< Job 1 >

1 There was a man in the lande of Vz called Iob, and this man was an vpright and iust man, one that feared God, and eschewed euill.
Katika nchi ya Usi paliishi mtu ambaye aliitwa Ayubu. Mtu huyu alikuwa hana hatia, naye alikuwa mkamilifu; alimcha Mungu na kuepukana na uovu.
2 And he had seue sonnes, and three daughters.
Alikuwa na wana saba na binti watatu,
3 His substance also was seuen thousande sheepe, and three thousand camels, and fiue hundreth yoke of oxen, and fiue hundreth shee asses, and his family was very great, so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the East.
naye alikuwa na kondoo elfu saba, ngamia elfu tatu, jozi mia tano za maksai, na punda mia tano, tena alikuwa na idadi kubwa ya watumishi. Alikuwa mtu mkuu sana miongoni mwa watu wa Mashariki.
4 And his sonnes went and banketted in their houses, euery one his day, and sent, and called their three sisters to eate and to drinke with them.
Wanawe walikuwa na desturi ya kufanya karamu katika nyumba zao kwa zamu, nao wangewaalika umbu zao watatu ili kula na kunywa pamoja nao.
5 And when the dayes of their banketting were gone about, Iob sent, and sanctified them, and rose vp early in the morning, and offred burnt offrings according to the nomber of them all. For Iob thought, It may be that my sonnes haue sinned, and blasphemed God in their hearts: thus did Iob euery day.
Wakati kipindi cha karamu kilimalizika, Ayubu angetuma waitwe na kuwafanyia utakaso. Angetoa dhabihu ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa kwa ajili ya kila mmoja wao asubuhi na mapema, akifikiri, “Pengine wanangu wametenda dhambi na kumlaani Mungu mioyoni mwao.” Hii ilikuwa ndiyo desturi ya kawaida ya Ayubu.
6 Nowe on a day when the children of God came and stoode before the Lord, Satan came also among them.
Siku moja wana wa Mungu walikwenda kujionyesha mbele za Bwana. Shetani naye akaja pamoja nao.
7 Then the Lord sayde vnto Satan, Whence commest thou? And Satan answered the Lord, saying, From compassing the earth to and from, and from walking in it.
Bwana akamwambia Shetani, “Umetoka wapi?” Shetani akamjibu Bwana, “Natoka kuzunguka pote duniani, nikitembea huku na huko humo.”
8 And the Lord saide vnto Satan, Hast thou not considered my seruant Iob, how none is like him in the earth? an vpright and iust man, one that feareth God, and escheweth euill?
Ndipo Bwana akamwambia Shetani, “Je, umemwangalia huyo mtumishi wangu Ayubu? Hakuna mtu mwingine duniani aliye kama yeye, asiye na hatia, ni mnyofu, mwenye kumcha Mungu, na kuepukana na uovu.”
9 Then Satan answered the Lord, and sayde, Doeth Iob feare God for nought?
Shetani akamjibu Bwana, “Je, Ayubu anamcha Mungu bure?
10 Hast thou not made an hedge about him and about his house, and about all that he hath on euery side? thou hast blessed the worke of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
Je, wewe hukumjengea boma pande zote yeye na wa nyumbani mwake pamoja na kila kitu alicho nacho? Kazi za mikono yake umezibariki na hivyo makundi yake ya kondoo na mbuzi pamoja na ya wanyama yameenea katika nchi nzima.
11 But stretch out now thine hand and touch all that he hath, to see if he will not blaspheme thee to thy face.
Lakini nyoosha mkono wako na kupiga kila kitu alicho nacho, naye kwa hakika atakulaani mbele za uso wako.”
12 Then the Lord sayde vnto Satan, Lo, all that he hath is in thine hand: onely vpon himselfe shalt thou not stretch out thine hand. So Satan departed from the presence of the Lord.
Bwana akamwambia Shetani, “Vema sana, kwa hiyo, kila kitu alicho nacho kiko mikononi mwako, lakini juu ya huyo mtu mwenyewe usimguse hata kwa kidole.” Ndipo Shetani akatoka mbele za Bwana.
13 And on a day, when his sonnes and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brothers house,
Siku moja watoto wa Ayubu walipokuwa wakifanya karamu wakila na kunywa divai katika nyumba ya ndugu yao mkubwa,
14 There came a messenger vnto Iob, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding in their places,
akaja mjumbe kwa Ayubu na kusema, “Maksai walikuwa wakilima na punda walikuwa wakilisha karibu nao,
15 And the Shabeans came violently, and tooke them: yea, they haue slayne the seruants with the edge of the sworde: but I onely am escaped alone to tell thee.
Waseba wakawashambulia na kuchukua mifugo. Kisha wakawaua watumishi kwa upanga, nami ndimi peke yangu niliyenusurika kukuletea habari!”
16 And whiles he was yet speaking, another came, and sayde, The fire of God is fallen from the heauen, and hath burnt vp the sheepe and the seruants, and deuoured them: but I onely am escaped alone to tell thee.
Alipokuwa bado ananena, mjumbe mwingine akaja na kusema, “Moto wa Mungu ulishuka kutoka mbinguni na kuteketeza kondoo na watumishi, nami ndimi peke yangu niliyenusurika kukuletea habari!”
17 And whiles he was yet speaking, another came, and sayd, The Caldeans set on three bands, and fell vpon the camels, and haue taken them, and haue slayne the seruantes with the edge of the sworde: but I onely am escaped alone to tell thee.
Alipokuwa bado ananena, mjumbe mwingine akaja na kusema, “Wakaldayo waliunda vikosi vitatu vya uvamizi na kuwaangukia ngamia wako na kuwachukua wakaondoka nao. Wakawaua watumishi kwa upanga, nami ndimi peke yangu niliyenusurika kukuletea habari.”
18 And whiles he was yet speaking, came an other, and sayd, Thy sonnes, and thy daughters were eating, and drinking wine in their eldest brothers house,
Alipokuwa bado ananena, mjumbe mwingine akaja na kusema, “Wana wako na binti zako walipokuwa wakifanya karamu, wakila na kunywa divai katika nyumba ya ndugu yao mkubwa,
19 And behold, there came a great wind from beyonde the wildernesse, and smote the foure corners of the house, which fel vpon the children, and they are dead, and I onely am escaped alone to tell thee.
ghafula upepo wenye nguvu ukavuma kutoka jangwani, nao ukaipiga nyumba hiyo pembe zake nne. Ikawaangukia hao watoto nao wamekufa, nami ndimi peke yangu niliyenusurika kukuletea habari!”
20 Then Iob arose, and rent his garment, and shaued his head, and fel downe vpon the ground, and worshipped,
Ndipo Ayubu akasimama, akararua joho lake na kunyoa nywele zake. Kisha akaanguka chini katika kuabudu
21 And sayd, Naked came I out of my mothers wombe, and naked shall I returne thither: the Lord hath giuen, and the Lord hath taken it: blessed be the Name of the Lord.
na kusema: “Nilitoka tumboni mwa mama yangu uchi, nami nitaondoka uchi, Bwana alinipa, naye Bwana ameviondoa, jina la Bwana litukuzwe.”
22 In all this did not Iob sinne, nor charge God foolishly.
Katika mambo haya yote, Ayubu hakutenda dhambi kwa kumlaumu Mungu kwa kufanya ubaya.

< Job 1 >