< James 2 >
1 My brethren, haue not the faith of our glorious Lord Iesus Christ in respect of persons.
My brethren, hold not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, in a partial respect of persons.
2 For if there come into your company a man with a golde ring, and in goodly apparell, and there come in also a poore man in vile raiment,
For if there come into your synagogue a man with a gold ring in fine clothes, and there come in also a poor man in a mean habit;
3 And ye haue a respect to him that weareth the gaie clothing; and say vnto him, Sit thou here in a goodly place, and say vnto the poore, Stand thou there, or sit here vnder my footestoole,
and ye turn your eyes toward him that weareth the fine clothes, and say to him, Sit thou here in an honorable place; and say to the poor man, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:
4 Are yee not partiall in your selues, and are become iudges of euill thoughts?
do ye not make a partial difference within yourselves, and become judges that reason wickedly?
5 Hearken my beloued brethren, hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde, that they should be rich in faith, and heires of the kingdome which he promised to them that loue him?
Hear, my beloved brethren; hath not God chosen the poor of this world who are rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom, which He hath promised to them that love Him? but ye have slighted the poor.
6 But ye haue despised the poore. Doe not the riche oppresse you by tyrannie, and doe not they drawe you before the iudgement seates?
Do not the rich tyrannize over you; and drag you to their tribunals?
7 Doe nor they blaspheme the worthie Name after which yee be named?
Do they not blaspheme the glorious name by which ye are called?
8 But if yee fulfill the royall Lawe according to the Scripture, which saith, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe, yee doe well.
If ye fulfil the royal law, according to the scripture, which saith, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well.
9 But if yee regarde the persons, yee commit sinne, and are rebuked of the Lawe, as transgressours.
But if ye partially respect persons, ye commit sin, being convicted by the law as transgressors.
10 For whosoeuer shall keepe the whole Lawe, and yet faileth in one poynt, hee is guiltie of all.
For whosoever shall keep the whole law besides, but offend in one point, he is under the penalty of all:
11 For he that saide, Thou shalt not commit adulterie, saide also, Thou shalt not kill. Nowe though thou doest none adulterie, yet if thou killest, thou art a transgressour of the Lawe.
for He that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou do not commit adultery, but committest murder, thou art a transgressor of the law.
12 So speake ye, and so doe, as they that shall be iudged by the Lawe of libertie.
So speak, and so act, as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty.
13 For there shalbe condemnation merciles to him that sheweth not mercie, and mercie reioyceth against condemnation.
For he shall have judgement without mercy, that hath not shewn mercy: but mercy triumpheth over judgement.
14 What auaileth it, my brethren, though a man saith he hath faith, when he hath no workes? can that faith saue him?
What is the advantage, my brethren, if any one say that he has faith, and he hath not works, can faith alone save him?
15 For if a brother or a sister bee naked and destitute of daily foode,
If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food;
16 And one of you say vnto them, Depart in peace: warme your selues, and fil your bellies, notwithstading ye giue them not those things which are needefull to the body, what helpeth it?
and one of you say to them, Go in peace, be ye warmed and be ye filled: but ye give them not the necessaries of life, what profit is it to them?
17 Euen so the faith, if it haue no woorkes, is dead in it selfe.
so faith, if it have not works, being alone, is dead.
18 But some man might say, Thou hast the faith, and I haue woorkes: shewe me thy faith out of thy woorkes, and I will shewe thee my faith by my woorkes.
But one may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith by thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
19 Thou beleeuest that there is one God: thou doest well: the deuils also beleeue it, and tremble.
Thou believest that there is one God; thou dost well: the devils also believe and tremble.
20 But wilt thou vnderstand, O thou vaine man, that the faith which is without workes, is dead?
But desirest thou to know, O vain man, that faith without works, is dead?
21 Was not Abraham our father iustified through workes, when he offred Isaac his sonne vpon the altar?
consider, Was not our father Abraham justified by works, when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar?
22 Seest thou not that the faith wrought with his workes? and through the workes was the faith made perfect.
Thou seest that faith co-operated with his works, and that by his works his faith was perfected.
23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which sayeth, Abraham beleeued God, and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse: and hee was called the friende of God.
And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness; and he was called the friend of God.
24 Ye see then howe that of workes a man is iustified, and not of faith onely.
Ye see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot iustified through workes, when she had receiued ye messengers, and sent them out another way?
And in like manner also was not the harlot Rahab justified by works, when she entertained the spies, and let them out another way?
26 For as the body without ye spirit is dead, euen so the faith without workes is dead.
For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.