< Job 14 >
1 Man that is borne of woman, is of short continuance, and full of trouble.
2 He shooteth foorth as a flowre, and is cut downe: he vanisheth also as a shadowe, and continueth not.
その來ること花のごとくにして散り 其馳ること影のごとくにして止まらず
3 And yet thou openest thine eyes vpon such one, and causest me to enter into iudgement with thee.
なんぢ是のごとき者に汝の目を啓きたまふや 汝われを汝の前にひきて審判したまふや
4 Who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse? there is not one.
誰か清き物を汚れたる物の中より出し得る物あらん 一人も無し
5 Are not his dayes determined? the nober of his moneths are with thee: thou hast appointed his boundes, which he can not passe.
その日既に定まり その月の數なんぢに由り 汝これが區域を立て越ざらしめたまふなれば
6 Turne from him that he may cease vntill his desired day, as an hyreling.
是に目を離して安息を得させ 之をして傭人のその日を樂しむがごとくならしめたまへ
7 For there is hope of a tree, if it bee cut downe, that it will yet sproute, and the branches thereof will not cease.
それ木には望あり 假令砍るるとも復芽を出してその枝絶ず
8 Though the roote of it waxe olde in the earth, and the stocke thereof be dead in ye ground,
たとひ其根地の中に老い 幹土に枯るとも
9 Yet by the sent of water it will bud, and bring foorth boughes like a plant.
10 But man is sicke, and dyeth, and man perisheth, and where is he?
然ど人は死れば消うす 人氣絶えなば安に在んや
11 As the waters passe from the sea, and as the flood decayeth and dryeth vp,
12 So man sleepeth and riseth not: for hee shall not wake againe, nor be raised from his sleepe till the heauen be no more.
是のごとく人も寢臥てまた興ず 天の盡るまで目覺ず睡眠を醒さざるなり
13 Oh that thou wouldest hide me in the graue, and keepe me secret, vntill thy wrath were past, and wouldest giue me terme, and remember me. (Sheol )
願はくは汝われを陰府に藏し 汝の震怒の息むまで我を掩ひ 我ために期を定め而して我を念ひたまへ (Sheol )
14 If a man die, shall he liue againe? All the dayes of mine appointed time will I waite, till my changing shall come.
人もし死ばまた生んや 我はわが征戰の諸日の間望みをりて我が變更の來るを待ん
15 Thou shalt call me, and I shall answere thee: thou louest the worke of thine own hands.
なんぢ我を呼びたまはん 而して我こたへん 汝かならず汝の手の作を顧みたまはん
16 But nowe thou nombrest my steppes, and doest not delay my sinnes.
今なんぢは我に歩履を數へたまふ 我罪を汝うかがひたまはざらんや
17 Mine iniquitie is sealed vp, as in a bagge, and thou addest vnto my wickednesse.
18 And surely as the mountaine that falleth, commeth to nought, and the rocke that is remooued from his place:
19 As the water breaketh the stones, when thou ouerflowest the things which growe in the dust of ye earth: so thou destroyest ye hope of man.
水は石を鑿ち 浪は地の塵を押流す 汝は人の望を斷たまふ
20 Thou preuailest alway against him, so that he passeth away: he changeth his face when thou castest him away.
なんぢは彼を永く攻なやまして去ゆかしめ 彼の面容の變らせて逐やりたまふ
21 And he knoweth not if his sonnes shall be honourable, neither shall he vnderstand concerning them, whether they shalbe of lowe degree,
その子尊貴なるも彼は之を知ず 卑賤なるもまた之を曉らざるなり
22 But while his flesh is vpon him, he shall be sorowfull, and while his soule is in him, it shall mourne.