< Jeremiah 33 >

1 Moreover, the worde of the Lord came vnto Ieremiah the second time (while he was yet shut vp in the court of prison) saying,
Wakati Yeremia alipokuwa angali amefungwa kwenye ua wa walinzi, neno la Bwana lilimjia mara ya pili kusema:
2 Thus sayth the Lord, the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, and established it, the Lord is his Name.
“Hili ndilo Bwana asemalo, yeye aliyeumba dunia, Bwana aliyeifanya na kuithibitisha, Bwana ndilo jina lake:
3 Call vnto me, and I will answere thee, and shewe thee great and mightie things, which thou knowest not.
‘Niite nami nitakuitika na kukuambia mambo makuu na yasiyochunguzika, usiyoyajua.’
4 For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, concerning the houses of this citie, and concerning the houses of the Kings of Iudah, which are destroyed by the mounts, and by the sword,
Kwa maana hili ndilo Bwana, Mungu wa Israeli, asemalo kuhusu nyumba katika mji huu na majumba ya kifalme ya Yuda yaliyobomolewa ili yatumiwe dhidi ya kule kuzungukwa na jeshi na upanga
5 They come to fight with the Caldeans, but it is to fill themselues with the dead bodies of men, whome I haue slaine in mine anger and in my wrath: for I haue hid my face from this citie, because of all their wickednes.
katika kupigana na Wakaldayo: ‘Zitajazwa na maiti za watu nitakaowachinja katika hasira na ghadhabu yangu. Nitauficha uso wangu kwa sababu ya maovu yake yote.
6 Behold, I will giue it health and amendment: for I wil cure them, and will reueile vnto them the abundance of peace, and trueth.
“‘Hata hivyo, nitauletea afya na uponyaji, nitawaponya watu wangu na kuwafanya wafurahie amani tele na salama.
7 And I wil cause the captiuitie of Iudah and the captiuitie of Israel to returne, and will build them as at the first.
Nitawarudisha Yuda na Israeli kutoka nchi ya kutekwa kwao, na kuwajenga tena kama walivyokuwa hapo awali.
8 And I wil clense them from all their iniquitie, whereby they haue sinned against me: yea, I wil pardon all their iniquities, whereby they haue sinned against me, and whereby they haue rebelled against me.
Nitawatakasa dhambi zote walizofanya dhidi yangu, na nitawasamehe dhambi zote za uasi dhidi yangu.
9 And it shalbe to me a name, a ioy, a praise, and an honour before all the nations of the earth, which shall heare all ye good that I doe vnto them: and they shall feare and tremble for all the goodnes, and for all the wealth, that I shew vnto this citie.
Kisha mji huu utaniletea utukufu, furaha, sifa na heshima mbele ya mataifa yote ya dunia yatakayosikia mambo yote mazuri ninayoufanyia. Nao watashangaa na kutetemeka kwa ajili ya wingi wa mafanikio na amani nitakayoupatia.’
10 Thus sayth the Lord, Againe there shalbe heard in this place (which ye say shalbe desolate, without man, and without beast, euen in the cities of Iudah, and in the streetes of Ierusalem, that are desolate without man, and without inhabitant, and without beast)
“Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana: ‘Mnasema kuhusu mahali hapa kwamba, “Ni mahali palipoachwa ukiwa, pasipo na wanadamu wala wanyama.” Lakini katika miji ya Yuda na barabara za Yerusalemu ambazo zimeachwa, ambazo hazikaliwi na wanadamu wala wanyama, huko kutasikika kwa mara nyingine
11 The voyce of ioy and the voyce of gladnes, the voyce of the bridegrome, and the voyce of the bride, the voyce of them that shall say, Prayse the Lord of hostes, because the Lord is good: for his mercy endureth for euer, and of them that offer the sacrifice of prayse in the House of the Lord, for I will cause to returne the captiuitie of the land, as at the first, sayth the Lord.
sauti za shangwe na furaha, sauti za bibi na bwana arusi, na sauti za wale waletao sadaka za shukrani katika nyumba ya Bwana, wakisema, “‘“Mshukuruni Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote, kwa maana Bwana ni mwema; upendo wake wadumu milele.” Kwa kuwa nitairudishia nchi baraka kama zilivyokuwa hapo awali,’ asema Bwana.
12 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, Againe in this place, which is desolate, without man, and without beast, and in all the cities thereof there shall be dwelling for shepheards to rest their flockes.
“Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote: ‘Mahali hapa, ambapo ni ukiwa, pasipo na wanadamu wala wanyama: katika miji yake, patakuwepo tena malisho kwa ajili ya wachungaji kupumzisha makundi yao ya kondoo.
13 In the cities of the mountaines, in the cities in the plaine, and in the cities of the South, and in the land of Beniamin, and about Ierusalem, and in the cities of Iudah shall the sheepe passe againe, vnder the hand of him that telleth them, sayth the Lord.
Katika miji ya nchi ya vilima, ya vilima vya magharibi na ya Negebu, katika nchi ya Benyamini, katika vijiji vinavyoizunguka Yerusalemu na katika miji ya Yuda, makundi ya kondoo yatapita tena chini ya mkono wa yeye ayahesabuye,’ asema Bwana.
14 Beholde, the dayes come, sayth the Lord, that I wil performe that good thing, which I haue promised vnto the house of Israel, and to the house of Iudah.
“‘Siku zinakuja,’ asema Bwana, ‘wakati nitakapotimiza ahadi yangu ya rehema niliyoifanya kwa nyumba ya Israeli na kwa nyumba ya Yuda.
15 In those dayes and at that time, wil I cause the branch of righteousnesse to growe vp vnto Dauid, and he shall execute iudgement, and righteousnes in the land.
“‘Katika siku hizo na wakati huo nitalifanya Tawi la haki lichipuke kutoka ukoo wa Daudi, naye atafanya lile lililo haki na sawa katika nchi.
16 In those dayes shall Iudah be saued, and Ierusalem shall dwell safely, and hee that shall call her, is the Lord our righteousnesse.
Katika siku hizo, Yuda ataokolewa na Yerusalemu ataishi salama. Hili ndilo jina atakaloitwa: Bwana Haki Yetu.’
17 For thus sayth the Lord, Dauid shall neuer want a man to sit vpon the throne of the house of Israel.
Kwa maana hili ndilo asemalo Bwana: ‘Daudi kamwe hatakosa mtu wa kukalia kiti cha enzi cha nyumba ya Israeli,
18 Neither shall the Priests and Leuites want a man before me to offer burnt offerings, and to offer meat offerings, and to doe sacrifice continually.
wala hata makuhani, ambao ni Walawi, kamwe hawatakosa mtu wa kusimama mbele zangu daima ili kutoa sadaka za kuteketezwa, ili kuteketeza sadaka ya nafaka na kutoa dhabihu.’”
19 And the worde of the Lord came vnto Ieremiah, saying,
Neno la Bwana likamjia Yeremia kusema:
20 Thus sayth the Lord, If you can breake my couenant of the day, and my couenant of the night, that there should not be day, and night in their season,
“Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana: ‘Ikiwa mtaweza kuvunja agano langu kuhusu usiku na mchana, ili usiku na mchana visiwepo kwa nyakati zake,
21 Then may my couenant be broken with Dauid my seruant, that he should not haue a sonne to reigne vpon his throne, and with the Leuites, and Priests my ministers.
basi agano langu na Daudi mtumishi wangu, na agano langu na Walawi ambao ni makuhani wanaohudumu mbele zangu, linaweza kuvunjwa, na Daudi hatakuwa tena na mzao wa kutawala katika kiti chake cha enzi.
22 As the army of heauen can not be nombred, neither the sand of the sea measured: so wil I multiplie the seede of Dauid my seruant, and the Leuites, that minister vnto me.
Nitawafanya wazao wa Daudi mtumishi wangu na Walawi wanaohudumu mbele zangu wengi, wasioweza kuhesabika kama nyota za angani, tena wasiopimika kama mchanga wa ufuoni mwa bahari.’”
23 Moreouer, the worde of the Lord came to Ieremiah, saying,
Neno la Bwana likamjia Yeremia kusema:
24 Considerest thou not what this people haue spoken, saying, The two families, which the Lord hath chosen, hee hath euen cast them off? thus they haue despised my people, that they should be no more a nation before them.
“Je, hujasikia kwamba watu hawa wanasema, ‘Bwana amezikataa zile falme mbili alizozichagua?’ Kwa hiyo wamewadharau watu wangu, na hawawaoni tena kama taifa.
25 Thus sayth the Lord, If my couenant be not with day and night, and if I haue not appointed the order of heauen and earth,
Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana: ‘Kama sijathibitisha agano langu na usiku na mchana, na kuziweka wakfu sheria za mbingu na nchi,
26 Then will I cast away the seede of Iaakob and Dauid my seruant, and not take of his seede to be rulers ouer the seede of Abraham, Izhak, and Iaakob: for I wil cause their captiuitie to returne, and haue compassion on them.
basi nitawakataa wazao wa Yakobo na Daudi mtumishi wangu, na sitachagua mmoja wa wanawe kutawala juu ya wazao wa Abrahamu, Isaki na Yakobo. Kwa maana nitawarudisha kutoka nchi ya kutekwa kwao na kuwaonea huruma.’”

< Jeremiah 33 >