< Isaiah 5 >

1 Now will I sing to my beloued a song of my beloued to his vineyarde, My beloued had a vineyarde in a very fruitefull hill,
E MELE aku au no kuu hiwahiwa, I ke mele o kuu hiwahiwa no kona pawaina. He pawaina ko kuu hiwahiwa, Aia ma ka puu hua nui.
2 And hee hedged it, and gathered out the stones of it, and he planted it with the best plants, and hee builte a towre in the middes thereof, and made a wine presse therein: then hee looked that it should bring foorth grapes: but it brought foorth wilde grapes.
Kohi iho la ia a puni i na makalua, A hoolei aku la i na pohaku ona, A malaila ia i kanu ai i kumu waina maikai, A kukulu no hoi i hale kiai maloko, A kalai iho la i lua kaomi waina malaila; A kakali iho la no ka hua ana mai i huawaina, Aka, hua mai la ia i ka haakea.
3 Now therefore, O inhabitants of Ierusalem and men of Iudah, iudge, I pray you, betweene me, and my vineyarde.
Ano hoi, e ka poe e noho ana ma Ierusalema, A me na kanaka o ka Iuda, E hooponopono oukou iwaena o'u, a me ko'u pawaina.
4 What coulde I haue done any more to my vineyard that I haue not done vnto it? why haue I looked that it should bring foorth grapes, and it bringeth foorth wilde grapes?
Heaha ka mea hou e hiki ia'u ke hana no ko'u pawaina, I hana ole ia e au iloko ona? Ia'u i kakali ai no ka hua ana mai i na huawaina, No ke aha la ia i hua mai ai i ka haakea?
5 And nowe I will tell you what I will do to my vineyarde: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten vp: I will breake the wall thereof, and it shall be troden downe:
Ano hoi, e hai aku no wau ia oukou, I ko'u mea e hana'i i ko'u pawaina. E wawahi au i kona pa e ulu ana, a e pau no ia i ka aiia; E hoohiolo no hoi au i kona pa pohaku, a e pau no ia i ka hahiia:
6 And I will laye it waste: it shall not be cut, nor digged, but briers, and thornes shall growe vp: I will also commande the cloudes that they raine no raine vpon it.
E anai loa no wau ia wahi; Aole ia e paipaiia, aole hoi e olaolaoia: Aka, e ulu no ke kakalaioa malaila, a me ka laaukalakala; A na'u no e kauoha aku i na ao, I ua ole mai lakou i ka ua maluna ona.
7 Surely the vineyard of the Lord of hostes is the house of Israel, and the men of Iudah are his pleasant plant, and hee looked for iudgement, but beholde oppression: for righteousnesse, but beholde a crying.
No ka mea, o ka pawaina o Iehova o na kaua, Oia ka ohana o ka Iseraela, O na kanaka hoi o ka Iuda kana mea kanu i olioli ai. Kakali iho la oia i ka hoopono, aia ka! he hookahe koko ana, Kakali no i ka maikai, aia ka! He nwe ana.
8 Woe vnto them that ioyne house to house, and laye fielde to fielde, till there bee no place, that ye may be placed by your selues in the mids of the earth.
Auwe ka poe i hoopili i kekahi hale i kekahi hale, A me ka poe i hui i kekahi mahinaai i kekahi mahinaai, A koe ole kahi kaawale, I noho o oukou wale no iwaena konu o ka aina!
9 This is in mine cares, saith the Lord of hostes. Surely many houses shall be desolate, euen great, and faire without inhabitant.
Ma kuu pepeiao i hai mai nei o Iehova o na kaua, He oiaio no, e lilo ana na hale he nui loa i neoneo, A kanaka ole hoi na hale nui, a maikai.
10 For ten acres of vines shall yelde one bath, and the seede of an homer shall yelde an ephah.
E hua mai ana na eka pawaina he umi, i hookahi bata: A o ka omera hua e hua mai ia i hookahi epa.
11 Wo vnto them, that rise vp early to follow drunkennes, and to them that continue vntill night, till the wine doe inflame them.
Auwe ka poe e ala ana i kakahiaka nui, e inu i ka mea awaawa, A kakali hoi a malehulehu, i wela ai lakou i ka waina!
12 And the harpe and viole, timbrel, and pipe, and wine are in their feastes: but they regard not the worke of the Lord, neither consider the worke of his handes.
O ka mea kani, a me ka lira, O ka pahu kani, a me ka hokiokio, O ka waina kekahi ma ka lakou ahaaina: Aole o lakou manao i ka hana a Iehova; A o ka hana hoi a kona mau lima, aole lakou i ike.
13 Therefore my people is gone into captiuitie, because they had no knowledge, and the glorie thereof are men famished, and the multitude thereof is dried vp with thirst.
Nolaila, hele pio aku la ko'u poe kanaka, no ka ike ole; A make no ko lakou poe hanohano i ka pololi, A maloo ko lakou lehulehu i ka makewai.
14 Therefore hell hath inlarged it selfe, and hath opened his mouth, without measure, and their glorie, and their multitude, and their pompe, and hee that reioyceth among them, shall descend into it. (Sheol h7585)
Nolaila i hoomahuahua ai ka po i kona makemake, A i hamama nui loa hoi i kona waha; E poho no ilalo kona nani, a me kona hooho ana, A me kona lehulehu, a me ka hauoli iloko ona. (Sheol h7585)
15 And man shalbe brought downe, and man shalbe humbled, euen the eyes of the proude shalbe humbled.
E kulou no ilalo ke kanaka uuku, E hoohaahaaia ke kanaka nui, A e hoohaahaaia na maka o ka poe haaheo;
16 And the Lord of hostes shalbe exalted in iudgement, and the holy God shalbe sanctified in iustice.
E hapai nui ia o Iehova o na kaua no ka hoopono, A e hoanoia ke Akua, ka Mea Hemolele, no ka pololei.
17 Then shall the lambes feede after their maner, and the strangers shall eate the desolate places of the fat.
E ai no na keikihipa malaila, e like me ko lakou kula iho, A o hoopau no na malihini i na mea i koe o ka poe waiwai.
18 Woe vnto them, that draw iniquitie with cordes of vanitie, and sinne, as with cart ropes:
Auwe ka poe kauo i ka poino maluna o lakou iho, me na kaula o ka hewa, A me ka hewa hoi, me he kaula la o ke kaa;
19 Which say, Let him make speede: let him hasten his worke, that wee may see it: and let the counsell of the holy one of Israel draw neere and come, that we may knowe it.
Ka poe i olelo, E hana wikiwiki oia i kana hana, I ike makou: E neenee hoi a hookoia mai ka manao paa o ka Mea hemolele o ka Iseraela, I hoomaopopo makou!
20 Woe vnto them that speake good of euill, and euill of good, which put darkenes for light, and light for darkenes, that put bitter for sweete, and sweete for sowre.
Auwe ka poe kapa aku i ka hewa, he maikai; A i ka maikai hoi, he hewa; Ka poe i hoolilo i ka pouli, i malamalama, A i ka malamalama hoi, i pouli; A kapa i ka mea awaawa, he ono, A i ka mea ono hoi, he awaawa!
21 Woe vnto them that are wise in their owne eyes, and prudent in their owne sight.
Auwe ka poe i akamai i ko lakou mau maka iho, A naauao hoi i ko lakou manao iho!
22 Wo vnto them that are mightie to drinke wine, and to them that are strong to powre in strong drinke:
Auwe ka poe ikaika i ka inu waina, A me na kanaka ikaika i ke kawili i wai awaawa e inu ai:
23 Which iustifie the wicked for a rewarde, and take away the righteousnesse of the righteous from him.
Ka poe i hoapono aku i ka mea hewa no ke kipeia, A kaili aku i ka hoapono o ka mea i pono, mai ona aku la!
24 Therefore as the flame of fire deuoureth the stubble, and as the chaffe is cosumed of the flame: so their roote shalbe as rottennesse, and their bud shall rise vp like dust, because they haue cast off the Lawe of the Lord of hostes, and contemned the word of the holy one of Israel.
Nolaila, e like me ka ai ana o ka lapalapa ahi i ka opala, A me ka pau ana o ka mauu i puhiia i ke ahi, Pela e lilo ai ko lakou kumu i ka popopo, A e lele hoi iluna ko lakou pua, e like me ka huna lepo: No ka mea; ua haalele lakou i ke kanawai o Iehova o na kaua, Ua hoowahawaha hoi i ka olelo a ka Mea hemolele o ka Iseraela.
25 Therefore is the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people, and hee hath stretched out his hand vpon them, and hath smitten them that the mountaines did tremble: and their carkases were torne in the middes of the streetes, and for all this his wrath was not turned away, but his hande was stretched out still.
Nolaila i hoaaia'i ka inaina o Iehova i kona poe kanaka, A ua o aku no oia i kona lima e ku e ia lakou, A ua hahau no oia ia lakou, a e haalulu na mauna: A e like auanei ko lakou kupapau me ka opala ma na alanui: Aole nae i huli aku kona huhu no keia mau mea a pau, Aka, ke o mai nei no kona lima i keia manawa.
26 And he will lift vp a signe vnto the nations a farre, and wil hisse vnto them from the ende of the earth: and beholde, they shall come hastily with speede.
E kau no nae oia i ka hae, no na aina ma kahi loihi, A pio aku no oia ia lakou ma na welau o ka honua; Aia hoi! me ka wikiwiki loa lakou e hele mai ai.
27 None shall faint nor fall among them: none shall slumber nor sleepe, neither shall the girdle of his loynes be loosed, nor the latchet of his shooes be broken:
Aohe mea o lakou e maloeloe, aohe mea kulanalana; Aohe mea i luluhi na maka, aohe mea hiamoe; Aohe mea i wehe i ke kaei o kona puhaka, Aole e moku ke kaula o kona kamaa.
28 Whose arrowes shall be sharpe, and all his bowes bent: his horse hoofes shall be thought like flint, and his wheeles like a whirlewinde.
Ua hookalaia ko lakou pua, Ua lena ko lakou kakaka a pau; Ua like na maiuu o ko lakou lio, me ka pohaku, A me ko lakou kaa, me ka puahiohio.
29 His roaring shalbe like a lyon, and he shall roare like lyons whelpes: they shall roare, and lay holde of the praye: they shall take it away, and none shall deliuer it.
E like auanei ko lakou uwo ana me ko ka liona, E uwo no lakou e like me na liona hou; E nunulu lakou, a hopu aku i ka mea pio, A e lawe aku, aohe mea e pakele ai.
30 And in that day they shall roare vpon them, as the roaring of the sea: and if they looke vnto the earth, beholde darkenesse, and sorowe, and the light shalbe darkened in their skie.
Ia la la, e halulu ku e no oia ia lakou, E like me ka halulu ana o ke kai; Alaila, e nana lakou ma ka aina, Aia hoi, he pouli ino! Ua lilo ka malamalama i pouli, no na ao eleele ona!

< Isaiah 5 >