< Isaiah 34 >

1 Come neere, ye nations and heare, and hearken, ye people: let the earth heare and all that is therein, the world and al that proceedeth thereof.
Swederai pedyo, imi ndudzi dzavanhu, munzwe. Teererai, imi vanhu! Nyika ngainzwe, nezvose zviri mairi, pasi pose, nezvose zvinobudamo!
2 For the indignation of the Lord is vpon all nations, and his wrath vpon all their armies: hee hath destroyed them and deliuered them to the slaughter.
Jehovha akatsamwira ndudzi dzose; hasha dzake dziri pamusoro pehondo dzavo dzose. Achavaparadza chose, achaita kuti vaurayiwe.
3 And their slaine shalbe cast out, and their stincke shall come vp out of their bodies, and the mountaines shalbe melted with their blood.
Vakaurayiwa vavo vacharasirwa kunze, mitumbi yavo ichanhuhwa; makomo achanyorova neropa ravo.
4 And all the hoste of heauen shalbe dissolued, and the heauens shall be folden like a booke: and all their hostes shall fall as the leafe falleth from the vine, and as it falleth from the figtree.
Nyeredzi dzokudenga dzose dzichanyungudika, uye denga richapetwa sorugwaro; marudzi ose enyeredzi achawa samashizha akaoma abva pamuzambiringa, samaonde akasvava abva pamuonde.
5 For my sword shalbe drunken in the heauen: beholde, it shall come downe vpon Edom, euen vpon the people of my curse to iudgement.
Munondo wangu wakanwa ukaguta kumatenga; tarirai, unoburukira kuzotonga Edhomu, vanhu vandakaparadza chose.
6 The sword of the Lord is filled with blood: it is made fat with the fat and with the blood of the lambes and the goates, with the fat of the kidneis of the rams: for the Lord hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom.
Munondo waJehovha wakanyura muropa, wakafukidzwa namafuta, iro ropa ramakwayana nerembudzi, namafuta anobva paitsvo dzamakondobwe. Nokuti Jehovha ane chibayiro muBozira uye nokuuraya kukuru muEdhomu.
7 And the vnicorne shall come downe with them and the heiffers with the bulles, and their lande shalbe drunken with blood, and their dust made fat with fatnesse.
Nyati dzichawa pamwe navo nehono dzemhuru nehando huru. Nyika yavo ichanyorova neropa, uye guruva richazara mafuta.
8 For it is the day of the Lordes vengeance, and the yeere of recompence for the iudgement of Zion.
Nokuti Jehovha ane zuva rokutsiva negore rokuripira kuti atsigire zvinodiwa neZioni.
9 And the riuers thereof shall be turned into pitche, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shalbe burning pitch.
Hova dzeEdhomu dzichashanduka kuva namo, guruva rayo richapisa sesafuri; nyika yayo ichava namo inopfuta!
10 It shall not be quenched night nor day: the smoke thereof shall goe vp euermore: it shall be desolate from generation to generation: none shall passe through it for euer.
Haingadzimwi usiku namasikati; utsi hwayo huchakwira nokusingaperi. Richava dongo kubva kune chimwe chizvarwa kusvikira kune chimwe chizvarwa; hapana munhu achazopfuura napozve.
11 But the pelicane and the hedgehog shall possesse it, and the great owle, and the rauen shall dwel in it, and he shall stretch out vpon it the line of vanitie, and the stones of emptinesse.
Asi zvichava zvezizi romugwenga nehukurwizi; zizi guru negunguo zvichaita matenderemo. Mwari achatambanudzira Edhomu rwodzi rwokuyera, rwenyonganiso nerwokuparadza.
12 The nobles thereof shall call to the kingdome, and there shalbe none, and all the princes thereof shalbe as nothing.
Makurukota ake haazovi nechinhu ikoko chingazonzi umambo, machinda ake ose achapera.
13 And it shall bring foorth thornes in the palaces thereof, nettles and thistles in the strong holdes thereof, and it shall be an habitation for dragons, and a court for ostriches.
Minzwa ichatandira nhare dzayo, utumbambeva norukato munzvimbo dzayo dzakakomberedzwa. Ichava ugaro hwamakava, nomusha wamazizi.
14 There shall meete also Ziim and Iim, and the Satyre shall cry to his fellow, and the shricheowle shall rest there, and shall finde for her selfe a quiet dwelling.
Zvikara zvomugwenga zvichasangana namapere, uye ngururu dzichadaidzirana; zvikara zvousiku zvichazororapo, uye zvichazviwanira nzvimbo yokuzorora.
15 There shall the owle make her nest, and laye, and hatche, and gather them vnder her shadowe: there shall the vultures also bee gathered, euery one with her make.
Zizi richaita dendere rigokandira mazaipo, richaachochonyerapo, rigochengeta mazana aro pasi pomumvuri wamapapiro aro; makondo achaunganapo, rimwe nerimwe neshamwari yaro.
16 Seeke in the booke of the Lord, and reade: none of these shall fayle, none shall want her make: for his mouth hath commanded, and his very Spirit hath gathered them.
Tarirai murugwaro rwaJehovha mugorava: Hapana chimwe chezvinhu izvi chichashayikwa, kana chichashaya shamwari. Nokuti muromo wake ndiwo warayira izvozvo, uye Mweya wake uchavaunganidza pamwe chete.
17 And he hath cast the lot for them, and his hand hath deuided it vnto them by line: they shall possesse it for euer: from generation to generation shall they dwell in it.
Anozvigovera migove yazvo; ruoko rwake runozvigovera nechiyero. Zvichava zvazvo nokusingaperi uye zvichagaramo kubva kune chimwe chizvarwa kusvikira kune chimwe chizvarwa.

< Isaiah 34 >