< Jeremiah 42 >

1 Then all the captaines of the hoste, and Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and Iezaniah the sonne of Hoshaaiah, and all the people from the least vnto the most came,
Ipapo vakuru vose vehondo, pamwe chete naJohanani mwanakomana waKarea naJezania mwanakomana waHoshaya, navanhu vose kubva kuvaduku kusvikira kuvakuru vakasvika
2 And saide vnto Ieremiah the Prophete, Heare our prayer, we beseeche thee, and pray for vs vnto the Lord thy God, euen for all this remnant (for we are left, but a fewe of many, as thine eyes doe beholde)
kuna Jeremia muprofita vakati kwaari, “Tapota inzwai chikumbiro chedu mutinyengeterere kuna Jehovha Mwari wenyu nokuda kwavose ava vakasara. Nokuti sezvamunoona zvino, kuti kunyange taiva vazhinji, iye zvino kwangosara vashoma chete.
3 That the Lord thy God may shewe vs the way wherein wee may walke, and the thing that we may doe.
Nyengeterai kuti Jehovha Mwari wenyu atiudze kwatinofanira kuenda uye zvatinofanira kuita.”
4 Then Ieremiah the Prophet said vnto them, I haue heard you: behold, I will pray vnto ye Lord your God according to your wordes, and whatsoeuer thing the Lord shall answere you, I will declare it vnto you: I will keepe nothing backe from you.
Jeremia muprofita akapindura achiti, “Ndakunzwai. Zvirokwazvo ndichakunyengetererai kuna Jehovha Mwari wenyu sezvamakumbira, ndichakuzivisai zvinhu zvose zvicharehwa naJehovha uye handingambokuvanzirai chinhu.”
5 Then they said to Ieremiah, The Lord be a witnesse of trueth, and faith betweene vs, if we doe not, euen according to all things for ye which the Lord thy God shall send thee to vs.
Ipapo vakati kuna Jeremia, “Jehovha ngaave chapupu chezvokwadi uye chakatendeka pamusoro pedu kana tisingaiti zvose zvamunenge matumwa naJehovha kuzotiudza.
6 Whether it be good or euill, we will obey the voyce of the Lord God, to whom we sende thee that it may be well with vs, when wee obey the voyce of the Lord our God.
Kana zvakanaka, kana zvisina kunaka tichateerera Jehovha Mwari wedu, watinokutumai kwaari kuti zvigotiitira zvakanaka, nokuti tichateerera Jehovha Mwari wedu.”
7 And so after ten dayes came the word of the Lord vnto Ieremiah.
Mazuva gumi akati apera, shoko raJehovha rakasvika kuna Jeremia.
8 Then called he Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and all the captaines of the hoste, which were with him, and all ye people from ye least to the most,
Naizvozvo akaunganidza Johanani mwanakomana waKarea navakuru vose vehondo vaaiva navo navanhu vose kubva kuvaduku kusvikira kuvakuru.
9 And saide vnto them, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, vnto whom ye sent me to present your prayers before him,
Akati kwavari, “Zvanzi naJehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, iye wamakanditumira kwaari kuti ndisvitse chikumbiro chenyu:
10 If ye will dwell in this land, then I wil build you, and not destroy you, and I will plant you, and not roote you out: for I repent me of the euill that I haue done vnto you.
‘Kana mukagara munyika ino, ndichakuvakai handizokukoromorei; ndichakusimai uye handingakudzurei, nokuti ndinorwadziwa nokuda kwenjodzi yandakaisa pamusoro penyu.
11 Feare not for the King of Babel, of whom ye are afraide: be not afraid of him, saith the Lord: for I am with you, to saue you, and to deliuer you from his hand,
Musatya mambo weBhabhironi, iye wamunotya zvino. Musamutya, ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, nokuti ndinemi uye ndichakuponesai nokukuponesai kubva mumaoko ake.
12 And I will graunt you mercie that he may haue compassion vpon you, and he shall cause you to dwell in your owne land.
Ndichakunzwirai tsitsi kuitira kuti agokunzwirai tsitsi, agokudzoserai kunyika yenyu.’
13 But if ye say, We will not dwell in this land, neither heare the voyce of the Lord your God,
“Kunyange zvakadaro, kana mukati, ‘Hatidi kugara munyika ino,’ nokudaro musingateerere Jehovha Mwari wenyu,
14 Saying, Nay, but we will goe into the land of Egypt, where we shall see no warre, nor heare the sounde of the trumpet, nor haue hunger of bread, and there will we dwell,
uye kana mukati, ‘Kwete tichaenda kundogara kuIjipiti, kwatisingazooni hondo kana kunzwa hwamanda kana kunzwa nzara yechingwa,’
15 (And nowe therefore heare the worde of the Lord, ye remnant of Iudah: thus sayeth the Lord of hostes the God of Israel, If ye set your faces to enter into Egypt, and goe to dwell there)
zvino chinzwai shoko raJehovha imi vakasara vaJudha. Zvanzi naJehovha Wamasimba Ose, Mwari waIsraeri, ‘Kana mashinga kuenda kuIjipiti kana mukaenda kundogarako,
16 Then the sworde that ye feared, shall take you there in the land of Egypt, and the famine, for the which ye care, shall there hang vpon you in Egypt, and there shall ye die.
ipapo munondo wamunotya uchakukundai ikoko uye nenzara yamunotya ichakuteverai kuIjipiti, uye muchafira ikoko.
17 And all the men that set their faces to enter into Egypt to dwell there, shall die by ye sword, by the famine and by the pestilence, and none of them shall remaine nor escape from the plague, that I will bring vpon them.
Zvirokwazvo, vose vashinga kuenda kuIjipiti kundogarako vachafa nomunondo, nenzara uye nedenda; hakuna achasara pakati pavo kana kupukunyuka njodzi yandichauyisa pamusoro pavo.’
18 For thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel, As mine anger and my wrath hath bene powred foorth vpon the inhabitants of Ierusalem: so shall my wrath be powred foorth vpon you, when ye shall enter into Egypt, and ye shall be a detestation, and an astonishment, and a curse and a reproche, and ye shall see this place no more.
Zvanzi naJehovha Wamasimba Ose, Mwari waIsraeri, ‘Sokudururwa kwakaitwa hasha dzangu nokutsamwa kwangu pamusoro peavo vaigara muJerusarema, saizvozvo kutsamwa kwangu kuchadururirwa pamusoro penyu kana maenda kuIjipiti. Muchava chinhu chinotukwa nechinosemwa, nechinomhurwa, nokuzvidzwa; hamuchazombooni nzvimbo ino zvakare.’
19 O ye remnant of Iudah, the Lord hath said concerning you, Goe not into Egypt: knowe certeinely that I haue admonished you this day.
“Haiwa imi vakasara veJudha, Jehovha akuudzai kuti, ‘Musaenda kuIjipiti.’ Ivai nechokwadi: ndinokuyambirai nhasi
20 Surely ye dissembled in your hearts When ye sent me vnto the Lord your God, saying, Pray for vs vnto the Lord our God, and declare vnto vs euen according vnto al that the Lord our God shall say, and we will doe it.
kuti makakanganisa kwazvo pamakandituma kuna Jehovha Mwari wenyu muchiti, ‘Tinyengeterere kuna Jehovha Mwari wedu, utiudze zvose zvaanoreva uye isu tichazviita.’
21 Therefore I haue this day declared it you, but you haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lord your God, nor any thing for the which he hath sent me vnto you.
Ndakuudzai nhasi, asi kunyange zvakadaro hamuna kuteerera Jehovha Mwari wenyu pane zvose zvaakandituma kuzokuzivisai imi.
22 Nowe therefore, knowe certeinely that ye shall die by the sworde, by the famine, and by the pestilence, in the place whither ye desire to goe and dwell.
Saka zvino, ivai nechokwadi nezvizvi: Muchafa nomunondo, nenzara, uye nedenda kunzvimbo yamunoda kuenda kundogara.”

< Jeremiah 42 >