< Isaiah 22 >

1 The burden of the valley of vision. What aileth thee nowe that thou art wholy gone vp vnto the house toppes?
Ma e wach mokor kuom Holo mar Fweny: Koro angʼo mathagou momiyo un duto uidho ewi udi,
2 Thou that art full of noise, a citie full of brute, a ioyous citie: thy slaine men shall not bee slaine with sworde, nor die in battell.
Yaye in dala ma mahu opongʼo, yaye dala maduongʼ ma koko gi mor kod ilo opongʼo? Jogi mane otho ok noneg gi ligangla to bende ne ok githo e lweny.
3 All thy princes shall flee together from the bowe: they shalbe bound: all that shall be found in thee, shall be bound together, which haue fled from farre.
Jotendu duto oseringo kaachiel, osemakgi ma ok oti gi gige lweny moro amora. Un duto mane uringo ka wasigu ne pod ni mabor, osemaku kanyakla moteru e twech.
4 Therefore said I, Turne away from me: I wil weepe bitterly: labour not to comfort mee for the destruction of the daughter of my people.
Kuom mano ne awacho niya, “Weyauru aweya mondo aywag malit. Weuru hoya nikech jowa osetieki.”
5 For it is a day of trouble, and of ruine, and of perplexitie by the Lord God of hostes in the valley of vision, breaking downe the citie: and a crying vnto the mountaines.
Ruoth Nyasaye ma en Jehova Nyasaye Maratego oseketo odiechieng mahu gi koko kod masira e Holo mar Fweny, en odiechiengʼ mar muko ohinga kendo nduru nowuog malit kochomo ewi gode.
6 And Elam bare the quiuer in a mans charet with horsemen, and Kir vncouered the shield.
Jo-Elam kawo aserni mag-gi, kaachiel gi joriemb geche mag lweny gi farese; to jo-Kir to nokawo kuodigi.
7 And thy chiefe valleis were full of charets, and the horsemen set themselues in aray against the gate.
Holniu mabeyo opongʼ gi geche mag lweny, kendo joidh farese osechielo rangeye mag dala maduongʼ.
8 And hee discouered the couering of Iudah: and thou didest looke in that day to the armour of the house of the forest.
Ruoth Nyasaye oselonyo mabor tekre Juda, kendo e kindeno ne umanyo, gige lweny manie Od Ruoth manie Bungu.
9 And ye haue seene the breaches of the citie of Dauid: for they were many, and ye gathered the waters of the lower poole.
Ne uneno ka kuonde mangʼeny mar ohinga mar Dala Maduongʼ mar Daudi omukore, omiyo ne uchiko pi odhi e soko mamwalo.
10 And yee nombred the houses of Ierusalem, and the houses haue yee broken downe to fortifie the wall,
Ne gikwano ute mag Jerusalem kendo ne gimukogi mondo olosgo ohinga motegno.
11 And haue also made a ditche betweene the two walles, for the waters of the olde poole, and haue not looked vnto the maker thereof, neither had respect vnto him that formed it of olde.
Ne gikunyo yawo e kind ohinga ariyogo ne pi mawuok e soko machon, to ne ok upenjo Jal mane olose, kata miyo Jalno mane ochane luor.
12 And in that day did the Lord God of hosts call vnto weeping and mourning, and to baldnes and girding with sackecloth.
To Ruoth Nyasaye ma en Jehova Nyasaye Maratego, ne oluongou odiechiengno mondo uywagi kendo udengi, ka upudho yie wiu kendo urwako pien gugru.
13 And beholde, ioy and gladnes, slaying oxen and killing sheepe, eating flesh, and drinking wine, eating and drinking: for to morowe we shall die.
To kata kamano nitie mor kod ilo, kaachiel gi yangʼo dhok kod rombe, chamo ringʼo kod madho divai! Giwacho niya, “We wachiem kendo wamethi nikech kiny wanatho!”
14 And it was declared in ye eares of the Lord of hostes. Surely this iniquitie shall not be purged from you, til ye die, saith the Lord God of hostes.
Jehova Nyasaye Maratego osefwenyona ma kawinjo: “Richoni ok nopwodhi nyaka chop thou,” Ruoth Nyasaye ma en Jehova Nyasaye Maratego owacho.
15 Thus sayeth the Lord God of hostes, Goe, get thee to that treasurer, to Shebna, the steward of the house, and say,
Ma e gima Ruoth Nyasaye ma en Jehova Nyasaye Maratego wacho, Dhi ir jakeno mar od ruoth miluongo ni Shebna mondo iwachne niya,
16 What haste thou to doe here? and whome hast thou here? that thou shouldest here hewe thee out a sepulchre, as he that heweth out his sepulchre in an hie place, or that graueth an habitation for him selfe in a rocke?
En angʼo ma itimo ka, kendo en ngʼa manomiyi thuolo mar kunyo buri ka, momiyo iloso bur kama otingʼore, kendo iloso kari maber mar yweyo e kind lwanda?
17 Beholde, the Lord wil carie thee away with a great captiuitie, and will surely couer thee.
Bed motangʼ, Jehova Nyasaye chiegni ngʼwasi mi owiti oko, yaye in ngʼat maratego.
18 He wil surely rolle and turne thee like a bal in a large countrey: there shalt thou die, and there the charets of thy glory shalbe the shame of thy lordes house.
Obiro ngʼwasi motweyi matek kendo owiti e piny malach mana ka mipira mowiti. Kuno ema nithoe, kendo kuno ema gecheni mag lweny mabeyo nosikie in mikelo wichkuot ne od ruodhi.
19 And I wil driue thee from thy station, and out of thy dwelling will he destroy thee.
Abiro goli e kari mar tich kendo goli e loch mari.
20 And in that day will I call my seruant Eliakim the sonne of Hilkiah,
E kindeno analuong jatichna Eliakim ma wuod Hilkia.
21 And with thy garments will I clothe him, and with thy girdle will I strengthen him: thy power also will I commit into his hande, and hee shalbe a father of the inhabitats of Ierusalem, and of the house of Iudah.
Anarwake gi law mar duongʼ kendo anatwe okanda e nungone mi anamiye loch mari. Enobed wuon joma odak Jerusalem kod Juda.
22 And the key of the house of Dauid will I lay vpon his shoulder: so hee shall open, and no man shall shut: and he shall shut, and no man shall open.
Anamiye rayaw mar od Daudi, ma gima oyawo ngʼato ok lor, to bende gima oloro onge ngʼama yawo.
23 And I will fasten him as a naile in a sure place, and hee shall be for the throne of glorie to his fathers house.
Abiro gure motegno kendo mongirore ka sigingi kendo enobed e kom duongʼ ne od wuon mare.
24 And they shall hang vpon him all the glorie of his fathers house, euen of the nephewes and posteritie all small vessels, from the vessels of the cuppes, euen to all the instruments of musike.
Duongʼ duto ma joodgi noyudi ma gin, nyithinde gi nyikwaye, gige duto ma ok ogen, machalo kaka bakunde nyaka agulni duto nowuog kuome.
25 In that day, sayeth the Lord of hostes, shall the naile, that is fastned in the sure place, depart and shall be broken, and fall: and the burden, that was vpon it, shall bee cut off: for the Lord hath spoken it.
Jehova Nyasaye Maratego wacho niya, “E kindeno sigingi mane ogur motegno kendo mongirore biro pudhore, nongʼade mi olwar kendo gik moko duto mongʼaw kuome bende nolwar.” Jehova Nyasaye osewacho.

< Isaiah 22 >