< Isaiah 46 >
1 Bel is bowed downe: Nebo is fallen: their idoles were vpon the beastes, and vpon the cattell: they which did beare you, were laden with a wearie burden.
Confractus est Bel, contritus est Nabo: facta sunt simulachra eorum bestiis et iumentis, onera vestra gravi pondere usque ad lassitudinem.
2 They are bowed downe, and fallen together: for they coulde not rid them of the burden, and their soule is gone into captiuitie.
Contabuerunt, et contrita sunt simul: non potuerunt salvare portantem, et anima eorum in captivitatem ibit.
3 Heare ye me, O house of Iaakob, and all that remaine of the house of Israel, which are borne of me from the wombe, and brought vp of me from the birth.
Audite me domus Iacob, et omne residuum domus Israel, qui portamini a meo utero, qui gestamini a mea vulva.
4 Therefore vnto olde age, I the same, euen I will beare you vntill the hoare heares: I haue made you: I will also beare you, and I will cary you and I will deliuer you.
Usque ad senectam ego ipse, et usque ad canos ego portabo: ego feci, et ego feram: ego portabo, et salvabo.
5 To whom will ye make me like or make me equall, or copare me, that I should be like him?
Cui assimilastis me, et adæquastis, et comparastis me, et fecistis similem?
6 They draw gold out of the bagge and weigh siluer in the balance, and hire a goldsmith to make a god of it, and they bowe downe, and worship it.
Qui confertis aurum de sacculo, et argentum statera ponderatis: conducentes aurificem, ut faciat deum: et procidunt, et adorant.
7 They beare it vpon the shoulders: they carie him and set him in his place: so doeth he stand, and cannot remoue from his place. Though one crie vnto him, yet can he not answere, nor deliuer him out of his tribulation.
Portant illum in humeris gestantes, et ponentes in loco suo: et stabit, ac de loco suo non movebitur. Sed et cum clamaverint ad eum, non audiet: de tribulatione non salvabit eos.
8 Remember this, and be ashamed: bring it againe to minde, O you transgressers.
Mementote istud, et confundamini: redite prævaricatores ad cor.
9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none other God, and there is nothing like me,
Recordamini prioris sæculi, quoniam ego sum Deus, et non est ultra deus, nec est similis mei:
10 Which declare the last thing from the beginning: and from of olde, the things that were not done, saying, My counsell shall stand, and I will doe whatsoeuer I will.
Annuncians ab exordio novissimum, et ab initio quæ necdum facta sunt, dicens: Consilium meum stabit, et omnis voluntas mea fiet:
11 I call a birde from the East, and the man of my counsell from farre: as I haue spoken, so will I bring it to passe: I haue purposed it, and I will doe it.
Vocans ab Oriente avem, et de terra longinqua virum voluntatis meæ. Et locutus sum, et adducam illud: creavi, et faciam illud.
12 Heare me, ye stubburne hearted, that are farre from iustice.
Audite me duro corde, qui longe estis a iustitia.
13 I bring neere my iustice: it shall not be farre off, and my saluation shall not tarie: for I wil giue saluation in Zion, and my glory vnto Israel.
Prope feci iustitiam meam, non elongabitur, et salus mea non morabitur. Dabo in Sion salutem, et in Israel gloriam meam.