< Job 14 >

1 Man that is borne of woman, is of short continuance, and full of trouble.
Ninkii naagu dhashaba Cimrigiisu waa maalmo yar iyo dhibaato miidhan.
2 He shooteth foorth as a flowre, and is cut downe: he vanisheth also as a shadowe, and continueth not.
Wuxuu u soo baxaa sida ubax oo kale, oo haddana waa la gooyaa, Oo wuxuu u cararaa sida hoos oo kale, oo innaba siima raago.
3 And yet thou openest thine eyes vpon such one, and causest me to enter into iudgement with thee.
Haddaba ma mid sidaas oo kalaad indhaha u kala qaadaysaa? Oo ma anigaad xukun ila soo gelaysaa?
4 Who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse? there is not one.
Bal yaa wax wasakh ah wax nadiif ah ka soo bixin kara? Xataa mid qudha oo saas yeeli karaa ma jiro.
5 Are not his dayes determined? the nober of his moneths are with thee: thou hast appointed his boundes, which he can not passe.
Maxaa yeelay, dadka cimrigiisu waa go'an yahay, oo inta bilood oo uu jirayo tiradoodana adigaa haya, Oo waxaad u dhigtay soohdin uusan dhaafi karin.
6 Turne from him that he may cease vntill his desired day, as an hyreling.
Bal ha nastee isaga ka sii jeeso, Ilaa uu cimrigiisa ka dhammaysanayo sida shaqaale maalintiisa u dhammaysto.
7 For there is hope of a tree, if it bee cut downe, that it will yet sproute, and the branches thereof will not cease.
Waayo, geed dheer haddii la gooyo rajuu leeyahay inuu mar kale soo biqlo, Iyo in laantiisa curdanka ahu ayan joogsan.
8 Though the roote of it waxe olde in the earth, and the stocke thereof be dead in ye ground,
In kastoo xididkiisu uu ciidda ku dhex gaboobo, Oo ay jirriddiisiina dhulka dhexdiisa ku dhimato,
9 Yet by the sent of water it will bud, and bring foorth boughes like a plant.
Biyaha urkooda ayuu ku biqli doonaa, Oo waxaa ka soo bixi doona laamo curdan ah oo dhalato la moodo.
10 But man is sicke, and dyeth, and man perisheth, and where is he?
Laakiinse ninku wuu dhintaa, wuuna iska baabba'aa, Oo ninka naftu waa ka dhacdaa, oo bal xaggee buu joogaa isagu?
11 As the waters passe from the sea, and as the flood decayeth and dryeth vp,
Biyuhu badda way ka dhammaadaan, Oo webiguna waa gudhaa oo waa iska engegaa,
12 So man sleepeth and riseth not: for hee shall not wake againe, nor be raised from his sleepe till the heauen be no more.
Sidaas oo kalaa dadku u jiifsada oo mana uu kaco, Oo jeeray samooyinku wada baabba'aan iyagu sooma toosi doonaan, Oo hurdadoodana kama kici doonaan.
13 Oh that thou wouldest hide me in the graue, and keepe me secret, vntill thy wrath were past, and wouldest giue me terme, and remember me. (Sheol h7585)
Hahe bal maad She'ool igu qarisid, Oo bal maad meel qarsoon igu haysid ilaa cadhadaadu dhaafto, Oo bal maad wakhti go'an ii qabatid, oo aad i soo xusuusatid! (Sheol h7585)
14 If a man die, shall he liue againe? All the dayes of mine appointed time will I waite, till my changing shall come.
Mar hadduu nin dhinto, miyuu soo noolaanayaa? Maalmaha dadaalkayga oo dhan waan iska sugi lahaa Ilaa uu isbeddelkaygu yimaado.
15 Thou shalt call me, and I shall answere thee: thou louest the worke of thine own hands.
Waad ii yeedhi lahayd, oo anna waan kuu jawaabi lahaa; Oo adna waxaa damac kaa geli lahaa shuqulkii gacmahaaga.
16 But nowe thou nombrest my steppes, and doest not delay my sinnes.
Laakiinse haatan waad tirisaa tallaabooyinkayga, Balse miyaadan dembigayga isha ku hayn?
17 Mine iniquitie is sealed vp, as in a bagge, and thou addest vnto my wickednesse.
Xadgudubkaygii kolay baa lagu xidhay, Oo xumaantaydiina meel baad ku dhuujisay.
18 And surely as the mountaine that falleth, commeth to nought, and the rocke that is remooued from his place:
Oo sida xaqiiqada ah buurtii dhacdaa waa baabba'daa, Oo dhagaxiina meeshiisii wuu ka dhaqaaqaa.
19 As the water breaketh the stones, when thou ouerflowest the things which growe in the dust of ye earth: so thou destroyest ye hope of man.
Biyuhu dhagaxyaday lisaan, Oo daadkooduna wuxuu qaada ciidda dhulka, Oo adna sidaasoo kalaad u baabbi'isaa binu-aadmiga rajadiisa.
20 Thou preuailest alway against him, so that he passeth away: he changeth his face when thou castest him away.
Weligaaba waad ka adkaataa isaga, oo isna wuu iska baxaa, Oo jaahiisa waad beddeshaa, oo waad iska dirtaa isaga.
21 And he knoweth not if his sonnes shall be honourable, neither shall he vnderstand concerning them, whether they shalbe of lowe degree,
Wiilashiisa waa la sharfaa, laakiinse isagu waxba kama oga; Oo haddana hoos baa loo ridaa, laakiinse isagu waxba kama garto iyaga.
22 But while his flesh is vpon him, he shall be sorowfull, and while his soule is in him, it shall mourne.
Laakiinse xanuunka jidhkiisa oo keliya buu gartaa, Oo nafsaddiisa oo keliya ayuu u baroortaa.

< Job 14 >