< Isaiah 33 >

1 Woe to thee that spoylest, and wast not spoyled: and doest wickedly, and they did not wickedly against thee: when thou shalt cease to spoyle, thou shalt be spoyled: when thou shalt make an ende of doing wickedly, they shall doe wickedly against thee.
Tsoka kwa iwe, iwe wowonongawe, amene sunawonongedwepo! Tsoka kwa iwe, iwe mthirakuwiri, iwe amene sunanyengedwepo! Iwe ukadzaleka kuwononga, udzawonongedwa, ukadzasiya umʼthirakuwiri, adzakuwononga, ndipo ukadzaleka kuchita zachinyengo adzakunyenga.
2 O Lord, haue mercie vpon vs, wee haue waited for thee: be thou, which waste their arme in the morning, our helpe also in time of trouble.
Inu Yehova, mutikomere mtima ife; tikulakalaka Inu. Tsiku ndi tsiku mutitchinjirize ndi mkono wanu, ndipo mutipulumutse pa nthawi ya masautso.
3 At the noise of the tumult, the people fled: at thine exalting the nations were scattered.
Mukatulutsa liwu lanu longa bingu mitundu ya anthu imathawa; pamene Inu mwadzambatuka mitundu ya anthu imabalalika.
4 And your spoyle shall be gathered like the gathering of caterpillers: and he shall go against him like the leaping of grashoppers.
Zofunkha za ku nkhondo za mitundu ina Aisraeli adzazisonkhanitsa ngati mmene limachitira dzombe. Iwo adzalumphira zofunkhazo monga mmene limachitira dzombe.
5 The Lord is exalted: for hee dwelleth on hie: he hath filled Zion with iudgement and iustice.
Yehova wakwezeka kwambiri pakuti amakhala pamwamba pa zonse adzadzaza Ziyoni ndi chilungamo ndi chipulumutso.
6 And there shall be stabilitie of thy times, strength, saluation, wisdome and knowledge: for the feare of the Lord shalbe his treasure.
Iye adzakupatsani mtendere pa nthawi yanu, adzakupatsani chipulumutso chochuluka, nzeru zambiri ndi chidziwitso chochuluka; kuopa Yehova ngati madalitso.
7 Behold, their messengers shall cry without, and ye ambassadours of peace shall weepe bitterly.
Taonani, anthu awo amphamvu akulira mofuwula mʼmisewu; akazembe okhazikitsa mtendere akulira kwambiri.
8 The pathes are waste: the wayfaring man ceaseth: hee hath broken the couenant: hee hath contemned the cities: he regarded no man.
Mʼmisewu yayikulu mulibe anthu, mʼmisewu mulibe anthu a paulendo. Mdaniyo ndi wosasunga pangano. Iye amanyoza mboni. Palibe kulemekezana.
9 The earth mourneth and fainteth: Lebanon is ashamed, and hewen downe: Sharon is like a wildernes, and Bashan is shaken and Carmel.
Dziko likulira ndipo likunka likutha. Nkhalango ya Lebanoni ikuchita manyazi, yafota. Chigwa cha chonde cha Saroni chasanduka chachidalala. Masamba a mitengo ya ku Basani ndi Karimeli akuyoyoka.
10 Now will I arise, saith the Lord: now will I be exalted, now will I lift vp my selfe.
Yehova akunena kuti, “Tsopano ndidzadzambatuka ndipo ndidzaonetsa mphamvu zanga, ndipo ndidzakwezedwa.
11 Ye shall conceiue chaffe, and bring forth stubble: the fire of your breath shall deuoure you.
Zolingalira zanu nʼzachabechabe ngati udzu wamanyowa. Mpweya wamoto udzakupserezani.
12 And the people shall be as the burning of lime: and as the thornes cut vp, shall they be burnt in the fire.
Anthu a mitundu ina adzatenthedwa ngati miyala ya njereza; ndi ngati minga yodulidwa.”
13 Heare, yee that are farre off, what I haue done, and ye that are neere, know my power.
Inu amene muli kutali, imvani zimene ndachita; inu amene muli pafupi, dziwani mphamvu zanga
14 The sinners in Zion are afraide: a feare is come vpon the hypocrites: who among vs shall dwel with the deuouring fire? who among vs shall dwell with the euerlasting burnings?
Mu mzinda wa Ziyoni anthu ochimwa agwidwa ndi mantha; anthu osapembedza Mulungu akunjenjemera: Iwo akunena kuti, “Ndani wa ife angathe kukhala mʼmoto wonyeketsa? Ndani wa ife angathe kukhala moto wosatha?”
15 Hee that walketh in iustice, and speaketh righteous things, refusing gaine of oppression, shaking his handes from taking of gifts, stopping his eares from hearing of blood, and shutting his eyes from seeing euill.
Angathe kuti ndi amene amachita zolungama ndi kuyankhula zoona, amene amakana phindu lolipeza monyenga ndipo salola manja ake kulandira ziphuphu, amene amatseka makutu ake kuti angamve mawu opangana kupha anzawo ndipo amatsinzina kuti angaone zoyipa.
16 He shall dwell on hie: his defence shall be the munitions of rockes: bread shalbe giuen him, and his waters shalbe sure.
Munthu wotere ndiye adzakhale pa nsanja, kothawira kwake kudzakhala mʼmalinga a mʼmapiri. Azidzalandira chakudya chake ndipo madzi sadzamusowa.
17 Thine eyes shall see the King in his glory: they shall beholde the lande farre off.
Nthawi imeneyo maso a ana adzaona mfumu ya maonekedwe wokongola ndi kuona dziko lotambasukira kutali.
18 Thine heart shall meditate feare, Where is the scribe? where is the receiuer? where is hee that counted the towres?
Mu mtima mwanu muzidzalingalira zoopsa zinachitika kale zija: “Ali kuti mkulu wa Asilikali uja? Ali kuti wokhometsa misonkho uja? Ali kuti mkulu woyangʼanira nsanja?”
19 Thou shalt not see a fierce people, a people of a darke speache, that thou canst not perceiue, and of a stammering tongue that thou canst not vnderstande.
Simudzawaonanso anthu odzikuza aja, anthu aja achiyankhulo chosadziwika, chachilendo ndi chosamveka.
20 Looke vpon Zion the citie of our solemne feastes: thine eyes shall see Ierusalem a quiet habitation, a Tabernacle that can not be remooued: and the stakes thereof can neuer be taken away, neither shall any of the cordes thereof be broken.
Taonani Ziyoni, mzinda wa zikondwerero zachipembedzo chathu; maso anu adzaona Yerusalemu, mzinda wamtendere, tenti imene sidzachotsedwa, zikhomo zake sizidzazulidwa, kapena zingwe zake kuduka.
21 For surely there the mightie Lord will be vnto vs, as a place of floods and broade riuers, whereby shall passe no shippe with oares, neither shall great shippe passe thereby.
Kumeneko Yehova adzaonetsa ulemerero wake ndipo mzindawo udzakhala kasupe wa mitsinje yayikulu. Ngalawa za zopalasa sizidzapitamo, sitima zapamadzi zikuluzikulu sizidzayendamo.
22 For the Lord is our Iudge, the Lord is our lawe giuer: the Lord is our King, he will saue vs.
Pakuti Yehova ndi woweruza wathu, Yehova ndiye wotilamulira, Yehova ndiye mfumu yathu; ndipo ndiye amene adzatipulumutse.
23 Thy cordes are loosed: they could not well strengthen their maste, neither coulde they spread the saile: then shall the praye be deuided for a great spoile: yea, the lame shall take away the pray.
Zingwe za sitima zapamadzi za adani athu zamasuka, sizikutha kulimbitsa mlongoti wake, matanga ake sakutheka kutambasuka. Ngakhale tidzagawana zofunkha zochuluka kwambiri ndipo ngakhale olumala adzatenga zofunkhazo.
24 And none inhabitant shall say, I am sicke: the people that dwell therein, shall haue their iniquitie forgiuen.
Palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe wokhala mʼZiyoni adzanene kuti, “Ndikudwala” ndipo anthu onse okhala mʼmenemo machimo awo adzakhululukidwa.

< Isaiah 33 >