< James 1 >

1 Iames a seruant of God, and of the Lord Iesus Christ, to the twelue Tribes, which are scattered abroade, salutation.
Njame Jemusi musebenshi wa Lesa ne Mwami Yesu Klistu, ndamupanga mitende amwe mikowa likumi ne ibili yalamwaikila kubishi nabimbi.
2 My brethren, count it exceeding ioy, when ye fall into diuers tentations,
Mobanse, kondwani mwakumananga ne mapensho apusana pusana,
3 Knowing that ye trying of your faith bringeth forth patience,
pakwinga mucinshi kwambeti na lushomo lwenu lubula kuntenkana pacindi ncomulapitinga mumapensho, nimukabe bantu beshikucikonsha kukoma.
4 And let patience haue her perfect worke, that ye may be perfect and entier, lacking nothing.
Kulimbikila kwenu kwelela kupitilisha mpaka mukabe balulama cakumpwililila.
5 If any of you lacke wisedome, let him aske of God, which giueth to all men liberally, and reprocheth no man, and it shalbe giuen him.
Nsombi na muntu naumbi liya mano pakati penu welela kusenga kuli Lesa, kayi nakatambule, pakwinga Lesa ukute kupa camakasa abili kuli bonse mwakubula kulangaula milandu.
6 But let him aske in faith, and wauer not: for hee that wauereth, is like a waue of the sea, tost of the winde, and caried away.
Neco mwasenganga mwelela kushoma kwambeti nicikenshike kwakubula kutonshanya. Pakwinga uliyense latonshanyanga ulyeti mankape apamenshi ayo eshikwendeleshewa ne mukupwe.
7 Neither let that man thinke that hee shall receiue any thing of the Lord.
Muntu wamushoboyu katayeyeti nakapewe ncalasengenga kuli Mwami Lesa.
8 A double minded man is vnstable in all his waies.
Pakwinga lasenge ne myoyo ibili, kayi nkaikalikana mubintu byonse, neco nkela kutambulapo ciliconse kuli Lesa sobwe.
9 Let the brother of lowe degree reioyce in that he is exalted:
Mwanse mukandu washoma, welela kukondwa na Lesa lamusumpulu.
10 Againe hee that is rich, in that hee is made lowe: for as the flower of the grasse, shall he vanish away.
Kayi mubile washoma welela kukondwa na Lesa lamuwishi. Pakwinga mubile nakapwe mbuli maluba amucisuwa.
11 For as when the sunne riseth with heate, then the grasse withereth, and his flower falleth away, and the goodly shape of it perisheth: euen so shall the rich man wither away in all his waies.
Lisuba lyapula likute kutenta mumena ne kulasha maluba panshi. Neco buyumi bwa mubile nibukapwe kacili pakati pa micito yakendi.
12 Blessed is ye man, that endureth tentation: for when he is tried, hee shall receiue the crowne of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him.
Ukute colwe muntu ukute kali walimbikilowa elekeshewanga, pakwinga panyuma pakendi nakatambule buyumi, pakwinga ecilambo ico Lesa ncashomeshesha kupa bonse mbwasuni.
13 Let no man say when hee is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God can not bee tempted with euill, neither tempteth he any man.
Muntu elekeshewanga katambangeti Lesa elamwelekeshenga sobwe, Lesa nkela kwelekeshewa ne byaipa, kayi nkela kwelekesha muntu ne byaipa.
14 But euery man is tempted, when hee is drawen away by his owne concupiscence, and is entised.
Nomba muntu ukute kwelekeshewa nelunkumbwa lwakendi mwine, elukute kumubepa nekwimwikata nkola.
15 Then when lust hath conceiued, it bringeth foorth sinne, and sinne when it is finished, bringeth foorth death.
Neco lunkumbwa lukute kusema bwipishi, nabo bwipishi bwakula mushimba bukute kusema lufu.
16 Erre not, my deare brethren.
Kamutabepwa mobanse bame.
17 Euery good giuing, and euery perfect gift is from aboue, and commeth downe from the Father of lights, with whome is no variablenes, neither shadow of turning.
Cipo ciliconse caina kayi caswepa cikute kufuma kwilu ku Bata bakute kwendelesha bintu byonse byakwilu. Nendi nkashinti mbuli mufunsha, kayi kumunika kwakendi nkakushinkililwa ne cintu ciliconse sobwe.
18 Of his owne will begate hee vs with the woorde of trueth, that we shoulde be as the first fruites of his creatures.
Mwakuyanda kwakendi walatupa buyumi bwa linolino kupitila mu maswi ancinencine kwambeti, afwe tubeti bisepo byakutanguna kutoma palibyo mbyalalenga.
19 Wherefore my deare brethren, let euery man be swift to heare, slowe to speake, and slowe to wrath.
Mobanse bame, kamwikatishani maswi awa, uliyense ashe mano kukunyufwa, kabani muntu utafwambana kwamba, kayi utakalala bwangu.
20 For the wrath of man doeth not accomplish the righteousnesse of God.
Pakwinga ukute kukalala bwangu nkakute kwinsa calulama ico Lesa ncalayandanga sobwe.
21 Wherefore lay apart all filthinesse, and superfluitie of maliciousnesse, and receiue with meekenes the word that is graffed in you, which is able to saue your soules.
Ecebo cakendi kamushiyani cinga cakwinsa byasafwana, nekwipa moyo kulikonse. Mwakubomba moyo kamwatambula maswi a Lesa ngalabyala mu myoyo yenu, pakwinga endiwo elakumupulusha.
22 And be ye doers of the word, and not hearers onely, deceiuing your owne selues.
Kamutabowa bantu beshikunyufwa maswi a Lesa, nsombi kamubani beshi kwinsa ncalambanga maswi.
23 For if any heare the woorde, and doe it not, he is like vnto a man, that beholdeth his naturall face in a glasse.
Pakwinga muntu lanyumfungowa maswi, nsombi kabula kwinsa ncalanyumfunga, welana ne muntu lalibononga mucilola.
24 For when he hath considered himselfe, hee goeth his way, and forgetteth immediately what maner of one he was.
Acileka kulanga mucilola popelapo ukute kuluba ncabonekanga.
25 But who so looketh in the perfect Lawe of libertie, and continueth therein, hee not being a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the woorke, shalbe blessed in his deede.
Milawo ya Lesa yaswepa, kayi ikute kupa muntu kusunguluka. Neco muntu ukute kwatambula nekwakonkela cena, ukute kunyumfwa ne kutalubako, nsombi uyo ukute kwinsa, Lesa nakamupe colwe pa ncito shakendi shonse.
26 If any man amog you seeme religious, and refraineth not his tongue, but deceiueth his owne heart, this mans religion is vaine.
Na pali muntu layeyengeti washako mano kukukambilila Lesa, nomba katekata mulomo, kukambilila kwa muntuyo nikwabulyo, kayi ukute kulibepa.
27 Pure religion and vndefiled before God, euen the Father, is this, to visite the fatherlesse, and widdowes in their aduersitie, and to keepe himselfe vnspotted of the world.
Kukambilila kwakubinga pamenso pa Lesa Bata nuku, kubamba cena bana bamashala, batukashi bamukalubingi mumupensho abo, kayi kulisunga cena, kutalisafwanya mubintu byamucishi capanshi.

< James 1 >