< Isaiah 25 >

1 O Lord, thou art my God: I will exalt thee, I will prayse thy Name: for thou hast done wonderfull things, according to the counsels of old, with a stable trueth.
耶和华啊,你是我的 神; 我要尊崇你,我要称赞你的名。 因为你以忠信诚实行过奇妙的事, 成就你古时所定的。
2 For thou hast made of a citie an heape, of a strong citie, a ruine: euen the palace of strangers of a citie, it shall neuer be built.
你使城变为乱堆, 使坚固城变为荒场, 使外邦人宫殿的城不再为城, 永远不再建造。
3 Therefore shall the mightie people giue glory vnto thee: the citie of the strong nations shall feare thee.
所以,刚强的民必荣耀你; 强暴之国的城必敬畏你。
4 For thou hast bene a strength vnto the poore, euen a strength to the needie in his trouble, a refuge against the tempest, a shadow against the heate: for the blaste of the mightie is like a storme against the wall.
因为当强暴人催逼人的时候, 如同暴风直吹墙壁, 你就作贫穷人的保障, 作困乏人急难中的保障, 作躲暴风之处, 作避炎热的阴凉。
5 Thou shalt bring downe the noyse of the strangers, as the heate in a drie place: he wil bring downe the song of the mightie, as the heate in the shadowe of a cloude.
你要压制外邦人的喧哗, 好像干燥地的热气下落; 禁止强暴人的凯歌, 好像热气被云影消化。
6 And in this mountaine shall the Lord of hostes make vnto all people a feast of fat thinges, euen a feast of fined wines, and of fat thinges full of marow, of wines fined and purified.
7 And he will destroy in this mountaine the couering that couereth all people, and the vaile that is spread vpon all nations.
8 He wil destroy death for euer: and the Lord God wil wipe away the teares from all faces, and the rebuke of his people will he take away out of all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it.
9 And in that day shall men say, Loe, this is our God: we haue waited for him, and he wil saue vs. This is the Lord, we haue waited for him: we will reioyce and be ioyfull in his saluation.
到那日,人必说:“看哪,这是我们的 神;我们素来等候他,他必拯救我们。这是耶和华,我们素来等候他,我们必因他的救恩欢喜快乐。”
10 For in this mountaine shall the hand of the Lord rest, and Moab shalbe threshed vnder him, euen as strawe is thresshed in Madmenah.
11 And he shall stretche out his hande in the middes of them (as he that swimmeth, stretcheth them out to swimme) and with the strength of his handes shall he bring downe their pride.
12 The defence also of the height of thy walles shall he bring downe and lay lowe, and cast them to the ground, euen vnto the dust.

< Isaiah 25 >