< Isaiah 59 >
1 Beholde, the Lordes hande is not shortened, that it can not saue: neither is his eare heauie, that it cannot heare.
Zvirokwazvo ruoko rwaJehovha haruna kupfupika kuti rukonewe kuponesa, uye nzeve yake haina kudzivira kuti irege kunzwa.
2 But your iniquities haue separated betweene you and your God, and your sinnes haue hidde his face from you, that he will not heare.
Asi zvakaipa zvenyu zvakakuparadzanisai naMwari wenyu; zvivi zvenyu zvakavanza chiso chake kwamuri kuti arege kunzwa.
3 For your handes are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquitie: your lips haue spoken lies and your tongue hath murmured iniquitie.
Nokuti maoko enyu akasvibiswa neropa, minwe yenyu nezvakaipa. Miromo yenyu yakareva nhema, rurimi rwenyu runonguruma zvinhu zvakaipa.
4 No man calleth for iustice: no man contendeth for trueth: they trust in vanitie, and speake vaine things: they conceiue mischiefe, and bring foorth iniquitie.
Hapana anochemera kururamisira; hapana anokwidza mhaka yake nokutendeka. Vanongovimba negakava risina maturo uye nokureva nhema; vanoita mimba yezvakashata uye vanobereka zvakaipa.
5 They hatch cockatrice egges, and weaue the spiders webbe: he that eateth of their egges, dieth, and that which is trode vpon, breaketh out into a serpent.
Vanochochonya mazai emvumbi, uye vanoruka dandira redandemutande. Ani naani anodya mazai avo achafa, uye rimwe rikaputsika, panochochonywa nyoka.
6 Their webbes shall be no garment, neither shall they couer themselues with their labours: for their workes are workes of iniquitie, and the worke of crueltie is in their handes.
Matandira avo haabatsiri pakupfeka; havagoni kuzvifukidza nezvavanogadzira. Mabasa avo mabasa akaipa, uye kuita nechisimba kuri mumaoko avo.
7 Their feete runne to euill, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are wicked thoughts: desolation and destruction is in their paths.
Tsoka dzavo dzinomhanyira kundopinda muchivi; vanokurumidza kuteura ropa risina mhosva. Mirangariro yavo mirangariro yakaipa; kuputsa nokuparadza zviri munzira dzavo.
8 The way of peace they knowe not, and there is none equitie in their goings: they haue made them crooked paths: whosoeuer goeth therein, shall not knowe peace.
Nzira yorugare havaizivi; hapana kururamisira pamakwara avo. Vakashandura nzira dzavo dzikava dzakaminama; hakuna anofamba madziri achaziva rugare.
9 Therefore is iudgement farre from vs, neither doeth iustice come neere vnto vs: we waite for light, but loe, it is darkenesse: for brightnesse, but we walke in darkenesse.
Naizvozvo kururamisira kuri kure nesu, uye kururama hakusviki kwatiri. Tinotsvaka chiedza, asi zvose irima; tinotsvaka kujeka, asi tiri kufamba mumumvuri werima.
10 Wee grope for the wall like the blinde, and we grope as one without eyes: we stumble at the noone day as in the twilight: we are in solitarie places, as dead men.
Sebofu tinotsvanzvadzira tichitevedza madziro, tichitsvaka nzira yedu savanhu vasina meso. Panguva yamasikati tinogumburwa kunge nguva yorubvunzavaeni; pakati pavane simba, tangoita savakafa.
11 We roare all like beares, and mourne like dooues: wee looke for equitie, but there is none: for health, but it is farre from vs.
Tose tiri kuomba samapere; tinorira nokurira kukuru senjiva. Tinotsvaka kururamisira, asi hatikuwani; tinotsvaka kurwirwa, asi kuri kure kure.
12 For our trespasses are many before thee, and our sinnes testifie against vs: for our trespasses are with vs, and we knowe our iniquities
Nokuti kutadza kwedu kwawanda pamberi penyu, uye zvivi zvedu zvinotipupurira zvakaipa. Kudarika kwedu kunogara nesu, uye tinobvuma kutadza kwedu:
13 In trespassing and lying against the Lord, and wee haue departed away from our God, and haue spoken of crueltie and rebellion, conceiuing and vttering out of the heart false matters.
kumukira nokunyengera Jehovha, kufuratira Mwari wedu, kukuchidzira udzvinyiriri nokupanduka, nokutaura mashoko enhema anobva mumwoyo yedu.
14 Therefore iudgement is turned backewarde, and iustice standeth farre off: for trueth is fallen in the streete, and equitie cannot enter.
Naizvozvo kururamisirwa kwadzorerwa shure, uye kururama kwamira kure; chokwadi chakagumburwa munzira dzomumusha, kutendeka hakuchagoni kupinda.
15 Yea, trueth faileth, and hee that refraineth from euill, maketh himselfe a praye: and when the Lord sawe it, it displeased him, that there was no iudgement.
Zvokwadi haichawanikwi uye vanovenga zvakaipa ndivo vopambwa. Jehovha akatarisa akasafara kuti pakanga pasisina kururamisira.
16 And when he sawe that there was no man, hee wondered that none woulde offer him selfe. Therefore his arme did saue it, and his righteousnes it selfe did sustaine it.
Akaona kuti pakanga pasina munhu, akashamiswa kuti pakanga pasina munhu aipindira; naizvozvo ruoko rwake rwakamuvigira ruponeso, uye kururama kwake kwakamuraramisa.
17 For he put on righteousnes, as an habergeon, and an helmet of saluation vpon his head, and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeale as a cloke.
Akashonga kururama sechidzitiro chechipfuva, nenguwani yoruponeso mumusoro make; akashonga nguo dzokutsiva akazviputira mukushingaira kwake seanozviputira nejasi.
18 As to make recompence, as to requite the furie of the aduersaries with a recompence to his enemies: he will fully repaire the ylands.
Sezvavakaita, saizvozvo acharipira hasha kuvavengi vake nokutsiva kuvadzivisi vake; acharipira zvakafanira kuzviwi.
19 So shall they feare the Name of the Lord from the West, and his glory from the rising of the sunne: for the enemie shall come like a flood: but the Spirit of the Lord shall chase him away.
Kubva kumavirira, vanhu vachatya Jehovha, uye kubva pakubuda kwezuva, vachakudza kubwinya kwake. Nokuti achauya sokudira kworwizi runosundwa nokufema kwaJehovha.
20 And the Redeemer shall come vnto Zion, and vnto them that turne from iniquitie in Iaakob, saith the Lord.
“Mudzikinuri achauya kuZioni, kuna avo vari muna Jakobho vanotendeuka pazvivi zvavo,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
21 And I will make this my couenant with them, saith the Lord. My Spirit that is vpon thee, and my wordes, which I haue put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seede, nor out of the mouth of the seede of thy seede, saith the Lord, from hencefoorth euen for euer.
“Kana ndirini, iyi ndiyo sungano yangu navo,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha. “Mweya wangu uri pamusoro pako, namashoko angu andakaisa mumuromo mako hazvichabvi pamuromo wako, kana pamiromo yavana venyu, kana pamiromo yezvizvarwa zvavo kubva zvino nokusingaperi,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.