< Isaiah 29 >

1 Ah altar, altar of the citie that Dauid dwelt in: adde yere vnto yere: let them kill lambs.
We nu sin Jerusalem, Loang lun God! We nu sin siti se David el aktuktuk we! Kowos in oru na len in akfulat ac kufwa lowos uh, tusruktu tukun yac se ku luo,
2 But I wil bring the altar into distresse, and there shalbe heauines and sorowe, and it shall be vnto me like an altar.
na God El fah use ongoiya nu fin siti se su pangpang “Loang lun God.” Ac fah oasr tung ac tung tutaf, ac siti nufon sac ac fah oana sie loang afla ke srah.
3 And I wil besiege thee as a circle, and fight against thee on a mount, and will cast vp ramparts against thee.
God El ac kuhlusya siti sac, musaela nien fan we, ac mweuni ke siska nukewa.
4 So shalt thou be humbled, and shalt speake out of the ground, and thy speach shalbe as out of the dust: thy voyce also shall be out of the ground like him that hath a spirite of diuination, and thy talking shall whisper out of the dust.
Jerusalem el ac fah oana sie ngun su srike in kaskas ye fohk uh me, sie pusra kororak ye kutkut uh me.
5 Moreouer, the multitude of thy strangers shalbe like small dust, and the multitude of strong men shalbe as chaffe that passeth away, and it shall be in a moment, euen suddenly.
Jerusalem, mutunfacl sac nukewa su mweuni kom ac fah ukukla oana kutkut, ac un mwet mweun sulallal lalos fah sohkla oana mah pao. In kitin pacl na, ke wangin motkweya,
6 Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hostes with thunder, and shaking, and a great noyse, a whirlewinde, and a tempest, and a flame of a deuouring fire.
LEUM GOD Kulana El ac fah molikomla ke ku lulap lun paka ac kusrusr. El ac fah supwama pulahl, eng upa, ac e na lulap,
7 And the multitude of all the nations that fight against the altar, shalbe as a dreame or vision by night: euen all they that make the warre against it, and strong holdes against it, and lay siege vnto it.
na un mwet mweun lun mutunfacl su mweuni siti se pangpang Loang lun God, fah wanginla oana sie mweme, oana sie aruruma ke fong. Aok, kufwen mwe mweun ac kufwen sroasr nukewa fah wanginla.
8 And it shalbe like as an hungry man dreameth, and beholde, he eateth: and when he awaketh, his soule is emptie: or like as a thirsty man dreameth, and loe, he is drinking, and when he awaketh, beholde, he is faint, and his soule longeth: so shall the multitude of all nations be that fight against mount Zion.
Mutunfacl nukewa ma toeni in mweuni Jerusalem ac fah oana sie mwet masrinsral su mweme mu el mongo, ac ke el ngutalik el srakna masrinsral, ku oana sie mwet su arulana malu su mweme mu el nim kof, ac ke el ngutalik paola kapinsrulyal.
9 Stay your selues, and wonder: they are blinde, and make you blinde: they are drunken but not with wine: they stagger, but not by strong drinke.
Oru na lalfon lowos an! Oru kowos in sulongintenna! Kowos in sruhila ac tukulkul finne wanginna wain ku mwe nim ku kowos eis!
10 For the Lord hath couered you with a spirite of slumber, and hath shut vp your eyes: the Prophets, and your chiefe Seers hath he couered.
LEUM GOD El oru kowos in foroti, ac motul folosuwosla. Mwet palu pa atronmutun mwet uh, a God El lohsrala mutalos.
11 And the vision of them all is become vnto you, as the wordes of a booke that is sealed vp, which they deliuer to one that can reade, saying, Reade this, I pray thee. Then shall he say, I can not: for it is sealed.
Kalmen aruruma nukewa mwet palu uh liye ac fah wikinyukla nu suwos — ac fah oana sie book limlim siliyuki. Kowos fin us nu sin sie mwet su etu rit ac siyuk sel elan riti nu suwos, el ac fahk mu el tia ku mweyen siliyuki.
12 And the booke is giuen vnto him that can not reade, saying, Reade this, I pray thee. And he shall say, I can not reade.
Kowos fin sang nu sin sie mwet su nikin rit ac siyuk elan riti nu suwos, el ac topuk mu, “Nga nikin rit.”
13 Therefore the Lord sayd, Because this people come neere vnto me with their mouth, and honour me with their lips, but haue remooued their heart farre from me, and their feare toward me was taught by the precept of men,
Leum El fahk, “Mwet inge fahk mu elos alu nu sik, a kas lalos wangin kalmeya, ac insialos loesla likiyu. Wangin sripen alu lalos — elos fahsrna ke ma sap ac oakwuk ma orekla sin mwet, ma elos kaliya mukena.
14 Therefore behold, I wil againe doe a marueilous worke in this people, euen a marueilous worke, and a wonder: for the wisdome of their wise men shall perish, and the vnderstanding of their prudent men shalbe hid.
Ke ma inge nga fah aklutyalosyak ke kutu ma elos tiana motko mu ac ku in sikyak. Elos su lalmwetmet fah ekla lalfon, ac etu lalos nukewa fah wangin sripa.”
15 Wo vnto them that seeke deepe to hide their counsell from the Lord: for their workes are in darkenes, and they say, Who seeth vs? and who knoweth vs?
We nu selos su srike in okanla pwapa lalos liki LEUM GOD! Elos orala pwapa lalos in lukma ac nunku mu wangin sie fah liyalos ku etu ma elos oru.
16 Your turning of deuises shall it not be esteemed as the potters clay? for shall the worke say of him that made it, Hee made me not? or the thing formed, say of him that facioned it, He had none vnderstanding?
Elos ekulla ma nukewa. Su kac yohk sripa uh: mwet orek ahlu ke kle, ku kle uh? Mwet se fin orala sie ma, ya ma se el orala uh ku in fahk nu sel, “Tia kom pa oreyula”? ku “Kom tia etu ma kom oru an”?
17 Is it not yet but a litle while, and Lebanon shall be turned into Carmel? and Carmel shall be counted as a forest?
Oasr sie kas fahk mu, “Ac tia paht, sie insak matol ac fah ekla acn in ima, ac acn in ima fah ekla insak matol.”
18 And in that day shall the deafe heare the wordes of the booke, and the eyes of the blinde shall see out of obscuritie, and out of darkenesse.
In len sac, mwet sulohngkas ac fah ku in lohng ke sie book ac ritiyuk, ac mwet kun su muta in lohsr fah ikakla mutalos ac elos ku in liye.
19 The meeke in the Lord shall receiue ioye againe, and the poore men shall reioyce in the holy one of Israel.
LEUM GOD El ac aksasuye engan lun mwet pusisel, ac mwet sukasrup ac fah enganak sin El su mutal lun Israel.
20 For the cruel man shall cease, and the scornefull shalbe consumed: and all that hasted to iniquitie, shalbe cut off:
Ac fah pa inge saflaiyen mwet su akkeokye mwet uh ac aklusrongtenya God. Mwet koluk nukewa ac fah kunausyukla.
21 Which made a man to sinne in ye worde, and tooke him in a snare: which reproued them in the gate, and made the iust to fall without cause.
God El ac kunausla mwet su kinauk kas kikiap lain mwet suwoha, payapa elos su oru tuh in wangin kaiyuk nu sin mwet kunaus ma sap, ac elos su fahk kas kikiap in akkolukye mwet su oru ma pwaye pwanang elos tia eis nununku suwohs.
22 Therefore thus sayth the Lord vnto the house of Iaakob, euen hee that redeemed Abraham, Iaakob shall not now be confounded, neither now shall his face be pale.
Ouinge LEUM GOD lun Israel, su molella Abraham liki mwe lokoalok nu sel, El fahk, “Mwet luk, kowos ac fah tia sifilpa aklusrongtenyeyuk, ac motowos fah tia sifil ngetnget in tonong ke mwekin.
23 But when he seeth his children, the worke of mine hands, in the mids of him, they shall sanctifie my Name, and sanctifie the holy one of Iaakob, and shall feare the God of Israel.
Pacl se kowos liye tulik ma nga ac sot nutuwos, na kowos ac akilen lah nga God mutal lun Israel. Kowos fah akfulatyeyu ac arulana sunakinyu.
24 Then they that erred in spirit, shall haue vnderstanding, and they that murmured, shall learne doctrine.
Mwet tafongla fah etala ma pwaye, ac elos su lungsena torkaskas ac fah engan in lutiyuk elos.”

< Isaiah 29 >