< Jeremiah 43 >

1 Nowe when Ieremiah had made an ende of speaking vnto ye whole people all the wordes of the Lord their God, for the which the Lord their God had sent him to them, euen all these wordes,
factum est autem cum conplesset Hieremias loquens ad populum universos sermones Domini Dei eorum pro quibus miserat eum Dominus Deus eorum ad illos omnia verba haec
2 Then spake Azariah the sonne of Hoshaiah, and Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and all the proude men, saying vnto Ieremiah, Thou speakest falsely: the Lord our God hath not sent thee to say, Goe not into Egypt to dwell there,
dixit Azarias filius Osaiae et Iohanan filius Caree et omnes viri superbi dicentes ad Hieremiam mendacium tu loqueris non misit te Dominus Deus noster dicens ne ingrediamini Aegyptum ut habitetis illuc
3 But Baruch ye sonne of Neriah prouoketh thee against vs, for to deliuer vs into the hand of the Caldeans, that they might slay vs, and cary vs away captiues into Babel.
sed Baruch filius Neriae incitat te adversum nos ut tradat nos in manibus Chaldeorum ut interficiat nos et transduci faciat in Babylonem
4 So Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and all the captaines of the hoste, and all the people obeied not the voyce of the Lord, to dwell in the lande of Iudah.
et non audivit Iohanan filius Caree et omnes principes bellatorum et universus populus vocem Domini ut maneret in terra Iuda
5 But Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and all the captaines of the hoste tooke all the remnant of Iudah, that were returned from al nations, whither they had bene driuen, to dwel in ye land of Iudah:
sed tollens Iohanan filius Caree et universi principes bellatorum universos reliquiarum Iuda qui reversi fuerant de cunctis gentibus ad quas fuerant ante dispersi ut habitarent in terra Iuda
6 Euen men and women, and children, and the Kinges daughters, and euery person, that Nebuzar-adan the chiefe steward had left with Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam, ye sonne of Shaphan, and Ieremiah the Prophet, and Baruch the sonne of Neriah.
viros et mulieres et parvulos et filias regis et omnem animam quam reliquerat Nabuzardan princeps militiae cum Godolia filio Ahicam filii Saphan et Hieremiam prophetam et Baruch filium Neriae
7 So they came into the lande of Egypt: for they obeied not the voice of the Lord: thus came they to Tahpanhes.
et ingressi sunt terram Aegypti quia non oboedierunt voci Domini et venerunt usque ad Tafnas
8 Then came the worde of the Lord vnto Ieremiah in Tahpanhes, saying,
et factus est sermo Domini ad Hieremiam in Tafnis dicens
9 Take great stones in thine hand, and hide them in the claie in the bricke kill, which is at the entrie of Pharaohs house in Tanpanhes in ye sight of the men of Iudah,
sume in manu tua lapides grandes et absconde eos in crypta quae est sub muro latericio in porta domus Pharaonis in Tafnis cernentibus viris iudaeis
10 And say vnto them, Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes the God of Israel, Beholde, I will sende and bring Nebuchad-nezzar the King of Babel my seruant, and will set his throne vpon these stones that I haue hid, and he shall spread his pauilion ouer them.
et dices ad eos haec dicit Dominus exercituum Deus Israhel ecce ego mittam et adsumam Nabuchodonosor regem Babylonis servum meum et ponam thronum eius super lapides istos quos abscondi et statuet solium suum super eos
11 And when he shall come, he shall smite the land of Egypt: such as are appoynted for death, to death, and such as are for captiuitie, to captiuitie, and such as are for the sword to the sword.
veniensque percutiet terram Aegypti quos in morte in morte et quos in captivitate in captivitate et quos in gladio in gladio
12 And I wil kindle a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt, and he shall burne them and carie them away captiues, and he shall aray himself with the land of Egypt, as a shepheard putteth on his garment, and shall depart from thence in peace.
et succendet ignem in delubris deorum Aegypti et conburet ea et captivos ducet illos et amicietur terra Aegypti sicut amicitur pastor pallio suo et egredietur inde in pace
13 He shall breake also ye images of Beth-shemesh, that is in the lande of Egypt, and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burne with fire.
et conteret statuas domus Solis quae sunt in terra Aegypti et delubra deorum Aegypti conburet igni

< Jeremiah 43 >