< Job 12 >

1 Then Iob answered, and sayde,
respondens autem Iob dixit
2 In deede because that ye are the people onely, wisedome must dye with you.
ergo vos estis soli homines et vobiscum morietur sapientia
3 But I haue vnderstanding aswel as you, and am not inferior vnto you: yea, who knoweth not such things?
et mihi est cor sicut et vobis nec inferior vestri sum quis enim haec quae nostis ignorat
4 I am as one mocked of his neighbour, who calleth vpon God, and he heareth him: the iust and the vpright is laughed to scorne.
qui deridetur ab amico suo sicut ego invocabit Deum et exaudiet eum deridetur enim iusti simplicitas
5 Hee that is readie to fall, is as a lampe despised in the opinion of the riche.
lampas contempta apud cogitationes divitum parata ad tempus statutum
6 The tabernacles of robbers doe prosper, and they are in safetie, that prouoke God, whome God hath enriched with his hand.
abundant tabernacula praedonum et audacter provocant Deum cum ipse dederit omnia in manibus eorum
7 Aske now the beasts, and they shall teach thee, and the foules of the heauen, and they shall tell thee:
nimirum interroga iumenta et docebunt te et volatilia caeli et indicabunt tibi
8 Or speake to the earth, and it shall shewe thee: or the fishes of the sea, and they shall declare vnto thee.
loquere terrae et respondebit tibi et narrabunt pisces maris
9 Who is ignorant of all these, but that the hande of the Lord hath made these?
quis ignorat quod omnia haec manus Domini fecerit
10 In whose hande is the soule of euery liuing thing, and the breath of all mankinde.
in cuius manu anima omnis viventis et spiritus universae carnis hominis
11 Doeth not the eares discerne the words? and the mouth taste meate for it selfe?
nonne auris verba diiudicat et fauces comedentis saporem
12 Among the ancient is wisedome, and in the length of dayes is vnderstanding.
in antiquis est sapientia et in multo tempore prudentia
13 With him is wisedome and strength: he hath counsell and vnderstanding.
apud ipsum est sapientia et fortitudo ipse habet consilium et intellegentiam
14 Beholde, he will breake downe, and it can not be built: he shutteth a man vp, and he can not be loosed.
si destruxerit nemo est qui aedificet et si incluserit hominem nullus est qui aperiat
15 Beholde, he withholdeth the waters, and they drie vp: but when he sendeth them out, they destroy the earth.
si continuerit aquas omnia siccabuntur et si emiserit eas subvertent terram
16 With him is strength and wisedome: hee that is deceiued, and that deceiueth, are his.
apud ipsum est fortitudo et sapientia ipse novit et decipientem et eum qui decipitur
17 He causeth the counsellers to goe as spoyled, and maketh the iudges fooles.
adducit consiliarios in stultum finem et iudices in stuporem
18 He looseth the collar of Kings, and girdeth their loynes with a girdle.
balteum regum dissolvit et praecingit fune renes eorum
19 He leadeth away the princes as a pray, and ouerthroweth the mightie.
ducit sacerdotes inglorios et optimates subplantat
20 He taketh away the speach from the faithfull counsellers, and taketh away the iudgement of the ancient.
commutans labium veracium et doctrinam senum auferens
21 He powreth contempt vpon princes, and maketh the strength of the mightie weake.
effundit despectionem super principes et eos qui oppressi fuerant relevans
22 He discouereth the deepe places from their darkenesse, and bringeth foorth the shadowe of death to light.
qui revelat profunda de tenebris et producit in lucem umbram mortis
23 He increaseth the people, and destroyeth them: he inlargeth the nations, and bringeth them in againe.
qui multiplicat gentes et perdet eas et subversas in integrum restituet
24 He taketh away the heartes of the that are the chiefe ouer the people of the earth, and maketh them to wander in the wildernes out of the way.
qui inmutat cor principum populi terrae et decipit eos ut frustra incedant per invium
25 They grope in the darke without light: and he maketh the to stagger like a drunken man.
palpabunt quasi in tenebris et non in luce et errare eos faciet quasi ebrios

< Job 12 >