< Jeremiah 24 >

1 The Lord shewed me, and beholde, two baskets of figges were set before the Temple of the Lord, after that Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel had caryed away captiue Ieconiah ye sonne of Iehoiakim King of Iudah, and the princes of Iudah with the workemen, and cunning men of Ierusalem, and had brought them to Babel.
Shure kwokutapwa kwaJehoyakini mwanakomana waJehoyakimi mambo weJudha pamwe chete namachinda, navavezi, navapfuri vesimbi veJudha vachibviswa kuJerusarema vachiendeswa kuBhabhironi naNebhukadhinezari mambo weBhabhironi, Jehovha akandiratidza tswanda mbiri dzine maonde dzakaiswa pamberi petemberi yaJehovha.
2 One basket had verie good figges, euen like the figges that are first ripe: and the other basket had verie naughtie figges, which could not be eaten, they were so euill.
Imwe tswanda yaiva namaonde akanaka kwazvo, akaita seaya anotanga kuibva; imwe yacho yaive namaonde akaipa chose, zvokuti akanga asingagoni kudyiwa.
3 Then saide the Lord vnto mee, What seest thou, Ieremiah? And I said, Figges: ye good figges verie good, and the naughtie verie naughtie, which cannot be eaten, they are so euill.
Ipapo Jehovha akandibvunza achiti, “Uri kuoneiko Jeremia?” Ini ndakapindura ndikati, “Maonde. Akanaka acho, akanaka kwazvo, asi akaipa acho akaipa zvokuti haangadyiwi.”
4 Againe the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
Ipapo shoko raJehovha rakauya kwandiri rikati,
5 Thus sayeth the Lord, the God of Israel, Like these good figges, so will I knowe them that are caryed away captiue of Iudah to bee good, whome I haue sent out of this place, into the land of the Caldeans.
“Zvanzi naJehovha, Mwari weIsraeri, ‘Sezvakaita maonde aya akanaka, saizvozvo ndicharangarira zvakanaka vatapwa vakabva kuJudha vandakatuma kubva panzvimbo ino ndichivaendesa kunyika yeBhabhironi.
6 For I wil set mine eyes vpon them for good, and I will bring them againe to this lande, and I will build them, and not destroy them, and I will plant them, and not roote them out,
Meso angu acharingira kwavari nokuda kwokunaka kwavo, uye ndichavadzosazve munyika ino. Ndichavavaka uye handingavakoromori; ndichavasima uye handingavadzuri.
7 And I will giue them an heart to knowe me, that I am the Lord, and they shalbe my people, and I wil be their God: for they shall returne vnto mee with their whole heart.
Ndichavapa mwoyo wokundiziva, kuti ndini Jehovha. Vachava vanhu vangu, uye ini ndichava Mwari wavo, nokuti vachadzokera kwandiri nomwoyo wavo wose.
8 And as the naughtie figges which can not bee eaten, they are so euill (surely thus saith the Lord) so wil I giue Zedekiah the King of Iudah, and his princes, and the residue of Ierusalem, that remaine in this lande, and them that dwell in the lande of Egypt:
“‘Asi sezvakaita maonde akaipa, iwo akaipa kwazvo zvokusagona kudyiwa,’ ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, ‘saizvozvo ndichaitira Zedhekia mambo weJudha, namachinda ake, navaya vakasara muJerusarema, kunyange vakasara munyika ino kana vagere muIjipiti.
9 I will euen giue them for a terrible plague to all the kingdomes of the earth, and for a reproche, and for a prouerbe, for a common talke, and for a curse, in all places where I shall cast them.
Ndichavaita chinhu chinovengwa, nechinhu chakaipa kuushe hwose hwenyika, chinhu chinoshorwa, neshumo, chinhu chinosekwa nechinotukwa kwose kwose kwandinovadzingira.
10 And I will sende the sworde, the famine, and the pestilence among them, till they bee consumed out of the land, that I gaue vnto them and to their fathers.
Ndichavatumira munondo, nzara, nehasha pamusoro pavo kusvikira vaparadzwa kubva panyika yandakavapa ivo namadzibaba avo.’”

< Jeremiah 24 >