< Jeremiah 37 >

1 And King Zedekiah the sonne of Iosiah reigned for Coniah the sonne of Iehoiakim, whome Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel made King in the land of Iudah.
Et regnavit rex Sedecias filius Iosiæ pro Iechonia filio Ioakim: quem constituit regem Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis in Terra Iuda:
2 But neither he, nor his seruants, nor the people of the land would obey the wordes of the Lord, which he spake by the ministerie of the Prophet Ieremiah.
Et non obedivit ipse, et servi eius, et populus terræ verbis Domini, quæ locutus est in manu Ieremiæ prophetæ.
3 And Zedekiah the King sent Iehucal the sonne of Shelemiah, and Zephaniah the sonne of Maaseiah the Priest to the Prophet Ieremiah, saying, Pray now vnto the Lord our God for vs.
Et misit rex Sedecias Iuchal filium Selemiæ, et Sophoniam filium Maasiæ sacerdotem ad Ieremiam prophetam, dicens: Ora pro nobis Dominum Deum nostrum.
4 (Now Ieremiah went in and out among the people: for they had not put him into the prison.
Ieremias autem libere ambulabat in medio populi: non enim miserant eum in custodiam carceris.
5 Then Pharaohs hoste was come out of Egypt: and when the Caldeans that besieged Ierusalem, heard tidings of them, they departed from Ierusalem)
Igitur exercitus Pharaonis egressus est de Ægypto: et audientes Chaldæi, qui obsidebant Ierusalem, huiuscemodi nuntium, recesserunt ab Ierusalem.
6 Then came the worde of the Lord vnto the Prophet Ieremiah, saying,
Et factum est verbum Domini ad Ieremiam prophetam, dicens:
7 Thus sayth the Lord God of Israel, Thus shall ye say to the King of Iudah, that sent you vnto me to inquire of me, Behold, Pharaohs hoste, which is come forth to helpe you, shall returne to Egypt into their owne land.
Hæc dicit Dominus Deus Israel: Sic dicetis regi Iuda, qui misit vos ad me interrogandum: Ecce exercitus Pharaonis, qui egressus est vobis in auxilium, revertetur in terram suam in Ægyptum.
8 And the Caldeans shall come againe, and fight against this citie, and take it and burne it with fire.
et redient Chaldæi, et bellabunt contra civitatem hanc: et capient eam, et succendent eam igni.
9 Thus sayth the Lord, Deceiue not your selues, saying, The Caldeans shall surely depart from vs: for they shall not depart.
Hæc dicit Dominus: Nolite decipere animas vestras, dicentes: Euntes abibunt, et recedent a nobis Chaldæi, quia non abibunt.
10 For though ye had smitten the whole hoste of the Caldeans that fight against you, and there remained but wounded men among them, yet should euery man rise vp in his tent, and burne this citie with fire.
Sed et si percusseritis omnem exercitum Chaldæorum, qui præliantur adversum vos, et derelicti fuerint ex eis aliqui vulnerati: singuli de tentorio suo consurgent, et incendent civitatem hanc igni.
11 When the hoste of the Caldeans was broken vp from Ierusalem, because of Pharaohs armie,
Ergo cum recessisset exercitus Chaldæorum ab Ierusalem propter exercitum Pharaonis,
12 Then Ieremiah went out of Ierusalem to goe into the land of Beniamin, separating himselfe thence from among the people.
egressus est Ieremias de Ierusalem ut iret in Terram Beniamin, et divideret ibi possessionem in conspectu civium.
13 And when hee was in the gate of Beniamin, there was a chiefe officer, whose name was Iriiah, the sonne of Shelemiah, the sonne of Hananiah, and he tooke Ieremiah the Prophet, saying, Thou fleest to the Caldeans.
Cumque pervenisset ad portam Beniamin, erat ibi custos portæ per vices, nomine Ierias, filius Selemiæ filii Hananiæ, et apprehendit Ieremiam prophetam, dicens: Ad Chaldæos profugis.
14 Then sayde Ieremiah, That is false, I flee not to the Caldeans: but he would not heare him: so Iriiah tooke Ieremiah, and brought him to the princes.
Et respondit Ieremias: Falsum est, non fugio ad Chaldæos. Et non audivit eum: sed comprehendit Ierias Ieremiam, et adduxit eum ad principes.
15 Wherefore the princes were angry with Ieremiah, and smote him, and layde him in prison in the house of Iehonathan the scribe: for they had made that the prison.
Quam ob rem irati principes contra Ieremiam, cæsum eum miserunt in carcerem, qui erat in domo Ionathan scribæ: ipse enim præpositus erat super carcerem.
16 When Ieremiah was entred into the dungeon, and into the prisons, and had remained there a long time,
Itaque ingressus est Ieremias in domum laci et in ergastulum: et sedit ibi Ieremias diebus multis.
17 Then Zedekiah the King sent, and tooke him out, and the King asked him secretly in his house, and said, Is there any worde from the Lord? And Ieremiah sayd, Yea: for, sayd he, thou shalt be deliuered into the hand of the King of Babel.
Mittens autem Sedecias rex tulit eum: et interrogavit eum in domo sua abscondite, et dixit: Putasne est sermo a Domino? Et dixit Ieremias: Est. Et ait: In manus regis Babylonis traderis.
18 Moreouer, Ieremiah sayd vnto King Zedekiah, What haue I offended against thee, or against thy seruants, or against this people, that ye haue put me in prison?
Et dixit Ieremias ad regem Sedeciam: Quid peccavi tibi, et servis tuis, et populo tuo, quia misisti me in domum carceris?
19 Where are nowe your prophets, which prophecied vnto you, saying, The King of Babel shall not come against you, nor against this land?
Ubi sunt prophetæ vestri, qui prophetabant vobis, et dicebant: Non veniet rex Babylonis super vos, et super terram hanc?
20 Therefore heare nowe, I pray thee, O my lorde the King: let my prayer be accepted before thee, that thou cause mee not to returne to the house of Iehonathan the scribe, least I die there.
Nunc ergo audi obsecro domine mi rex: Valeat deprecatio mea in conspectu tuo: et ne me remittas in domum Ionathan scribæ, ne moriar ibi.
21 Then Zedekiah the King commanded, that they should put Ieremiah in the court of the prison, and that they should giue him dayly a piece of bread out of the bakers streete vntill all the bread in the citie were eaten vp. Thus Ieremiah remained in the court of the prison.
Præcepit ergo rex Sedecias ut traderetur Ieremias in vestibulo carceris: et daretur ei torta panis quotidie, excepto pulmento, donec consumerentur omnes panes de civitate: et mansit Ieremias in vestibulo carceris.

< Jeremiah 37 >