< Isaiah 66 >
1 Thus saith the Lord, The heauen is my throne, and the earth is my footestoole: where is that house that ye will builde vnto me? and where is that place of my rest?
耶和华如此说: 天是我的座位; 地是我的脚凳。 你们要为我造何等的殿宇? 哪里是我安息的地方呢?
2 For all these things hath mine hand made, and all these things haue bene, sayth the Lord: and to him will I looke, euen to him, that is poore, and of a contrite spirite and trembleth at my wordes.
耶和华说:这一切都是我手所造的, 所以就都有了。 但我所看顾的, 就是虚心痛悔、 因我话而战兢的人。
3 He that killeth a bullocke, is as if he slewe a man: he that sacrificeth a sheepe, as if he cut off a dogges necke: he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swines blood: he that remembreth incense, as if he blessed an idole: yea, they haue chosen their owne wayes, and their soule deliteth in their abominations.
假冒为善的宰牛,好像杀人, 献羊羔,好像打折狗项, 献供物,好像献猪血, 烧乳香,好像称颂偶像。 这等人拣选自己的道路, 心里喜悦行可憎恶的事。
4 Therefore will I chuse out their delusions, and I will bring their feare vpon them, because I called, and none woulde answere: I spake and they woulde not heare: but they did euill in my sight, and chose the things which I would not.
我也必拣选迷惑他们的事, 使他们所惧怕的临到他们; 因为我呼唤,无人答应; 我说话,他们不听从; 反倒行我眼中看为恶的, 拣选我所不喜悦的。
5 Heare the worde of the Lord, all ye that tremble at his worde, Your brethren that hated you, and cast you out for my Names sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appeare to your ioy, and they shall be ashamed.
你们因耶和华言语战兢的人当听他的话: 你们的弟兄—就是恨恶你们, 因我名赶出你们的,曾说: 愿耶和华得荣耀, 使我们得见你们的喜乐; 但蒙羞的究竟是他们!
6 A voyce soundeth from the citie, euen a voyce from the Temple, the voyce of the Lord, that recompenseth his enemies fully.
有喧哗的声音出自城中! 有声音出于殿中! 是耶和华向仇敌施行报应的声音!
7 Before she trauailed, she brought foorth: and before her paine came, she was deliuered of a man childe.
锡安未曾劬劳就生产, 未觉疼痛就生出男孩。
8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seene such things? shall ye earth be brought forth in one day? or shall a nation be borne at once? for assoone as Zion trauailed, she brought foorth her children.
国岂能一日而生? 民岂能一时而产? 因为锡安一劬劳便生下儿女, 这样的事谁曾听见? 谁曾看见呢?
9 Shall I cause to trauaile, and not bring forth? shall I cause to bring forth, and shall be baren, saith thy God?
耶和华说:我既使她临产, 岂不使她生产呢? 你的 神说:我既使她生产, 岂能使她闭胎不生呢?
10 Reioyce ye with Ierusalem, and be gladde with her, all ye that loue her: reioyce for ioy with her, all ye that mourne for her,
你们爱慕耶路撒冷的 都要与她一同欢喜快乐; 你们为她悲哀的 都要与她一同乐上加乐;
11 That ye may sucke and be satisfied with the brestes of her consolation: that ye may milke out and be delited with ye brightnes of her glorie.
使你们在她安慰的怀中吃奶得饱, 使他们得她丰盛的荣耀, 犹如挤奶,满心喜乐。
12 For thus saith the Lord, Beholde, I will extend peace ouer her like a flood, and the glorie of the Gentiles like a flowing streame: then shall ye sucke, ye shall be borne vpon her sides, and be ioyfull vpon her knees.
耶和华如此说: 我要使平安延及她,好像江河, 使列国的荣耀延及她,如同涨溢的河。 你们要从中享受; 你们必蒙抱在肋旁,摇弄在膝上。
13 As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you, and ye shall be comforted in Ierusalem.
母亲怎样安慰儿子,我就照样安慰你们; 你们也必因耶路撒冷得安慰。
14 And when ye see this, your hearts shall reioyce, and your bones shall flourish like an herbe: and the hand of the Lord shall be knowen among his seruants, and his indignation against his enemies.
你们看见,就心中快乐; 你们的骨头必得滋润像嫩草一样; 而且耶和华的手向他仆人所行的必被人知道; 他也要向仇敌发恼恨。
15 For beholde, the Lord will come with fire, and his charets like a whirlewinde, that he may recompence his anger with wrath, and his indignation with the flame of fire.
看哪,耶和华必在火中降临; 他的车辇像旋风, 以烈怒施行报应, 以火焰施行责罚;
16 For the Lord will iudge with fire, and with his sworde all flesh, and the slaine of the Lord shall be many.
因为耶和华在一切有血气的人身上, 必以火与刀施行审判; 被耶和华所杀的必多。
17 They that sanctifie themselues, and purifie themselues in the gardens behinde one tree in the middes eating swines flesh, and such abomination, euen the mouse, shall be consumed together, sayeth the Lord.
18 For I will visite their workes, and their imaginations: for it shall come that I will gather all nations, and tongues, and they shall come, and see my glorie.
19 And I will set a signe among them, and will send those that escape of them, vnto the nations of Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, and to them that drawe the bowe, to Tubal and Tauan, yles afarre off, that haue not heard my fame, neither haue seene my glorie, and they shall declare my glorie among the Gentiles.
20 And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering vnto the Lord out of all nations, vpon horses, and in charets, and in horse litters, and vpon mules, and swift beastes, to Ierusalem mine holy Mountaine, saith the Lord, as the children of Israel, offer in a cleane vessell in the House of the Lord.
21 And I will take of them for Priestes, and for Leuites, saith the Lord.
22 For as the newe heauens, and the newe earth which I will make, shall remaine before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seede and your name continue.
耶和华说:我所要造的新天新地, 怎样在我面前长存; 你们的后裔和你们的名字也必照样长存。
23 And from moneth to moneth, and from Sabbath to Sabbath shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord.
每逢月朔、安息日, 凡有血气的必来在我面前下拜。 这是耶和华说的。
24 And they shall goe forth, and looke vpon the carkases of the men that haue transgressed against me: for their worme shall not dye, neither shall their fire be quenched, and they shalbe an abhorring vnto all flesh.
他们必出去观看那些违背我人的尸首; 因为他们的虫是不死的; 他们的火是不灭的; 凡有血气的都必憎恶他们。