< Isaiah 9 >
1 Yet the darkenesse shall not be according to the affliction that it had when at the first hee touched lightly the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, nor afteward when he was more grieuous by the way of the sea beyond Iorden in Galile of the Gentiles.
Kunyange zvakadaro, hakuchazovazve nerima kuna avo vakanga vari munhamo. Pamazuva akare akaninipisa nyika yeZebhuruni nenyika yeNafutari, asi panguva inouya achakudza Garirea reveDzimwe Ndudzi, nenzira yokugungwa mhiri kwaJorodhani.
2 The people that walked in darkenes haue seene a great light: they that dwelled in the land of the shadowe of death, vpon them hath the light shined.
Vanhu vaifamba murima vakaona chiedza chikuru; avo vaigara munyika yomumvuri worufu, chiedza chakavavhenekera.
3 Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased their ioye: they haue reioyced before thee according to the ioye in haruest, and as men reioyce when they deuide a spoyle.
Makakurisa rudzi mukawedzera mufaro wavo; vanofara pamberi penyu savanhu vanofara panguva yokukohwa, sokufara kwavarume, kana vachigoverana zvakapambwa.
4 For the yoke of their burthen, and the staffe of their shoulder and the rod of their oppressour hast thou broken as in the day of Midian.
Nokuti sapamazuva okukundwa kwavaMidhia, vamakaparadzira joko raivaremera, nedanda raichinjika mafudzi avo, iyo tsvimbo yavamanikidzi vavo.
5 Surely euery battell of the warriour is with noyse, and with tumbling of garments in blood: but this shall be with burning and deuouring of fire.
Shangu imwe neimwe yomurwi yakashandiswa muhondo, nenguo imwe neimwe yakaumburudzwa muropa, zvichapiswa, zvichava huni dzomoto.
6 For vnto vs a childe is borne, and vnto vs a Sonne is giuen: and the gouernement is vpon his shoulder, and he shall call his name Wonderfull, Counseller, The mightie God, The euerlasting Father, The prince of peace,
Nokuti takazvarirwa mwana, takapiwa mwanakomana, uye umambo huchava pamapfudzi ake. Uye achanzi Gota Rinoshamisa, Mwari Ane Simba, Baba Vokusingaperi, Muchinda woRugare.
7 The increase of his gouernement and peace shall haue none end: he shall sit vpon the throne of Dauid, and vpon his kingdome, to order it, and to stablish it with iudgement and with iustice, from hencefoorth, euen for euer: the zeale of the Lord of hostes will performe this.
Kukura kwoumambo hwake nekworugare rwake hazvizovi namagumo. Achatonga pachigaro choushe chaDhavhidhi napamusoro poumambo hwake, achihusimbisa nokuhutsigira, nokururamisira uye nokururama, kubva panguva iyoyo kusvikira nokusingaperi. Kushingaira kwaJehovha Wamasimba Ose kuchazviita.
8 The Lord hath sent a worde into Iaakob, and it hath lighted vpon Israel.
Jehovha akatuma shoko pamusoro paJakobho; richawira pamusoro paIsraeri.
9 And all the people shall knowe, euen Ephraim, and the inhabitant of Samaria, that say in the pride and presumption of the heart,
Vanhu vose vachariziva, Efuremu navagari vomuSamaria, ivo vanoti nokuzvikudza kwavo uye namanyawi emwoyo,
10 The brickes are fallen, but we will build it with hewen stones: the wilde figge trees are cut downe, but we will change them into ceders.
“Zvidhinha zvakoromokera pasi, asi tichavakazve namatombo; mionde yatemerwa pasi, asi tichaitsiva nemisidhari.”
11 Neuerthelesse the Lord will raise vp the aduersaries of Rezin against him, and ioyne his enemies together.
Asi Jehovha akamutsira Rezini vadzivisi akakurudzira vavengi vavo.
12 Aram before and the Philistims behinde, and they shall deuoure Israel with open mouth: yet for all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
VaAramu vachibva nokumabvazuva navaFiristia vachibva nokumavirira vakapedza vaIsraeri nomuromo wakashama. Kunyange zvakadaro, kutsamwa kwake hakuna kudzorwa, asi ruoko rwake ruchatongotambanudzwa.
13 For the people turneth not vnto him that smiteth them, neither doe they seeke the Lord of hostes.
Asi vanhu havana kutendeukira kuna iye akavarova, kana kutsvaka Jehovha Wamasimba Ose.
14 Therefore will the Lord cut off from Israel head and taile, branche and rush in one day.
Naizvozvo Jehovha achadimura vaIsraeri vose musoro nomuswe, zvose davi romuchindwe norutsanga pazuva rimwe;
15 The ancient and the honorable man, he is the head: and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the taile.
vakuru navarume vanokudzwa ndivo musoro, vaprofita vanodzidzisa nhema ndivo muswe.
16 For the leaders of the people cause them to erre: and they that are led by them are deuoured.
Vanotungamirira vanhu ava vanovatsausa, navose vanotungamirirwa vanotsauswa.
17 Therefore shall the Lord haue no pleasure in their yong men, neither will he haue compassion of their fatherlesse and of their widowes: for euery one is an hypocrite and wicked, and euery mouth speaketh follie: yet for all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out stil.
Naizvozvo Jehovha haachazofariri majaya, kana kuva netsitsi nenherera nechirikadzi, nokuti mumwe nomumwe wavo haana umwari uye akaipa, muromo mumwe nomumwe unotaura zvoupenzi. Kunyange zvakadaro, kutsamwa kwake hakuna kudzorwa, ruoko rwake ruchakangosimudzwa.
18 For wickednesse burneth as a fire: it deuoureth the briers and the thornes and will kindle in the thicke places of the forest: and they shall mount vp like the lifting vp of smoke.
Zvirokwazvo zvakaipa zvinopfuta somoto; unopisa rukato neminzwa, unopisa matenhere edondo zvokuti unokwira kudenga mushongwe youtsi.
19 By the wrath of the Lord of hostes shall the land be darkened, and the people shall be as the meate of ye fire: no man shall spare his brother.
Kubudikidza nokutsamwa kwaJehovha Wamasimba Ose nyika ichapiswa kwazvo uye vanhu vachava huni dzomoto; hapana achaponesa hama yake.
20 And he shall snatch at the right hand, and be hungrie: and he shall eate on the left hand, and shall not be satisfied: euery one shall eate ye flesh of his owne arme.
Kurudyi vachadya asi vacharamba vane nzara; kuruboshwe, vachadya asi havangaguti. Mumwe nomumwe achadya nyama yomwana wake.
21 Manasseh, Ephraim: and Ephraim Manasseh, and they both shall be against Iudah yet for all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
Manase achadya Efuremu uye Efuremu achadya Manase; pamwe chete vachamukira Judha. Kunyange zvakadaro, kutsamwa kwake hakuna kudzorwa, ruoko rwake ruchakangosimudzwa.