< Isaiah 54 >
1 Rejoice, O barren that diddest not beare: breake forth into ioy and reioyce, thou that diddest not trauaile with childe: for the desolate hath moe children then the married wife, sayeth the Lord.
なんぢ孕まず子をうまざるものよ歌うたふべし 產のくるしみなきものよ聲をはなちて謳ひよばはれ 夫なきものの子はとつげるものの子よりおほしと 此はヱホバの聖言なり
2 Enlarge the place of thy tents, and let them spread out the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, stretch out thy cords and make fast thy stakes.
汝が幕屋のうちを廣くし なんぢが住居のまくをはりひろげて吝むなかれ 汝の綱をながくしなんぢの杙をかたくせよ
3 For thou shalt increase on the right hande and on the left, and thy seede shall possesse the Gentiles, and dwell in the desolate cities.
そはなんぢが右に左にひろごり なんぢの裔はもろもろの國をえ 荒廢れたる邑をもすむべき所となさしむべし
4 Feare not: for thou shalt not be ashamed, neither shalt thou be confounded: for thou shalt not bee put to shame: yea, thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproch of thy widdowhoode any more.
懼るるなかれなんぢ恥ることなからん 惶てためくことなかれ汝はぢしめらるることなからん 若きときの恥をわすれ寡婦たりしときの恥辱をふたたび覺ることなからん
5 For hee that made thee, is thine husband (whose Name is the Lord of hostes) and thy redeemer the Holy one of Israel, shall be called the God of the whole world.
なんぢを造り給へる者はなんぢの夫なり その名は萬軍のヱホバ なんぢを贖ひ給ふものはイスラエルの聖者なり 全世界の神ととなへられ給ふべし
6 For the Lord hath called thee, being as a woman forsaken, and afflicted in spirite, and as a yong wife when thou wast refused, sayth thy God.
ヱホバ汝をまねきたまふ 棄られて心うれふる妻また若きとき嫁てさられたる妻をまねくがごとしと 此はなんぢの神のみことばなり
7 For a litle while haue I forsaken thee, but with great compassion will I gather thee.
8 For a moment, in mine anger, I hid my face from thee for a litle season, but with euerlasting mercy haue I had compassion on thee, sayth the Lord thy redeemer.
わが忿恚あふれて暫くわが面をなんぢに隱したれど 永遠のめぐみをもて汝をあはれまんと 此はなんぢをあがなひ給ふヱホバの聖言なり
9 For this is vnto me as the waters of Noah: for as I haue sworne that the waters of Noah should no more goe ouer the earth, so haue I sworne that I would not be angrie with thee, nor rebuke thee.
このこと我にはノアの洪水のときのごとし 我むかしノアの洪水をふたたび地にあふれ流るることなからしめんと誓ひしが そのごとく我ふたたび汝をいきどほらず 再びなんぢを責じとちかひたり
10 For the mountaines shall remoue and the hilles shall fall downe: but my mercy shall not depart from thee, neither shall the couenant of my peace fall away, saith the Lord, that hath compassion on thee.
山はうつり岡はうごくとも わが仁慈はなんぢよりうつらず 平安をあたふるわが契約はうごくことなからんと 此はなんぢを憐みたまふヱホバのみことばなり
11 O thou afflicted and tossed with tempest, that hast no comfort, beholde, I wil lay thy stones with the carbuncle, and lay thy foundation with saphirs,
なんぢ苦しみをうけ暴風にひるがへされ 安慰をえざるものよ 我うるはしき彩色をなしてなんぢの石をすゑ 靑き玉をもてなんぢの基をおき
12 And I will make thy windowes of emeraudes, and thy gates shining stones, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.
くれなゐの玉をもてなんぢの櫓をつくり むらさきの玉をもてなんぢの門をつくり なんぢの境内はあまねく寳石にてつくるべし
13 And all thy children shalbe taught of the Lord, and much peace shalbe to thy children.
又なんぢの子輩はみなヱホバに敎をうけ なんぢの子輩のやすきは大ならん
14 In righteousnes shalt thou be established, and be farre from oppression: for thou shalt not feare it: and from feare, for it shall not come neere thee.
なんぢ義をもて堅くたち 虐待よりとほざかりて慴ることなく また恐懼よりとほざかるべし そは恐懼なんぢに近づくことなければなり
15 Beholde, the enemie shall gather himselfe, but without me: whosoeuer shall gather himselfe in thee, against thee, shall fall.
縦ひかれら群集ふとも我によるにあらず 凡てむれつどひて汝をせむる者はなんぢの故にたふるべし
16 Beholde, I haue created the smith that bloweth the coales in the fire, and him that bringeth forth an instrument for his worke, and I haue created the destroyer to destroy.
みよ炭火をふきおこして用ゐべき器をいだす鐵工はわが創造するところ 又あらし滅ぼす者もわが創造するところなり
17 But all the weapons that are made against thee, shall not prosper: and euery tongue that shall rise against thee in iudgement, thou shalt condemne. This is the heritage of the Lords seruants, and their righteousnesse is of me, sayth the Lord.
すべてなんぢを攻んとてつくられしうつはものは利あることなし 興起ちてなんぢとあらそひ訴ふる舌はなんぢに罪せらるべし これヱホバの僕等のうくる產業なり 是かれらが我よりうくる義なりとヱホバのたまへり
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark