< Jeremiah 31 >

1 At the same time, saith the Lord, will I be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people.
“Pa nthawi imeneyo,” akutero Yehova, “Ndidzakhala Mulungu wa mafuko onse a Israeli, ndipo iwo adzakhala anthu anga.”
2 Thus saith the Lord, The people which escaped the sworde, founde grace in the wildernes: he walked before Israel to cause him to rest.
Yehova akuti, “Anthu amene anapulumuka ku nkhondo ndinawakomera mtima mʼchipululu; pamene Aisraeli ankafuna kupumula.”
3 The Lord hath appeared vnto me of old, say they: Yea, I haue loued thee with an euerlasting loue, therefore with mercie I haue drawen thee.
Ine ndinawaonekera ndili chapatali ndipo ndinati, “Ine ndakukondani ndi chikondi chopanda malire. Nʼchifukwa chake ndipitiriza kukukondani.
4 Againe I will builde thee, and thou shalt be builded, O virgine Israel: thou shalt stil be adorned with thy timbrels, and shalt goe foorth in the dance of them that be ioyfull.
Ndidzakusamaliraninso, inu anthu a Israeli; mudzasangalala poyimba tizitoliro tanu, ndipo mudzapita kukavina nawo anthu ovina mwachimwemwe.
5 Thou shalt yet plant vines vpon the mountaines of Samaria, and the planters that plant them, shall make them common.
Mudzalimanso minda ya mpesa pa mapiri a Samariya; alimi adzadzala mphesa ndipo adzadya zipatso zake.
6 For the dayes shall come that the watchmen vpon the mount of Ephraim shall cry, Arise, and let vs go vp vnto Zion to the Lord our God.
Lidzafika tsiku pamene alonda adzafuwula pa mapiri a Efereimu nati, ‘Tiyeni tipite ku Ziyoni, kwa Yehova Mulungu wathu.’”
7 For thus saith the Lord, Reioyce with gladnesse for Iaakob, and shoute for ioye among the chiefe of the Gentiles: publish praise, and say, O Lord, saue thy people, the remnant of Israel.
Yehova akuti, “Imbani mosangalala chifukwa cha Yakobo, fuwulani chifukwa cha mtundu wopambana mitundu yonse. Matamando anu amveke, ndipo munene kuti, ‘Yehova wapulumutsa anthu ake otsala a Israeli.’
8 Beholde, I will bring them from the North countrey, and gather them from the coastes of the world, with the blinde and the lame among them, with the woman with childe, and her that is deliuered also: a great companie shall returne hither.
Taonani, ndidzabwera nawo kuchokera ku dziko la kumpoto, ndidzawasonkhanitsa kuchokera ku malekezero a dziko lapansi. Anthu osaona, olumala, amayi oyembekezera ndi amene ali pa nthawi yawo yochira adzabwera nawo pamodzi. Chidzakhala chikhamu cha anthu obwerera kuno.
9 They shall come weeping, and with mercie will I bring them againe: I will lead them by the riuers of water in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first borne.
Adzabwera akulira; koma Ine ndikuwatonthoza mtima, ndidzawaperekeza. Ndidzawatsogolera ku mitsinje yamadzi mʼnjira yosalala mmene sadzapunthwamo. Chifukwa ndine abambo ake a Israeli, ndipo Efereimu ndi mwana wanga woyamba.
10 Heare the worde of the Lord, O ye Gentiles, and declare in the yles afarre off, and say, Hee that scattered Israel, wil gather him and wil keepe him, as a shepheard doeth his flocke.
“Imvani mawu a Yehova inu anthu a mitundu ina; lalikirani mawuwa kwa anthu a mayiko akutali a mʼmbali mwa nyanja; ‘Iye amene anabalalitsa Israeli adzawasonkhanitsanso ndipo adzayangʼanira nkhosa zake ngati mʼbusa.’
11 For the Lord hath redeemed Iaakob, and ransomed him from the hande of him, that was stronger then he.
Pakuti Yehova wawombola fuko la Yakobo anawapulumutsa mʼdzanja la anthu owaposa mphamvu.
12 Therefore they shall come, and reioyce in the height of Zion, and shall runne to the bountifulnes of the Lord, euen for the wheat and for the wine, and for the oyle, and for the increase of sheepe, and bullocks: and their soule shalbe as a watered garden, and they shall haue no more sorow.
Anthuwo adzabwera akuyimba mofuwula pa mapiri a Ziyoni; adzasangalala ndi zinthu zabwino zochokera kwa Yehova. Zinthu zabwinozo ndi izi: tirigu, vinyo watsopano ndi mafuta, ana ankhosa ndi ana angʼombe. Iwo adzakhala ngati munda wothiriridwa bwino, ndipo sadzamvanso chisoni.
13 Then shall ye virgine reioyce in the dance, and the yong men and the old men together: for I wil turne their mourning into ioy, and wil comfort them, and giue them ioy for their sorowes.
Pamenepo anamwali adzavina ndi kusangalala. Anyamata ndi okalamba nawonso adzasangalala. Kulira kwawo ndidzakusandutsa chisangalalo; ndidzawasangalatsa nʼkuchotsa chisoni chawo.
14 And I wil replenish the soule of the Priests with fatnesse, and my people shalbe satisfied with my goodnesse, saith the Lord.
Ansembe ndidzawadyetsa chakudya chabwino, ndipo anthu anga adzakhuta ndi zabwino zanga,” akutero Yehova.
15 Thus saith the Lord, A voyce was heard on hie, a mourning and bitter weeping. Rahel weeping for her children, refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.
Yehova akuti, “Kulira kukumveka ku Rama, kulira kwakukulu, Rakele akulirira ana ake. Sakutonthozeka chifukwa ana akewo palibe.”
16 Thus saith the Lord, Refraine thy voyce from weeping, and thine eyes from teares: for thy worke shalbe rewarded, saith the Lord, and they shall come againe from the land of the enemie:
Yehova akuti, “Leka kulira ndi kukhetsa misozi pakuti udzalandira mphotho ya ntchito yako,” akutero Yehova. “Iwo adzabwerako ku dziko la adani.
17 And there is hope in thine ende, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come againe to their owne borders.
Tsono chiyembekezo chilipo pa zamʼtsogolo,” akutero Yehova. “Ana ako adzabwerera ku dziko lawo.
18 I haue heard Ephraim lamenting thus, Thou hast corrected me, and I was chastised as an vntamed calfe: conuert thou me, and I shalbe conuerted: for thou art the Lord my God.
“Ndithu ndamva Efereimu akubuwula kuti, ‘Ife tinali ngati ana angʼombe osamva. Koma inu mwatiphunzitsa kumvera. Mutibweze kuti tithe kubwerera, chifukwa ndinu Yehova Mulungu wanga.
19 Surely after that I conuerted, I repented: and after that I was instructed, I smote vpon my thigh: I was ashamed, yea, euen confounded, because I did beare the reproch of my youth.
Popeza tatembenuka mtima, ndiye tikumva chisoni; popeza tazindikira ndiye tikudziguguda pachifukwa. Tachita manyazi ndipo tanyazitsidwa chifukwa tinachimwa paubwana wathu.’
20 Is Ephraim my deare sonne or pleasant childe? yet since I spake vnto him, I still remembred him: therefore my bowels are troubled for him: I wil surely haue compassion vpon him, saith the Lord.
Kodi Efereimu si mwana wanga wokondedwa, mwana amene Ine ndimakondwera naye? Ngakhale nthawi zambiri ndimamudzudzula, ndimamukumbukirabe. Kotero mtima wanga ukumufunabe; ndimamumvera chifundo chachikulu kwambiri,” akutero Yehova.
21 Set thee vp signes: make thee heapes: set thine heart towarde the path and way, that thou hast walked: turne againe, O virgine of Israel: turne againe to these thy cities.
“Muyike zizindikiro za mu msewu; muyimike zikwangwani. Yangʼanitsitsani msewuwo, njira imene mukuyendamo. Bwerera, iwe namwali wa Israeli, bwerera ku mizinda yako ija.
22 How long wilt thou goe astray, O thou rebellious daughter? for the Lord hath created a newe thing in the earth: A WOMAN shall compasse a man.
Udzakhala jenkha mpaka liti, iwe mwana wa mkazi wosakhulupirika? Yehova walenga chinthu chatsopano pa dziko lapansi; mkazi ndiye tsopano aziteteza mwamuna.”
23 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, the God of Israel, Yet shall they say this thing in the land of Iudah, and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring againe their captiuitie, The Lord blesse thee, O habitation of iustice and holy mountaine.
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, Mulungu wa Israeli akuti, “Ndikadzabwera nawo anthuwa kuchokera ku ukapolo, anthu a mʼdziko la Yuda ndi amene akukhala mʼmizinda yake adzayankhulanso mawu akuti, ‘Yehova akudalitse, iwe malo achilungamo, iwe phiri lopatulika.’
24 And Iudah shall dwell in it, and all the cities thereof together, the husbandmen and they that goe foorth with the flocke.
Anthu adzakhala ku Yuda ndi ku mizinda yake pamodzi ndi alimi ndi oweta nkhosa.
25 For I haue saciate the wearie soule, and I haue replenished euery sorowfull soule.
Ndidzatsitsimutsa anthu otopa ndipo ndidzadyetsa anthu anjala.”
26 Therefore I awaked and behelde, and my sleepe was sweete vnto me.
Pamenepo ndinadzuka nʼkuyangʼana uku ndi uku. Tulo tanga tinali tokoma.
27 Beholde, the dayes come, saith the Lord, that I will sowe the house of Israel, and the house of Iudah with the seede of man and with the seede of beast.
“Masiku akubwera,” akutero Yehova, “pamene ndidzachulukitsa anthu pamodzi ndi ziweto mʼdziko la Israeli ndi la Yuda.
28 And like as I haue watched vpon them, to plucke vp and to roote out, and to throw downe, and to destroy, and to plague them, so wil I watch ouer them, to build and to plant them, saith ye Lord.
Monga momwe ndinasamalira powazula, powagwetsa, powagumula, powawononga ndi powachita zoyipa, momwemonso ndidzasamala powamanga ndi powadzala” akutero Yehova.
29 In those dayes shall they say no more, The fathers haue eaten a sowre grape, and the childrens teeth are set on edge.
“Mʼmasiku amenewo anthu sadzanenanso kuti, “Makolo adya mphesa zosapsa, koma mano a ana ndiye achita dziru.
30 But euery one shall die for his owne iniquitie: euery man that eateth the sowre grape, his teeth shalbe set on edge.
Mʼmalo wake, munthu aliyense adzafa chifukwa cha tchimo lake. Iye amene adzadye mphesa zosapsazo ndiye amene mano ake adzachite dziru.”
31 Beholde, the dayes come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new couenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Iudah,
“Masiku akubwera,” akutero Yehova, “pamene ndidzachita pangano latsopano ndi Aisraeli ndiponso nyumba ya Yuda.
32 Not according to ye couenant that I made with their fathers, when I tooke them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, the which my couenant they brake, although I was an husband vnto them, saith the Lord.
Silidzakhala ngati pangano limene ndinachita ndi makolo awo pamene ndinawagwira padzanja nʼkuwatulutsa ku Igupto; chifukwa anaphwanya pangano langa, ngakhale ndinali mwamuna wawo,” akutero Yehova.
33 But this shall be the couenant that I will make with the house of Israel, After those dayes, saith the Lord, I will put my Lawe in their inward partes, and write it in their hearts, and wil be their God, and they shalbe my people.
“Ili ndi pangano limene ndidzachita ndi Aisraeli atapita masiku amenewo,” akutero Yehova. “Ndidzayika lamulo langa mʼmitima mwawo ndi kulilemba mʼmaganizo mwawo. Ine ndidzakhala Mulungu wawo ndipo iwo adzakhala anthu anga.
34 And they shall teach no more euery man his neighbour and euery man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me from the least of them vnto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I wil forgiue their iniquitie, and will remember their sinnes no more.
Sipadzafunikanso kuti wina aphunzitse mnzake, kapena munthu wina kuphunzitsa mʼbale wake, kunena kuti, ‘Mudziwe Yehova,’ chifukwa onse adzandidziwa Ine, kuyambira wamngʼono mpaka wamkulu,” akutero Yehova. “Ndidzawakhululukira zoyipa zawo ndipo sindidzakumbukiranso machimo awo.”
35 Thus saith the Lord, which giueth the sunne for a light to the day, and the courses of the moone and of the starres for a light to the night, which breaketh the sea, when the waues thereof roare: his Name is the Lord of hostes.
Yehova akuti, Iye amene amakhazikitsa dzuwa kuti liziwala masana, amene amalamula kuti mwezi ndi nyenyezi ziziwala usiku, amene amavundula nyanja kuti mafunde akokome, dzina lake ndi Yehova Wamphamvuzonse:
36 If these ordinances depart out of my sight, saith the Lord, then shall the seede of Israel cease from being a nation before me, for euer.
Ngati zimenezi zilekeka pamaso panga, akutero Yehova, pamenepo padzakhala pamathero a fuko la Israeli pamaso panga.
37 Thus saith the Lord, If the heauens can be measured, or the fundations of the earth be searched out beneath, then wil I cast off all the seed of Israel, for all that they haue done, saith the Lord.
Yehova akuti, “Ndidzataya fuko la Israeli chifukwa cha machimo awo. Ngati patapezeka munthu amene angathe kupima zakuthambo nʼkufufuza maziko a dziko lapansi.”
38 Behold, the dayes come, saith the Lord, that the citie shalbe built to the Lord from the tower of Hananeel, vnto the gate of the corner.
“Taonani masiku akubwera,” akutero Yehova, “pamene mzinda wa Yehova udzamangidwanso kuyambira ku Nsanja ya Hananeli mpaka ku Chipata cha Ngodya.
39 And the line of the measure shall go foorth in his presence vpon the hil Gareb, and shall compasse about to Goath.
Malire ake adzayambira pamenepo kupita ku phiri la Garebu, nʼkudzakhota kuloza ku Gowa.
40 And the whole valley of the dead bodies, and of the ashes, and all the fields vnto the brooke of Kidron, and vnto the corner of the horsegate toward the East, shalbe holy vnto the Lord, neither shall it be plucked vp nor destroyed any more for euer.
Chigwa chonse mʼmene amatayiramo mitembo ndi phulusa, ndiponso minda yonse kuyambira ku Chigwa cha Kidroni mpaka ku ngodya ya Chipata cha Akavalo mbali ya kummawa, adzakhala malo opatulika a Yehova. Mzindawu sadzawuzulanso kapena kuwuwononga.”

< Jeremiah 31 >