< Isaiah 50 >

1 Thus sayeth the Lord, Where is that bill of your mothers diuorcement, whome I haue cast off? or who is the creditour to whome I solde you? Beholde, for your iniquities are yee solde, and because of your transgressions is your mother forsaken.
Zvanzi naJehovha: “Ko, rugwaro rwokurambwa kwamai venyu rwuripiko rwandakavadzinga narwo? Uye ndevapiko vandakakwereta ndikazokutengesai kwavari? Makatengeswa nokuda kwezvivi zvenyu; mai venyu vakadzingwa nokuda kwokudarika kwenyu.
2 Wherefore came I, and there was no man? I called, and none answered: is mine hand so shortened, that it cannot helpe? or haue I no power to deliuer? Beholde, at my rebuke I drie vp the Sea: I make the floods desert: their fish rotteth for want of water, and dieth for thirst.
Sei ndakashaya munhu, pandakauya? Sei pasina akapindura pandakadana? Ko, ruoko rwangu rwakanga rwakapfupika here kuti ndikudzikinurei? Handina simba rokukununurai here? Nokungorayira chete ndinopwisa gungwa; ndinoshandura nzizi dzikava gwenga; hove dzadzo dzinoora nokushayiwa mvura, uye dzinofa nenyota.
3 I clothe the heauens with darkenesse, and make a sacke their couering.
Ndinoshongedza denga nerima uye ndinoita masaga chifukidzo charo.”
4 The Lord God hath giuen me a tongue of the learned, that I shoulde knowe to minister a woord in time to him that is weary: he will raise me vp in the morning: in the morning hee will waken mine eare to heare, as the learned.
Ishe Jehovha akandipa rurimi rwakadzidziswa, kuziva shoko rinosimbisa vakarukutika. Anondimutsa mangwanani namangwanani, anomutsa nzeve yangu kuti iteerere somunhu anodzidziswa.
5 The Lord God hath opened mine eare and I was not rebellious, neither turned I backe.
Ishe Jehovha akazarura nzeve dzangu, uye handina kumumukira; handina kudzokera shure.
6 I gaue my backe vnto the smiters, and my cheekes to the nippers: I hidde not my face from shame and spitting.
Ndakapa musana wangu kuna avo vaindirova, namatama angu kuna avo vakadzura ndebvu dzangu; Handina kuvanza chiso changu pakusekwa nokupfirwa mate.
7 For the Lord God will helpe me, therefore shall I not bee confounded: therefore haue I set my face like a flint, and I knowe that I shall not be ashamed.
Nokuti Ishe Jehovha anondibatsira, handizonyadziswi. Naizvozvo ndakaita kuti chiso changu chive sebwe romusarasara, uye ndinoziva kuti handizonyadziswi.
8 Hee is neere that iustifieth mee: who will contend with me? Let vs stande together: who is mine aduersarie? let him come neere to me.
Iye anondiruramisira ari pedyo. Ndianiko zvino achandipa mhosva? Ngatitarisanei! Ndianiko mupomeri wangu? Ngaanangane neni!
9 Beholde, the Lord God will helpe me: who is he that can condemne me? loe, they shall waxe olde as a garment: the mothe shall eate them vp.
Ndiye Ishe Jehovha anondibatsira. Ndianiko achandipa mhosva? Vose vachasakara senguo; vachadyiwa nezvipfuno.
10 Who is among you that feareth the Lord? let him heare the voyce of his seruant: hee that walketh in darkenesse, and hath no light, let him trust in the Name of the Lord, and staye vpon his God.
Ndiani pakati penyu anotya Jehovha, uye anoteerera shoko romuranda wake? Ngaafambe murima, iye asina chiedza, ngaavimbe nezita raJehovha uye avimbe naMwari wake.
11 Beholde, all you kindle a fire, and are compassed about with sparkes: walke in the light of your fire, and in the sparkes that ye haue kindled. This shall ye haue of mine hand: ye shall lye downe in sorowe.
Asi zvino, imi mose munotungidza moto muchava nemwenje inopfuta, endai, mufambe muchiedza chomoto wenyu nechemwenje yamakabatidza. Izvi ndizvo zvamuchagamuchira kubva paruoko rwangu: Muchavata pasi mukurwadziwa.

< Isaiah 50 >