< James 2 >

1 My brethren, haue not the faith of our glorious Lord Iesus Christ in respect of persons.
Vanyalukolo Vango ulwakuva mkumwitika uMutwa ghwitu Yesu kilisite, unyavuvaha vwooni, muvaghanaghe avanhu coming namungasalulaghe.
2 For if there come into your company a man with a golde ring, and in goodly apparell, and there come in also a poore man in vile raiment,
Tuiti ndavule mulukong'ano lwinu ingile umunhu umhofu afwalile ni pete sa sahabu, Kange ingile umunhu unkotofu afwalile amenda ghano ghasakile,
3 And ye haue a respect to him that weareth the gaie clothing; and say vnto him, Sit thou here in a goodly place, and say vnto the poore, Stand thou there, or sit here vnder my footestoole,
pe muntengelele vunofu juno afwalilile muti, “Uve ghukale apa pavunofu”neke mumbule unkotofu jula multi, “uve iima apa,” nambe ghukale pasipasi apa pamaghulu ghango.
4 Are yee not partiall in your selues, and are become iudges of euill thoughts?
Asi, uluo naluvonia kuuti munsalula avanhu, navu vulamusi vwuinu vulongosivua na masaghe ghiinu mavivi?
5 Hearken my beloued brethren, hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde, that they should be rich in faith, and heires of the kingdome which he promised to them that loue him?
Vanyalukolo vango vaghanike, mumlikisie, avasaluile avakotofu ava muiisi, vave vamofu milwitiko na kuva vahasi vava vutwa vuno alyavalaghile vaano vamughanile?
6 But ye haue despised the poore. Doe not the riche oppresse you by tyrannie, and doe not they drawe you before the iudgement seates?
Nike umuue mukuvalenapula avakotofu! Asi, avamofu navevano vikuvapumusia umue name pikuvatwala pavuhighi?
7 Doe nor they blaspheme the worthie Name after which yee be named?
Asi, avamofu navevano vikulijova fiivi ilitavua ilinofu ilyajuno umue mukemelelua?
8 But if yee fulfill the royall Lawe according to the Scripture, which saith, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe, yee doe well.
Kuuluo, nave muvingilila ululaghilo lwa ntwa ndavule lilembilue mumalembe amimikekuuti, “Muvomba vunono.
9 But if yee regarde the persons, yee commit sinne, and are rebuked of the Lawe, as transgressours.
Looli nave msalula avanhu vamo avakuvaghana muvomba inyivi, muhighue ulwakuva mulivahosi.
10 For whosoeuer shall keepe the whole Lawe, and yet faileth in one poynt, hee is guiltie of all.
Nave umunhu ivingilila sooni, niike idenya ululaghilo lumo lwene, ujuo iiva adenyile indaaghilo sooni.
11 For he that saide, Thou shalt not commit adulterie, saide also, Thou shalt not kill. Nowe though thou doest none adulterie, yet if thou killest, thou art a transgressour of the Lawe.
Uwakuva uNguluve juno aviikile uulaghilo luno lwiti, “Ulakukilagha,” kange wejuno alyajovile, “Nungabudaghe.” nave nuvwafuke, Nave ghubuda, ghuuvaghuuva udenyile indaghilo.
12 So speake ye, and so doe, as they that shall be iudged by the Lawe of libertie.
Liino mujovaghe na kuvingililandavule vavo valipipi pihighua nu luhighilo luno lukutupeela kuva vaavuke.
13 For there shalbe condemnation merciles to him that sheweth not mercie, and mercie reioyceth against condemnation.
Ulwakuva uvuhighi vukwisa kisila lusungu kuvano navaale nulusungu. urusungu luhumila pavuhighi.
14 What auaileth it, my brethren, though a man saith he hath faith, when he hath no workes? can that faith saue him?
Kuli vunono Viki, Vanyalukolo vango, nave umuunhu iiti ali nulwitwiko neke naihufia mu maghendele ghaake, ulwitiko lwake luli luvumbulilo luki?
15 For if a brother or a sister bee naked and destitute of daily foode,
Asi ulwitiko ndavule uluo ndeponu lukumpoka? Ndavule unyalukolo wakighosi nave wakidala mughaji ghwa menda nambe kyakulia kya jatu,
16 And one of you say vnto them, Depart in peace: warme your selues, and fil your bellies, notwithstading ye giue them not those things which are needefull to the body, what helpeth it?
pe jumonga mulyumue akavavuule atii, “Lutagha nulutengano, mwotaghe umwoto na kulia vunofu,”niiki namukukuvatanga fino baghilue mu m'bili, uluo luvumbulila kiki?
17 Euen so the faith, if it haue no woorkes, is dead in it selfe.
Fye lulivuo, ulwitiko lwene, nave naruhufia amaghende amanofu, lufwile.
18 But some man might say, Thou hast the faith, and I haue woorkes: shewe me thy faith out of thy woorkes, and I will shewe thee my faith by my woorkes.
Lino umuunhu jumonga ndepoonu iiti, “Ulinulwitiko, najune nilinili namaghendele amanofu.” Unihufie ulwitiko lwako ulusila maghendele, najune nikukuhufia ulwitiko lwango ulunyamaghendele ghango amanofu.
19 Thou beleeuest that there is one God: thou doest well: the deuils also beleeue it, and tremble.
Vitike kuuti kwale uNguluve jumbo; uli nuvulweli. Nike amapepo ghikwitika vule vule kuno ghitetema nuludwesi.
20 But wilt thou vnderstand, O thou vaine man, that the faith which is without workes, is dead?
Asi ghulonda pikagula, uve ghwe munhu ulinjasu, ndavule ulwitiko uluo kisila maghendelelo ghano ghaghanilue?
21 Was not Abraham our father iustified through workes, when he offred Isaac his sonne vpon the altar?
Asi nawe nkuulu ghwitu u Abrahamu alyambalile ihaki kumaghendele ghano alyantavuile unswambe u Isaka pakitekelelo?
22 Seest thou not that the faith wrought with his workes? and through the workes was the faith made perfect.
Lino mulolile ulwitiko ulwaa Abraham vule luvombike mumaghendele ghaake, muuluo ulwitiko lwake lukakwilana vwimila amaghendele ghake.
23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which sayeth, Abraham beleeued God, and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse: and hee was called the friende of God.
Uluo uluo lukakwilanisia amalembe amimike Ghana ghiiti, “U Abraham alyamwimike u Nguluve, ulwitiko lweluno lukampelela uNguluve am'balile kuuti mugholofu pa Mason ghake, muuluo uNguluve akantambula uAbrahamu kuuti mumanyaani ghwaake.
24 Ye see then howe that of workes a man is iustified, and not of faith onely.
Lino mulolaghe mulolaghe kuuti umunhu ivalilua kuuva mugholofu vwimila amaghendele ghaake amanofu, nakwekuti vwimila ulwitiko lwene.
25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot iustified through workes, when she had receiued ye messengers, and sent them out another way?
Fyelulyale naju Lahabu umughenda mwalu, alyavalilue kuuva mugholofu vwimila amaghendele ghaake amanofu, pano alyavuupiile avanhu vano valyasung'ilue, akavasoona vakile isila ijinge?
26 For as the body without ye spirit is dead, euen so the faith without workes is dead.
Lino ulwitiko kisila maghendele amanofu, lufwileluuva ndavule umfimba unsila vwuumi.

< James 2 >