< Hosea 9 >

1 Rejoice not, O Israel for ioy as other people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God: thou hast loued a rewarde vpon euery corne floore.
Israel, glæd dig ikke med Folkenes Jubel, ved Hor veg du bort fra din Gud, paa hver en Tærskeplads elsker du Skøgens Løn.
2 The floore, and the wine presse shall not feede them, and the newe wine shall faile in her.
Tærskeplads og Perse skal ej kendes ved dem, og Mosten slaar fejl for dem.
3 They wil not dwel in the Lordes lande, but Ephraim will returne to Egypt, and they will eate vncleane things in Asshur.
Ej skal de blive i HERRENS Land; til Ægypten skal Efraim tilbage, spise uren Føde i Assur.
4 They shall not offer wine to the Lord, neither shall their sacrifices be pleasant vnto him: but they shall be vnto them as the bread of mourners: al that eate thereof, shalbe polluted: for their bread for their soules shall not come into the house of the Lord.
Ej skal de udgyde Vin for HERREN, ej heller gøre Slagtoffer rede. Som Sørgebrød er deres Brød, det gør hver, som spiser det, uren; thi Hungeren kræver alt Brødet, i HERRENS Hus kommer intet.
5 What wil ye do then in the solemne day, and in the day of the feast of the Lord?
Hvad gør I paa Højtidsdagen, paa HERRENS Festdag?
6 For loe, they are gone from destruction: but Egypt shall gather them vp, and Memphis shall burie them: the nettle shall possesse the pleasant places of their siluer, and the thorne shall be in their tabernacles.
Slipper de bort fra Vold, skal Ægypten sanke dem op og Memfis jorde dem; deres kostbare Sølvtøj skal Tidsler arve, Nælder skal bo i deres Telte.
7 The daies of visitation are come: the daies of recompence are come: Israel shall knowe it: the Prophet is a foole: the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquitie: therefore the hatred is great.
Hjemsøgelsens Dage kommer, Gengældelsens Dage, det skal Israel mærke. »Afsindig er Profeten, forrykt den af Aanden grebne« — fordi din Brøde er stor og Fjendskabet stort!
8 The watchman of Ephraim shoulde bee with my God: but the Prophet is the snare of a fouler in all his waies, and hatred in the House of his God.
I sin Guds Hus lurer Efraim paa Profeten; der er Snarer paa alle hans Veje, man gør Faldgruben dyb.
9 They are deepely set: they are corrupt as in the daies of Gibeah: therefore he will remember their iniquitie, he will visite their sinnes.
Det er som i Gibeas Dage, han mindes deres Skyld og straffer deres Synder.
10 I found Israel like grapes in the wildernes: I saw your fathers as the first ripe in the figge tree at her first time: but they went to Baal-Peor, and separated themselues vnto that shame, and their abominations were according to their louers.
Som Druer i Ørkenen fandt jeg Israel, som tidligmodne Figner paa Træet saa jeg eders Fædre. De kom til Ba'al-Peor, til Skændselen viede de sig, som Efraims Elskere blev de en væmmelig Hob.
11 Ephraim their glorie shall flee away like a birde: from the birth and from the wombe, and from the conception.
Deres Herlighed flyver som Fugle, Fødsel, Svangerskab, Undfangelse — forbi!
12 Though they bring vp their children, yet I will depriue them from being men: yea, woe to them, when I depart from them.
Ja, selv om de opfostrer Sønner, jeg lader dem dø ud uden Børn. Ja, ve ogsaa dem, naar jeg viger fra dem!
13 Ephraim, as I sawe, is as a tree in Tyrus planted in a cottage: but Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murtherer.
Efraim saa jeg som en Mand, der gør Jagt paa sine Børn; thi Efraim selv fører Sønnerne ud til Bøddelen.
14 O Lord, giue them: what wilt thou giue them? giue them a baren wombe and drie breasts.
Giv dem, HERRE — ja hvad skal du give? Du give dem barnløst Skød og golde Bryster!
15 All their wickednesse is in Gilgal: for there doe I hate them: for the wickednesse of their inuentions, I will cast them out of mine House: I will loue them no more: all their princes are rebels.
I Gilgal er al deres Ondskab, der fik jeg Had til dem; for deres onde Gerninger driver jeg dem ud af mit Hus; jeg elsker dem ikke mer, genstridige er alle deres Fyrster.
16 Ephraim is smitten, their roote is dried vp: they can bring no fruite: yea, though they bring foorth, yet will I slaie euen the dearest of their bodie.
Efraim er ramt, dets Rod er vissen, de bærer slet ingen Frugt; og faar de end Børn, jeg dræber den dyre Livsfrugt.
17 My God will cast them away, because they did not obey him: and they shall wander among the nations.
Deres Gud vil forkaste dem, fordi de ej adlød ham; hjemløse bliver de blandt Folkene.

< Hosea 9 >