prayed him with my mouth.
Antsoiko ny mpanompoko, nefa tsy namaly ahy izy; Mifona aminy amin’ ny vavako aho.
17 My breath was strange vnto my wife, though I prayed her for the childrens sake of mine owne body.
Ny fofonaiko mahaloiloy ny vadiko, ary maharikoriko ny zanak’ ineny aho.
18 The wicked also despised mee, and when I rose, they spake against me.
Eny, ny ankizilahy madinika aza mamingavinga ahy; Raha te-hitsangana aho, dia miteny mamely ahy ireny.
19 All my secret friends abhorred me, and they whome I loued, are turned against me.
Na dia izay nifankazatra tamiko indrindra aza dia manao ahy ho zava-betaveta, ary izay olon-tiako dia mivadika ho fahavaloko.
20 My bone cleaueth to my skinne and to my flesh, and I haue escaped with the skinne of my teeth.
Ny taolako miraikitra amin’ ny hoditro sy ny nofoko, ary ny akanjo-nifiko ihany no hany sisa azoko enti-mandositra.
21 Haue pitie vpon me: haue pitie vpon me, (O yee my friendes) for the hande of God hath touched me.
Mamindrà fo amiko, mamindrà fo amiko ianareo, ry sakaizako ô; fa ny tànan’ Andriamanitra efa mikasika ahy.
22 Why do ye persecute me, as God? and are not satisfied with my flesh?
Nahoana no manenjika ahy tahaka an’ Andriamanitra koa ianareo ka tsy mety afa-po amin’ ny nofoko?
23 Oh that my wordes were nowe written! oh that they were written euen in a booke,
Enga anie ka ho voasoratra ny teniko! Enga anie ka ho voatomboka eo amin’ ny boky ireny!
24 And grauen with an yron pen in lead, or in stone for euer!
Enga anie ka ho voasoratra amin’ ny vy fanoratana sady voasy firaka eo amin’ ny vatolampy ho mandrakizay izy!
25 For I am sure, that my Redeemer liueth, and he shall stand the last on the earth.
Kanefa raha izaho, dia fantatro fa velona ny Mpanavotra ahy, ka hitsangana any am-parany eo ambonin’ ny vovoka Izy.
26 And though after my skin wormes destroy this bodie, yet shall I see God in my flesh.
Ary rehefa levona ny hoditro, izao simba izao, sady afaka amin’ ny nofoko aho, dia hahita an’ Andriamanitra;
27 Whome I my selfe shall see, and mine eyes shall beholde, and none other for me, though my reynes are consumed within me.
Eny, izaho no hahita Azy, ary ny masoko no hijery, fa tsy olon-kafa. Efa matim-paniriana ny saiko ato anatiko.
28 But yee sayde, Why is hee persecuted? And there was a deepe matter in me.
Raha hoy ianareo: Andeha hanenjika azy fatratra isika. Fa hita ao anatiny ny fototry ny mahameloka azy.
29 Be ye afraide of the sworde: for the sworde will be auenged of wickednesse, that yee may knowe that there is a iudgement.
Dia matahora ny sabatra ianareo; Fa ny fahatezerana dia heloka mendrika ny hovalian-tsabatra, mba ho fantatrareo fa misy fitsarana.

< Job 19 >