< Jeremiah 11 >

1 The worde that came to Ieremiah from the Lord, saying,
Yehova anayankhula ndi Yeremiya kuti,
2 Heare ye the wordes of this couenant, and speake vnto the men of Iudah, and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem,
“Imvani mawu a pangano ili, ndipo uwawuze anthu a ku Yuda ndi a ku Yerusalemu.
3 And say thou vnto them, Thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel, Cursed be the man that obeyeth not the wordes of this couenant,
Awuze kuti Yehova, Mulungu wa Israeli akuti ‘adzakhala wotembereredwa munthu amene samvera mawu a pangano ili.
4 Which I commanded vnto your fathers, when I brought them out of the lande of Egypt, from the yron fornace, saying, Obey my voyce, and doe according to all these things, which I commande you: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God,
Awa anali mawu amene ndinalamulira makolo anu nditawatulutsa mu Igupto, kuchoka mʼngʼanjo yamoto.’ Ine ndinati, ‘Mverani Ine ndi kuchita chilichonse chimene ndakulamulirani. Mukatero mudzakhala anthu anga ndi Ine ndidzakhala Mulungu wanu.
5 That I may confirme the othe, that I haue sworne vnto your fathers, to giue them a lande, which floweth with milke and hony, as appeareth this day. Then answered I and sayde, So be it, O Lord.
Tsono Ine ndidzakwaniritsa lumbiro lomwe ndinalumbira kwa makolo anu kuti ndidzawapatsa dziko loyenda mkaka ndi uchi,’ dziko lomwe inu lero mukukhalamo.” Tsono Ine ndinayankha kuti, “Ameni, Yehova.”
6 Then the Lord saide vnto me, Cry all these words in the cities of Iudah, and in the streetes of Ierusalem, saying, Heare yee the words of this couenant, and doe them.
Yehova anandiwuza kuti, “Lengeza mawu onsewa mʼmizinda yonse ya ku Yuda ndi mʼmisewu ya mu Yerusalemu: ‘Mverani mawu a pangano ili ndi kuzitsatira.
7 For I haue protested vnto your fathers, whe I brought them vp out of the land of Egypt vnto this day, rising earely and protesting, saying, Obey my voyce.
Kuyambira nthawi imene ndinatulutsa makolo anu ku Igupto mpaka lero, ndakhala ndi kuwachenjeza kawirikawiri kuti, ‘Mverani Ine.’
8 Neuerthelesse they would not obey, nor encline their eare: but euery one walked in the stubbernesse of his wicked heart: therefore I will bring vpon them all the wordes of this couenant, which I commanded them to do, but they did it not.
Koma sanamvere kapena kulabadirako. Aliyense anawumirira kuchita zoyipa za mʼmitima yawo. Ngakhale ndinawalamulira kuti asunge pangano langa koma iwo sanasunge. Choncho ndinawalanga monga ndinaneneramo.’”
9 And the Lord sayd vnto me, A conspiracie is found among the men of Iudah, and among the inhabitants of Ierusalem.
Kenaka Yehova anandiwuza kuti, “Anthu a ku Yuda ndi ku Yerusalemu andiwukira.
10 They are turned backe to the iniquities of their forefathers, which refused to heare my wordes: and they went after other gods to serue them: thus the house of Israel, and the house of Iudah haue broken my couenant, which I made with their fathers.
Abwereranso ku machimo a makolo awo, amene anakana kumvera mawu anga. Akutsata milungu ina ndi kumayitumikira. Aisraeli ndi Ayuda aphwanya pangano limene ndinachita ndi makolo awo.
11 Therefore thus sayth the Lord, Beholde, I will bring a plague vpon them, which they shall not be able to escape, and though they crye vnto me, I will not heare them.
Choncho Yehova akuti, ‘Ndidzawagwetsera mavuto amene sadzatha kuwalewa. Ngakhale adzandilirire, sindidzawamvera.
12 Then shall the cities of Iudah, and the inhabitants of Ierusalem goe, and crie vnto the gods vnto whome they offer incense, but they shall not bee able to helpe them in time of their trouble.
Anthu a mʼmizinda ya Yuda ndi anthu a ku Yerusalemu adzapita ndi kukalirira milungu imene ankayifukizira lubani, koma milunguyo sidzawathandiza ndi pangʼono pomwe mavuto akadzafika.
13 For according to the number of thy cities were thy gods, O Iudah, and according to the number of the streetes of Ierusalem haue yee set vp altars of confusion, euen altars to burne incense vnto Baal.
Iwe Yuda, uli ndi milungu yochuluka ngati chiwerengero cha mizinda yako; chiwerengero cha maguwa ansembe amene umafukizirapo lubani kwa Baala chili ngati misewu ya mu Yerusalemu.’
14 Therfore thou shalt not pray for this people, neither lift vp a crie, or prayer for them: for when they cry vnto mee in their trouble, I will not heare them.
“Tsono iwe Yeremiya usawapempherere anthu amenewa ngakhale kuwadandaulira kapena kuwapepesera, chifukwa sindidzawamvera akadzandiyitana pa nthawi ya mavuto awo.
15 What shoulde my beloued tarie in mine house, seeing they haue committed abomination with manie? and the holy flesh goeth away from thee: yet when thou doest euill, thou reioycest.
“Kodi anthu anga okondedwa akudzachita chiyani mʼNyumba yanga? Kodi suja iwowa amachita zoyipa zambiri? Kodi mungathe kupulumuka, tsoka osakugwerani chifukwa cha nsembe zanuzo?”
16 The Lord called thy name, A greene oliue tree, faire, and of goodly fruite: but with noyse and great tumult he hath set fyre vpon it, and the branches of it are broken.
Kale Yehova ankakutchani mtengo wa olivi wa masamba obiriwira, wokhala ndi zipatso zokongola. Koma tsopano adzawutentha ndi mkuntho wamkokomo ndipo nthambi zake zidzapserera.
17 For the Lord of hostes that planted thee, hath pronounced a plague against thee, for the wickednes of the house of Israel, and of the house of Iudah, which they haue done against themselues to prouoke me to anger in offering incense vnto Baal.
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, amene anakudzalani, walamula kuti mavuto akugwereni. Inu a banja la Yuda ndi a banja la Israeli munachitira Yehova zoyipa ndi kumukwiyitsa pamene munkapereka nsembe zanu kwa Baala.
18 And the Lord hath taught me, and I knowe it, euen then thou shewedst mee their practises.
Yehova anandiwululira ndipo ndinadziwa. Iye anatsekula maso anga kuti ndione chiwembu chawocho.
19 But I was like a lambe, or a bullocke, that is brought to the slaughter, and I knewe not that they had deuised thus against me, saying, Let vs destroy the tree with the fruite thereof, and cut him out of the lande of the liuing, that his name may be no more in memory.
Ndinali ngati mwana wankhosa wofatsa amene akupita naye kukamupha; sindinkadziwa kuti chiwembu chimene ankakonzekeracho chinkaloza ine. Iwo amati: “Tiyeni timuphe munthu ameneyu kuti dzina lake lisadzakumbukiridwenso.”
20 But O Lord of hostes, that iudgest righteously, and triest the reines and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for vnto thee haue I opened my cause.
Koma, Inu Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, Inu amene mumaweruza molungama ndi kuyesa mitima ndi maganizo, lolani kuti ine ndione kuti mwawalipsira, pakuti mlandu wanga ndawupereka mʼmanja mwanu.
21 The Lord therefore speaketh thus of the men of Anathoth, (that seeke thy life, and say, Prophecie not in the Name of the Lord, that thou die not by our hands)
“Nʼchifukwa chake Yehova akunena za anthu a ku Anatoti amene akufuna kuwononga moyo wako namanena kuti, ‘Usanenere mʼdzina la Yehova, ukatero ife tidzakupha ndi manja athu,’
22 Thus therefore sayth the Lord of hostes, Beholde, I will visite them: the yong men shall die by the sword: their sonnes and their daughters shall die by famine,
koma Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, ‘Ine ndidzawalanga. Achinyamata awo adzaphedwa ndi lupanga, ana awo aamuna ndi aakazi adzafa ndi njala.
23 And none of them shall remaine: for I will bring a plague vpon the men of Anathoth, euen the yeere of their visitation.
Sipadzakhala otsala ndi mmodzi yemwe, chifukwa ndidzalanga anthu a ku Anatoti chikadzafika chaka chawo cha chilango.’”

< Jeremiah 11 >