< Isaiah 2 >
1 The worde that Isaiah the sonne of Amoz sawe vpon Iudah and Ierusalem.
verbum quod vidit Isaias filius Amos super Iudam et Hierusalem
2 It shall be in the last dayes, that the mountaine of the house of the Lord shalbe prepared in the top of the mountaines, and shall be exalted aboue the hilles, and all nations shall flowe vnto it.
et erit in novissimis diebus praeparatus mons domus Domini in vertice montium et elevabitur super colles et fluent ad eum omnes gentes
3 And many people shall go, and say, Come, and let vs go vp to the mountaine of the Lord, to the house of the God of Iaakob, and hee will teach vs his wayes, and we will walke in his paths: for the Lawe shall go foorth of Zion, and the worde of the Lord from Ierusalem,
et ibunt populi multi et dicent venite et ascendamus ad montem Domini et ad domum Dei Iacob et docebit nos vias suas et ambulabimus in semitis eius quia de Sion exibit lex et verbum Domini de Hierusalem
4 And he shall iudge among the nations, and rebuke many people: they shall breake their swords also into mattocks, and their speares into siethes: nation shall not lift vp a sworde against nation, neither shall they learne to fight any more.
et iudicabit gentes et arguet populos multos et conflabunt gladios suos in vomeres et lanceas suas in falces non levabit gens contra gentem gladium nec exercebuntur ultra ad proelium
5 O house of Iaakob, come ye, and let vs walke in the Lawe of the Lord.
domus Iacob venite et ambulemus in lumine Domini
6 Surely thou hast forsaken thy people, the house of Iaakob, because they are full of the East maners, and are sorcerers as the Philistims, and abound with strange children.
proiecisti enim populum tuum domum Iacob quia repleti sunt ut olim et augures habuerunt ut Philisthim et pueris alienis adheserunt
7 Their land also was full of siluer and golde, and there was none ende of their treasures: and their land was full of horses, and their charets were infinite.
repleta est terra argento et auro et non est finis thesaurorum eius
8 Their land also was full of idols: they worshipped the worke of their owne hands, which their owne fingers haue made.
et repleta est terra eius equis et innumerabiles quadrigae eius et repleta est terra eius idolis opus manuum suarum adoraverunt quod fecerunt digiti eorum
9 And a man bowed himselfe, and a man humbled himselfe: therefore spare them not.
et incurvavit se homo et humiliatus est vir ne ergo dimittas eis
10 Enter into the rocke, and hide thee in the dust from before the feare of the Lord, and from the glory of his maiestie.
ingredere in petram abscondere fossa humo a facie timoris Domini et a gloria maiestatis eius
11 The hie looke of man shall be humbled, and the loftinesse of men shalbe abased, and the Lord onely shall be exalted in that day.
oculi sublimis hominis humiliati sunt et incurvabitur altitudo virorum exaltabitur autem Dominus solus in die illa
12 For the day of the Lord of hostes is vpon all the proude and hautie, and vpon all that is exalted: and it shalbe made lowe.
quia dies Domini exercituum super omnem superbum et excelsum et super omnem arrogantem et humiliabitur
13 Euen vpon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are hie and exalted, and vpon all the okes of Bashan,
et super omnes cedros Libani sublimes et erectas et super omnes quercus Basan
14 And vpon all the hie mountaines, and vpon all the hilles that are lifted vp,
et super omnes montes excelsos et super omnes colles elevatos
15 And vpon euery hie tower, and vpon euery strong wall,
et super omnem turrem excelsam et super omnem murum munitum
16 And vpon all the shippes of Tarshish, and vpon all pleasant pictures.
et super omnes naves Tharsis et super omne quod visu pulchrum est
17 And the hautinesse of men shalbe brought low, and the loftinesse of men shalbe abased, and the Lord shall onely be exalted in that day.
et incurvabitur sublimitas hominum et humiliabitur altitudo virorum et elevabitur Dominus solus in die illa
18 And the idoles will he vtterly destroy.
et idola penitus conterentur
19 Then they shall goe into the holes of the rockes, and into the caues of the earth, from before the feare of the Lord, and from the glory of his maiestie, when he shall arise to destroy the earth.
et introibunt in speluncas petrarum et in voragines terrae a facie formidinis Domini et a gloria maiestatis eius cum surrexerit percutere terram
20 At that day shall man cast away his siluer idoles, and his golden idoles (which they had made themselues to worship them) to the mowles and to the backes,
in die illa proiciet homo idola argenti sui et simulacra auri sui quae fecerat sibi ut adoraret talpas et vespertiliones
21 To goe into the holes of the rockes, and into the toppes of the ragged rockes from before the feare of the Lord, and from the glory of his maiestie, when he shall rise to destroy the earth.
et ingredietur fissuras petrarum et cavernas saxorum a facie formidinis Domini et a gloria maiestatis eius cum surrexerit percutere terram
22 Cease you from the man whose breath is in his nostrels: for wherein is he to be esteemed?
quiescite ergo ab homine cuius spiritus in naribus eius quia excelsus reputatus est ipse