< Hosea 9 >

1 Rejoice not, O Israel for ioy as other people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God: thou hast loued a rewarde vpon euery corne floore.
Kada ku yi farin ciki, ya Isra’ila; kada ku yi murna kamar waɗansu al’ummai. Gama kun yi rashin aminci ga Allahnku; kuna son hakkokin karuwa a kowace masussuka.
2 The floore, and the wine presse shall not feede them, and the newe wine shall faile in her.
Masussukai da wuraren matsin inabi ba za su ciyar da mutane ba; sabon ruwan inabi zai kāsa musu.
3 They wil not dwel in the Lordes lande, but Ephraim will returne to Egypt, and they will eate vncleane things in Asshur.
Ba za su ci gaba da zama a ƙasar Ubangiji ba; Efraim zai koma Masar yă kuma ci abinci marar tsarki a Assuriya.
4 They shall not offer wine to the Lord, neither shall their sacrifices be pleasant vnto him: but they shall be vnto them as the bread of mourners: al that eate thereof, shalbe polluted: for their bread for their soules shall not come into the house of the Lord.
Ba za su zuba hadayun ruwan inabi ga Ubangiji ba, ba kuwa hadayunsu za su gamshe shi ba. Irin hadayun nan za su zama musu kamar burodin masu makoki; duk wanda ya ci su zai ƙazantu. Wannan abincin zai zama na kansu ne; ba zai zo cikin haikalin Ubangiji ba.
5 What wil ye do then in the solemne day, and in the day of the feast of the Lord?
Me za ku yi a ƙayyadaddiyar ranar bukukkuwarku, a ranakun bikin Ubangiji?
6 For loe, they are gone from destruction: but Egypt shall gather them vp, and Memphis shall burie them: the nettle shall possesse the pleasant places of their siluer, and the thorne shall be in their tabernacles.
Ko da sun kuɓuta daga hallaka, Masar za tă tattara su, Memfis kuma za tă binne su. Sarƙaƙƙiya za tă mamaye kayan azurfansu, ƙayayyuwa su tsiro a cikin tentunansu.
7 The daies of visitation are come: the daies of recompence are come: Israel shall knowe it: the Prophet is a foole: the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquitie: therefore the hatred is great.
Kwanakin hukunci suna zuwa, kwanakin ba da lissafi suna a kusa. Bari Isra’ila su san da wannan. Saboda zunubanku sun yi yawa ƙiyayyarku kuma ta yi yawa, har ake ɗauka annabi wawa ne, mutumin da aka iza kuwa mahaukaci.
8 The watchman of Ephraim shoulde bee with my God: but the Prophet is the snare of a fouler in all his waies, and hatred in the House of his God.
Annabi, tare da Allahna, su ne masu tsaro a bisa Efraim, duk da haka tarko na jiransa a dukan hanyoyi, da kuma ƙiyayya a cikin gidan Allahnsa.
9 They are deepely set: they are corrupt as in the daies of Gibeah: therefore he will remember their iniquitie, he will visite their sinnes.
Sun nutse da zurfi cikin lalaci, kamar a kwanakin Gibeya. Allah zai tuna da muguntarsu yă kuma hukunta su saboda zunubansu.
10 I found Israel like grapes in the wildernes: I saw your fathers as the first ripe in the figge tree at her first time: but they went to Baal-Peor, and separated themselues vnto that shame, and their abominations were according to their louers.
“Sa’ad da na sami Isra’ila, ya zama kamar samun inabi a hamada; sa’ad da na ga kakanninku, ya zama kamar ganin’ya’yan itace na farko a itacen ɓaure. Amma sa’ad da suka zo Ba’al-Feyor, suka keɓe kansu wa gumaka bankunya sai suka zama abubuwan banƙyama kamar abubuwan da suke ƙauna.
11 Ephraim their glorie shall flee away like a birde: from the birth and from the wombe, and from the conception.
Darajar Efraim za tă yi firiya tă tafi kamar tsuntsu, ba haihuwa, ba juna biyu, ba ɗaukar ciki.
12 Though they bring vp their children, yet I will depriue them from being men: yea, woe to them, when I depart from them.
Ko da sun yi renon’ya’ya, zan sa su yi baƙin cikin kowannensu. Kaitonsu sa’ad da na juya musu baya!
13 Ephraim, as I sawe, is as a tree in Tyrus planted in a cottage: but Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murtherer.
Na ga Efraim, kamar birnin Taya, da aka kafa a wuri mai daɗi. Amma Efraim zai fitar da’ya’yansu ga masu yanka.”
14 O Lord, giue them: what wilt thou giue them? giue them a baren wombe and drie breasts.
Ka ba su, ya Ubangiji Me za ka ba su? Ka ba su mahaifar da za su yi ɓarin ciki da busassun nono.
15 All their wickednesse is in Gilgal: for there doe I hate them: for the wickednesse of their inuentions, I will cast them out of mine House: I will loue them no more: all their princes are rebels.
“Saboda dukan muguntarsu a Gilgal, na ƙi su a can. Saboda ayyukansu na zunubi, zan kore su daga gidana. Ba zan ƙara ƙaunace su ba; dukan shugabanninsu’yan tawaye ne.
16 Ephraim is smitten, their roote is dried vp: they can bring no fruite: yea, though they bring foorth, yet will I slaie euen the dearest of their bodie.
An ka da Efraim, saiwarsu ta bushe, ba sa ba da amfani. Ko da sun haifi’ya’ya zan kashe waɗanda suka fi ƙauna.”
17 My God will cast them away, because they did not obey him: and they shall wander among the nations.
Allahna zai ƙi su saboda ba su yi masa biyayya ba; za su zama masu yawo a cikin al’ummai.

< Hosea 9 >