< Hosea 2 >
1 Say vnto your brethren, Ammi, and to your sisters, Ruhamah,
“Luonguru oweteu ni ‘Joga,’ kendo luonguru nyimineu ni ‘Joma ahero.’”
2 Plead with your mother: plead with her: for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband: but let her take away her fornications out of her sight, and her adulteries from betweene her breasts.
“Kwer minu, kwere, nikech ok en jaoda, kendo ok an chwore. Onego owe wangʼ maneno mar chode kendo gi yorene mag dwanyruok.
3 Lest I strippe her naked, and set her as in the day that shee was borne, and make her as a wildernes, and leaue her like a drie land, and slaie her for thirst.
Ka ok kamano to abiro lonye duk modongʼ kaka ne onywole; anakete ochal kaka lop ongoro, analoke kaka lowo motwo mobaro okak, kendo ananege kod riyo mar pi.
4 And I wil haue no pitie vpon her children: for they be the children of fornications.
Ok anaher nyithinde, nikech gin nyithindo mane oyud e yor chode.
5 For their mother hath plaied the harlot: she that conceiued them, hath done shamefully: for shee said, I will goe after my louers that giue me my bread and my water, my wooll and my flaxe, mine oyle and my drinke.
Min-gi ok osebedo ja-ratiro kendo osemako ich gi anjawo. Owacho ni, ‘Abiro luwo bangʼ joherana, mamiya chiemba kod piga, yie rombe gi pamba michweyogo lewni, mo kod math.’
6 Therefore beholde, I will stoope thy way with thornes, and make an hedge, that shee shall not finde her pathes.
Omiyo anagengʼ yore kod bungu maduongʼ mar kudho; abiro dinone chuth ma ok noyud yo mowuok godo oko.
7 Though shee follow after her louers, yet shall shee not come at them: though shee seeke them, yet shall shee not finde them: then shall she say, I will goe and returne to my first husband: for at that time was I better then nowe.
Enolaw bangʼ jochodenego to ok nomakgi; enomanygi to ok noyudgi. Bangʼe to enowachi niya, Abiro dokne chwora mokwongo, nimar ndalono ne awinjo maber moloyo sani.
8 Nowe she did not knowe that I gaue her corne, and wine, and oyle, and multiplied her siluer and golde, which they bestowed vpon Baal.
Ok osengʼeyo adier ni an ema ne amiye cham, divai manyien kod mo, an bende ema ne adhiale gi fedha gi dhahabu mangʼenygo mane gitiyo nego Baal.
9 Therefore wil I returne, and take away my corne in the time thereof, and my wine in the season thereof, and will recouer my wool and my flaxe lent, to couer her shame.
“Kuom mano abiro kawo chamba ka osechiek, gi divaina manyien ka oseikore. Bende anakaw yie rombona gi pambana mitwangʼo godo lewni mane onego oum-go duge.
10 And now will I discouer her lewdnes in the sight of her louers, and no man shall deliuer her out of mine hand.
Koro abiro nyiso ayanga gombo mare mar chode e lela e nyim joherane; kendo onge ngʼama nogole e lweta.
11 I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast daies, her newe moones, and her Sabbathes, and all her solemne feasts.
Nyasi duto ma en-go anakethi: nyasi mar higa ka higa, mar dwe ka dwe, mar Sabato kod nyasi motimo juma ka juma.
12 And I wil destroy her vines and her figtrees, whereof she hath said, These are my rewards that my louers haue giuen mee: and I will make them as a forest, and the wilde beasts shall eate them.
Anaketh yiendene mag mzabibu gi yiend ngʼopene mane owacho ni ne chudone moa kuom joherane. Abiro ketogi bunge, kendo le mag bungu nokethgi.”
13 And I wil visit vpon her the daies of Baalim, wherein shee burnt incense to them: and shee decked her selfe with her earings and her iewels, and shee folowed her louers, and forgate me, saith the Lord.
Jehova Nyasaye wacho niya, “Anakume kuom ndalo duto mane owangʼo ubani ne Baal; korwakore gi gik mabeyo ahinya kolombogo joherane, to an ne wiye owil koda.
14 Therefore beholde, I will allure her, and bring her into the wildernesse, and speake friendly vnto her.
“Kuom mano abiro hoye, mi adhi kode e piny motimo ongoro, kendo abiro wuoyo kode gi muolo.
15 And I will giue her her vineyardes from thence, and the valley of Achor for the doore of hope, and shee shall sing there as in the daies of her youth, and as in the daies when shee came vp out of the land of Egypt.
Kanyo abiro dwokone puothe mar mzabibu, Kendo analos holo mar Akor obed dhood geno. Kanyo nowerie mana kaka nower kapod otin, mana ka chiengʼ mane owuok koa Misri.”
16 And at that day, sayeth the Lord, thou shalt call me Ishi, and shalt call me no more Baali.
Jehova Nyasaye owacho niya, “Odiechiengʼno iniluonga ni ‘chwora,’ to ok inichak iluonga ni ‘jatenda.’
17 For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall be no more remembred by their names.
Abiro golo nyinge mag Baal oa e dhoge. Nying Baal ok nochak owuo kuomgi kendo.
18 And in that day wil I make a couenant for them, with the wilde beasts, and with the foules of the heauen, and with that that creepeth vpon the earth: and I will breake the bowe, and the sworde and the battell out of the earth, and will make them to sleepe safely.
Chiengʼno anaketnegi singruok e kindgi gi le mag thim gi winy manie kor polo, gi chwech mamol e lowo, atungʼ gi ligangla to abiro turo, kendo lweny bende anatiek e piny, mondo gik moko duto obed gi kwe.
19 And I wil marry thee vnto me for euer: yea, I will marry thee vnto me in righteousnes, and in iudgement, and in mercy and in compassion.
Abiro timo kodi singruok mar kend mondo ibed mara chuth; abiro timo kodi singruok mar kend e yo maler kendo maratiro, gihera kod kech.
20 I will euen marry thee vnto me in faithfulnes, and thou shalt knowe the Lord.
Abiro timo kodi singruok mar kend e yo mar adiera, kendo ibiro yie kuom Jehova Nyasaye.”
21 And in that day I wil heare, saith the Lord, I will euen heare the heauens, and they shall heare the earth,
Jehova Nyasaye wacho niya, “E odiechiengno abiro dwoko kwayou ma boche polo, nochiw koth ne piny,
22 And the earth shall heare the corne, and the wine, and the oyle, and they shall heare Izreel.
kendo cham biro nyak e piny, kaachiel gi divai manyien kod mo zeituni, mi giduto ginyag Jezreel.
23 And I will sowe her vnto me in the earth, and I will haue mercie vpon her, that was not pitied, and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people. And they shall say, Thou art my God.
Abiro pidhe e piny ne an awuon; abiro nyiso herana ni ngʼat mane aluongo ni ‘Ok jaherana.’ Anawach ni joma iluongo ni, ‘Joma ok joga,’ ni, ‘Un joga’; kendo ginidwoka ni, ‘In Nyasachwa.’”