< Isaiah 16 >

1 Send yee a lambe to the ruler of the worlde from the rocke of the wildernesse, vnto the mountaine of the daughter Zion.
emitte agnum dominatorem terrae de Petra deserti ad montem filiae Sion
2 For it shall be as a birde that flieth, and a nest forsaken: the daughters of Moab shall be at the foordes of Arnon.
et erit sicut avis fugiens et pulli de nido avolantes sic erunt filiae Moab in transcensu Arnon
3 Gather a cousel, execute iudgement: make thy shadowe as the night in the midday: hide them that are chased out: bewray not him that is fled.
ini consilium coge concilium pone quasi noctem umbram tuam in meridie absconde fugientes et vagos ne prodas
4 Let my banished dwell with thee: Moab be thou their couert from the face of the destroyer: for the extortioner shall ende: the destroyer shalbe consumed, and the oppressour shall cease out of the land.
habitabunt apud te profugi mei Moab esto latibulum eorum a facie vastatoris finitus est enim pulvis consummatus est miser defecit qui conculcabat terram
5 And in mercy shall the throne be prepared, and hee shall sit vpon it in stedfastnesse, in the tabernacle of Dauid, iudging, and seeking iudgement, and hasting iustice.
et praeparabitur in misericordia solium et sedebit super eum in veritate in tabernaculo David iudicans et quaerens iudicium et velociter reddens quod iustum est
6 We haue heard of the pride of Moab, (he is very proud) euen his pride, and his arrogancie, and his indignation, but his lies shall not be so.
audivimus superbiam Moab superbus est valde superbia eius et arrogantia eius et indignatio eius plus quam fortitudo eius
7 Therefore shall Moab howle vnto Moab: euery one shall howle: for the foundations of Kirhareseth shall ye mourne, yet they shalbe striken.
idcirco ululabit Moab ad Moab universus ululabit his qui laetantur super muro cocti lateris loquimini plagas suas
8 For ye vineyards of Heshbon are cut downe, and the vine of Sibmah: the lordes of the heathen haue broken the principal vines thereof: they are come vnto Iaazer: they wandred in the wildernesse: her goodly branches stretched out them selues, and went ouer the sea.
quoniam suburbana Esebon deserta sunt et vinea Sabama domini gentium exciderunt flagella eius usque ad Iazer pervenerunt erraverunt in deserto propagines eius relictae sunt transierunt mare
9 Therefore will I weepe with the weeping of Iaazer, and of the vine of Sibmah, O Heshbon: and Elealeh, I will make thee drunke with my teares, because vpon thy sommer fruits, and vpon thy haruest a showting is fallen.
super hoc plorabo in fletu Iazer vineam Sabama inebriabo te lacrima mea Esebon et Eleale quoniam super vindemiam tuam et super messem tuam vox calcantium inruit
10 And gladnes is taken away, and ioy out of the plentifull fielde: and in the vineyardes shall be no singing nor shouting for ioy: the treader shall not tread wine in the wine presses: I haue caused the reioycing to cease.
et auferetur laetitia et exultatio de Carmelo et in vineis non exultabit neque iubilabit vinum in torculari non calcabit qui calcare consueverat vocem calcantium abstuli
11 Wherefore, my bowels shall sounde like an harpe for Moab, and mine inwarde partes for Ker-haresh.
super hoc venter meus ad Moab quasi cithara sonabit et viscera mea ad murum cocti lateris
12 And when it shall appeare that Moab shall be wearie of his hie places, then shall hee come to his temple to praie, but he shall not preuaile.
et erit cum apparuerit quod laboravit Moab super excelsis suis ingredietur ad sancta sua ut obsecret et non valebit
13 This is the word that the Lord hath spoken against Moab since that time.
hoc verbum quod locutus est Dominus ad Moab ex tunc
14 And nowe the Lord hath spoken, saying, In three yeres, as the yeeres of a hireling, and the glorie of Moab shall be contemned in all the great multitude, and the remnant shalbe very small and feeble.
et nunc locutus est Dominus dicens in tribus annis quasi anni mercennarii auferetur gloria Moab super omni populo multo et relinquetur parvus et modicus nequaquam multus

< Isaiah 16 >