< Isaiah 64 >

1 Oh, that thou wouldest breake the heauens, and come downe, and that the mountaines might melt at thy presence!
Awu, sengathi ungaqhekeza amazulu wehlele phansi ukuba izintaba zinyikinyeke phambi kwakho!
2 As the melting fire burned, as the fire caused the waters to boyle, (that thou mightest declare thy Name to thy aduersaries) the people did tremble at thy presence.
Njengalapho umlilo utshisa incwathi wenze amanzi abile, yehlela phansi ukuba wenze ibizo lakho lazakale ezitheni zakho, wenze lezizwe zithuthumele phambi kwakho.
3 When thou diddest terrible things, which we looked not for, thou camest downe, and the mountaines melted at thy presence.
Ngoba wathi usenza izinto ezesabekayo esasingazilindelanga, wehlela phansi, izintaba zathuthumela phambi kwakho.
4 For since the beginning of the world they haue not heard nor vnderstande with the eare, neither hath ye eye seene another God beside thee, which doeth so to him that waiteth for him.
Kusukela endulo kakho owezwayo, akulandlebe eyabambisisayo, akulalihlo elabona omunye uNkulunkulu ngaphandle kwakho, osebenzela labo abathembe kuye.
5 Thou diddest meete him, that reioyced in thee, and did iustly: they remembred thee in thy wayes: beholde, thou art angrie, for we haue sinned: yet in them is continuance, and we shall be saued.
Uyeza ukuba usize labo abenza ukulunga ngokuthaba, abazikhumbulayo izindlela zakho. Kodwa lapho saqhubeka sisona kubo wathukuthela. Pho singasindiswa kanjani na?
6 But we haue all bene as an vncleane thing, and all our righteousnes is as filthie cloutes, and we all doe fade like a leafe, and our iniquities like the winde haue taken vs away.
Sonke sesaba njengomuntu ongcolileyo, lemisebenzi yethu yokulunga yonke injengenjobo ezingcolileyo, sonke siyabuna njengehlamvu, lanjengomoya izono zethu zisiphephulela khatshana.
7 And there is none that calleth vpon thy Name, neither that stirreth vp himselfe to take holde of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from vs, and hast consumed vs because of our iniquities.
Kakho okhuleka ebizweni lakho lozamayo ukubambelela kuwe, ngoba ubuso bakho ubufihlile kithi wasenza sacikizeka ngenxa yezono zethu.
8 But now, O Lord, thou art our Father: we are the clay, and thou art our potter, and we all are the worke of thine hands.
Ikanti wena Thixo unguBaba wethu. Thina silibumba, wena ungumbumbi; sonke singumsebenzi wezandla zakho.
9 Be not angry, O Lord, aboue measure, neither remember iniquitie for euer: lo, we beseech thee beholde, we are all thy people.
Ungathukutheli wedlulise, awu Thixo; izono zethu ungazikhumbuli kokuphela. Awu, ake usikhangele, siyakhuleka, ngoba sonke singabantu bakho.
10 Thine holy cities lye waste: Zion is a wildernes, and Ierusalem a desart.
Amadolobho akho angcwele aseyinkangala; leZiyoni isiyinkangala, iJerusalema isiyincithakalo.
11 The House of our Sanctuarie and of our glorie, where our fathers praysed thee, is burnt vp with fire and all our pleasant things are wasted.
Ithempeli lethu elingcwele njalo elikhazimulayo lapho okhokho ababekudumisela khona, litshiswe ngomlilo, njalo konke okwakuligugu kithi sekungamanxiwa.
12 Wilt thou holde thy selfe still at these things, O Lord? wilt thou holde thy peace and afflict vs aboue measure?
Emva kwakho konke lokhu Thixo, uzazithinta na? Uzazithulela, usijezise ngokudlulisileyo na?

< Isaiah 64 >