< Jeremiah 12 >

1 O Lord, if I dispute with thee, thou art righteous: yet let mee talke with thee of thy iudgements: wherefore doeth the way of the wicked prosper? why are all they in wealth that rebelliously transgresse?
Imi munogara makarurama, iyemi Jehovha, pandinouya pamberi penyu nemhaka. Kunyange zvakadaro ndichataura nemi pamusoro pokururamisira kwenyu, ndichiti: Nemhaka yeiko nzira yavakaipa ichibudirira? Nemhaka yei vasingatendi vachirarama zvakanaka?
2 Thou hast planted them, and they haue taken roote: they grow, and bring forth fruite: thou art neere in their mouth, and farre from their reines.
Makavasima, uye vava nemidzi; vanokura uye vanobereka muchero. Imi munogara muri pamiromo yavo asi muri kure nemwoyo yavo.
3 But thou, Lord, knowest me: thou hast seene me, and tried mine heart towarde thee: pull them out like sheepe for the slaughter, and prepare them for the day of slaughter.
Asi munondiziva, imi Jehovha; munondiona uye munoedza ndangariro dzangu pamusoro penyu. Vakwekweredzei samakwai anondobayiwa! Muvagadzirire zuva rokubayiwa.
4 Howe long shall the lande mourne, and the herbes of euery fielde wither, for the wickednesse of them that dwell therein? the beastes are consumed and the birdes, because they sayd, He wil not see our last ende.
Nyika ichasvika riniko yakangooma, nebundo resango rakangosvava? Nokuti vose vanogaramo vakaipa, mhuka neshiri zvaparara. Pamusoro paizvozvo, vanhu vanoti, “Haasi kuzoona zvinoitika kwatiri.”
5 If thou hast runne with the footemen and they haue wearied thee, then howe canst thou match thy selfe with horses? and if thou thoughtest thy selfe safe in a peaceable lande, what wilt thou do in the swelling of Iorden?
“Kana wakaita nhangemutange navanhu netsoka, uye vakakunetesa ungagokwikwidzana sei namabhiza? Kana uchigumburwa panyika yakanaka, ungagara seiko mumatenhere eJorodhani?
6 For euen thy brethren, and the house of thy father, euen they haue delt vnfaithfully with thee, and they haue cryed out altogether vpon thee: but beleeue them not, though they speake faire to thee.
Hama dzako, mhuri yako chaiyo, kunyange naivowo vakakumukira; vakadanidzira zvikuru kwazvo pamusoro pako. Usavimba navo, kunyange vachitaura zvakanaka pamusoro pako.
7 I haue forsaken mine house: I haue left mine heritage: I haue giuen the dearely beloued of my soule into the hands of her enemies.
“Ndichasiya imba yangu, ndigorasa nhaka yangu; ndichapa mudikani wangu mumaoko avavengi vake.
8 Mine heritage is vnto mee, as a lion in the forest: it crieth out against mee, therefore haue I hated it.
Nhaka yangu yava kwandiri seshumba iri musango. Anoomba pamberi pangu; naizvozvo ndinomuvenga.
9 Shall mine heritage bee vnto mee, as a bird of diuers colours? are not the birdes about her, saying, Come, assemble all ye beastes of the fielde, come to eate her?
Ko, nhaka yangu haizova kwandiri segondo rina mavara here, iro rinokombwa uye rinorwiswa namamwe makondo? Endai munounganidza zvikara zvose; muuye nazvo zvidye.
10 Many pastors haue destroyed my vineyarde, and troden my portion vnder foote: of my pleasant portion they haue made a desolate wildernesse.
Vafudzi vazhinji vachaparadza munda wangu womuzambiringa, uye vachatsindira munda wangu; vachashandura munda wangu unofadza kuti uve dongo risina chinhu.
11 They haue layde it waste, and it, being waste, mourneth vnto me: and the whole lande lyeth waste, because no man setteth his minde on it.
Uchaitwa dongo rakaoma uye rakaparadzwa pamberi pangu; nyika yose ichava dongo nokuti hakuna ane hanya.
12 The destroyers are come vpon all the high places in the wildernesse: for the sworde of the Lord shall deuoure from the one end of the land, euen to the other ende of the lande: no flesh shall haue peace.
Pamusoro pezvikomo zvisina miti zviri mugwenga, vaparadzi vachamomotera, nokuti munondo waJehovha uchaparadza, kubva kuno rumwe rutivi rwenyika kusvikira kuno rumwe, hakuna achava norugare.
13 They haue sowen wheate, and reaped thornes: they were sicke, and had no profite: and they were ashamed of your fruites, because of the fierce wrath of the Lord.
Vachadyara gorosi asi vachakohwa minzwa; vachazvinetesa asi hakuna chavachawana. Saka zvitakurirei kunyadziswa kwegohwo renyu, nokuda kwokutsamwa kunotyisa kwaJehovha.”
14 Thus sayeth the Lord against all mine euill neighbours, that touch the inheritance, which I haue caused my people Israel to inherite, Beholde, I will plucke them out of their lande, and plucke out the house of Iudah from among them.
Zvanzi naJehovha: “Kana vari vakaipa vakavakidzana nemi vanopamba nhaka yandakapa vanhu vangu vaIsraeri ndichavadzura munyika dzavo uye ndichadzura imba yaJudha kubva pakati pavo.
15 And after that I haue plucked them out, I will returne, and haue compassion on them, and will bring againe euery man to his heritage, and euery man to his land.
Asi mushure mokuvadzura, ndichavanzwirazve tsitsi uye ndichadzosa mumwe nomumwe wavo kunhaka yake nokunyika yake.
16 And if they will learne the wayes of my people, to sweare by my Name, (The Lord liueth, as they taught my people to sweare by Baal) then shall they be built in the middes of my people.
Zvino kana vadzidza zvakanaka nzira dzavanhu vangu uye vakapika nezita rangu, vachiti, ‘Zvirokwazvo naJehovha mupenyu,’ kunyange havo vakambodzidzisa vanhu vangu kupika naBhaari, ipapo vachasimbiswa pakati pavanhu vangu.
17 But if they will not obey, then will I vtterly plucke vp, and destroy that nation, sayeth the Lord.
Asi kana pano rudzi rusingateereri, ndicharudzura zvachose ndigoruparadza,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.

< Jeremiah 12 >