< Job 15 >

1 Then answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and saide,
Eka Elifaz ja-Teman nopenjo niya,
2 Shal a wise man speake words of ye winde, and fill his bellie with the East winde?
“Bende ngʼama riek nyalo dwoko ji gi paro manono kata pongʼo it ji gi weche ma ok nikare?
3 Shall he dispute with wordes not comely? or with talke that is not profitable?
Bende onyalo mino wach gi weche maonge tiendgi, kata gi mbekni maonge gi konyruok?
4 Surely thou hast cast off feare, and restrainest prayer before God.
In to inyoso chuny ji mondo kik giluor Nyasaye kendo imonogi lame.
5 For thy mouth declareth thine iniquitie, seeing thou hast chosen ye tongue of the crafty.
Richo ma isetimo ema omiyo iwuoyo alanda kamano; kendo ilony e wacho miriambo.
6 Thine owne mouth condemneth thee, and not I, and thy lippes testifie against thee.
Wecheni iwuon ema ngʼadoni bura, to ok an, kendo gik ma lewi wacho ema nyiso kiti marach.
7 Art thou the first man, that was borne? and wast thou made before the hils?
“Iparo ni in e ngʼat mane okuong nywol e piny? Koso ne intie kapok Nyasaye ochweyo gode?
8 Hast thou heard the secret counsell of God, and doest thou restraine wisedome to thee?
Bende ichiko iti ne rieko mar Nyasaye? Koso iloko rieko giri iwuon?
9 What knowest thou that we knowe not? and vnderstandest that is not in vs?
Angʼo mingʼeyo ma wan ok wangʼeyo? Paro matut mage ma in-go, ma wan waongego?
10 With vs are both auncient and very aged men, farre older then thy father.
Joma yie wigi otwi lwar kod joma hikgi ngʼeny moingo kata mana wuonu gin jokorwa.
11 Seeme the consolations of God small vnto thee? is this thing strange vnto thee?
Hoch ma Nyasaye hoyigo kod weche mosebedo kinyisi gi ngʼwono, donge oromi?
12 Why doeth thine heart take thee away, and what doe thine eyes meane,
Angʼo momiyo iseweyo chunyi oteri mabor, mi ibedo gi wangʼ teko,
13 That thou answerest to God at thy pleasure, and bringest such wordes out of thy mouth?
momiyo koro iwuoyo gi Nyasaye ka in gi mirima kendo iwacho weche machalo kamano gi dhogi?
14 What is man, that he should be cleane? and he that is borne of woman, that he shoulde be iust?
“Dhano to en angʼo madimi obed ngʼama ler, koso dhano ma dhako onywolo, to en angʼo madimi obed ngʼama kare?
15 Beholde, he founde no stedfastnesse in his Saintes: yea, the heauens are not cleane in his sight.
Ka Nyasaye ok ogeno kata malaika mage, kendo kata mana polo bende ok ler e nyime,
16 How much more is man abominable, and filthie, which drinketh iniquitie like water?
to koro ere kaka dodew dhano adhana ma timbene richo kendo okethore, mamodho richo ka pi!
17 I will tell thee: heare me, and I will declare that which I haue seene:
“Chikuru itu uwinja mondo olernu tiend wach; we anyisu gik ma aseneno,
18 Which wise men haue tolde, as they haue heard of their fathers, and haue not kept it secret:
gik ma joma riek osehulo, ka ok gipando gimoro amora mane giyudo kuom kweregi,
19 To whome alone the land was giuen and no stranger passed through them.
ma gin jogo mane omi piny kendgi giwegi kinde mane onge jopinje mamoko mane kadho e diergi.
20 The wicked man is continually as one that traueileth of childe, and the nomber of yeeres is hid from the tyrant.
Ngʼat ma timbene richo kendo mathiro ji neno chandruok e kinde duto mag ngimane.
21 A sounde of feare is in his eares, and in his prosperitie the destroyer shall come vpon him.
Koko mag masiche opongʼo ite kendo jomecho biro monje e kinde moparo ni gik moko dhi maber.
22 He beleeueth not to returne out of darknesse: for he seeth the sworde before him.
Ok onyal tony mowuogi e mudho; nikech okane ne ligangla.
23 He wandreth to and from for bread where he may: he knoweth that the day of darkenesse is prepared at hande.
Orundore koni gi koni nimar en chiemb achudhe adier; ongʼeyo ni odiechieng mudho ni machiegni.
24 Affliction and anguish shall make him afraide: they shall preuaile against him as a King readie to the battell.
Masiche malich ogoye gi kihondko, gigi duto omake, mana ka ruoth moikore mar dhi e lweny,
25 For he hath stretched out his hand against GOD, and made him selfe strong against the Almightie.
mano ema notimre ne ngʼat ma kamano nikech othiano ni Nyasaye kendo opiem gi Jehova Nyasaye Maratego,
26 Therefore God shall runne vpon him, euen vpon his necke, and against the most thicke part of his shielde.
koringo mondo odhi omonje kotingʼo kuot mapek kendo motegno.
27 Because he hath couered his face with his fatnesse, and hath colloppes in his flancke.
“Kata obedo ni ngʼatni chwe kendo en jamoko,
28 Though he dwell in desolate cities, and in houses which no man inhabiteth, but are become heapes,
to obiro dak e mier mokethore, kendo e udi maonge joma odakie, ma gin udi mosemukore molokore gunda.
29 He shall not be rich, neither shall his substance continue, neither shall he prolong the perfection thereof in the earth.
Koro ok obi bedo gi mwandu, kendo gik ma en-go ok bi dongʼ ne nyikwaye.
30 He shall neuer depart out of darkenesse: the flame shall drie vp his branches, and he shall goe away with the breath of his mouth.
Ok notony e masira, enochal gi yath ma mach owangʼo ite, kendo much Nyasaye biro keyo thiepene mi olal nono.
31 He beleeueth not that he erreth in vanitie: therefore vanitie shalbe his change.
Kik ogalre koketo genone kuom gima onge tich nikech onge ohala mobiro yudo kuom timo kamano.
32 His branch shall not be greene, but shall be cut off before his day.
Obiro neno makne kapod ndalone oromo, kendo bedene ok bi siko ka ngʼich.
33 God shall destroy him as the vine her sower grape, and shall cast him off, as the oliue doeth her flowre.
Obiro chalo gi yiend mzabibu motengʼ olembene mapok ochiek piny mana ka yiend zeituni ma maupege two kendo lwar piny.
34 For the congregation of the hypocrite shalbe desolate, and fire shall deuoure the houses of bribes.
Nikech riwruok mar joma ok lem ok nyal nyago gimoro kendo mach biro wangʼo hembe mag joma ohero asoya mitiek pep.
35 For they conceiue mischiefe and bring foorth vanitie, and their bellie hath prepared deceite.
Gin joma kelo chandruok kendo timo timbe maricho; kendo chunygi opongʼ gi miriambo kinde duto.”

< Job 15 >