< Hosea 13 >

1 When Ephraim spake, there was trembling: hee exalted him selfe in Israel, but he hath sinned in Baal, and is dead.
Ko je Efrájim trepetajoč govoril, se je povišal v Izraelu, toda ko se je pohujšal z Báalom, je umrl.
2 And nowe they sinne more and more, and haue made them molten images of their siluer, and idoles according to their owne vnderstanding: they were all the woorke of the craftesmen: they say one to another whiles they sacrifice a man, Let them kisse the calues.
In sedaj bolj in bolj grešijo in iz svojega srebra so si naredili ulite podobe in malike, glede na svoje lastno razumevanje. Vsi ti so delo rokodelcev, o njih pravijo: ›Naj možje, ki žrtvujejo, poljubijo teleta.‹
3 Therefore they shall bee as the morning cloude, and as the morning dewe that passeth away, as the chaffe that is driuen with a whirlewind out of the floore, and as the smoke that goeth out of the chimney.
Zatorej bodo kakor jutranji oblak in kakor zgodnja rosa, ki izginja, kakor pleve, ki je z vrtinčastim vetrom odpihnjeno iz mlatišča in kakor dim iz dimnika.
4 Yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt knowe no God but me: for there is no Sauiour beside me.
In vendar jaz sem Gospod, tvoj Bog, od egiptovske dežele in razen mene ne boš poznal nobenega boga, kajti poleg mene ni rešitelja.
5 I did knowe thee in the wildernesse, in the land of drought.
Poznal sem te v divjini, v deželi velike suše.
6 As in their pastures, so were they filled: they were filled, and their heart was exalted: therefore haue they forgotten me.
Glede na njihov pašnik, tako so bili nasičeni; nasičeni so bili in njihovo srce je bilo povzdignjeno, zato so me pozabili.
7 And I wil be vnto them as a very lyon, and as a leopard in the way of Asshur.
Zatorej jim bom kakor lev, kakor leopard ob poti jih bom opazoval.
8 I will meete them, as a beare that is robbed of her whelpes, and I will breake the kall of their heart, and there will I deuoure them like a lion: the wilde beast shall teare them.
Srečal jih bom kakor medvedka, ki je oropana svojih mladičev in raztrgal bom opno njihovega srca in tam jih bom požrl kakor lev. Divja žival jih bo trgala.
9 O Israel, one hath destroyed thee, but in me is thine helpe.
Oh Izrael, uničeval si samega sebe, toda v meni je tvoja pomoč.
10 I am: where is thy King, that shoulde help thee in al thy cities? and thy iudges, of whom thou saidest, Giue me a King, and princes?
Jaz bom tvoj kralj. Kje je katerikoli drug, ki te lahko reši v vseh tvojih mestih? In tvoji sodniki, o katerih praviš: ›Daj mi kralja in prince?‹
11 I gaue thee a King in mine anger, and I tooke him away in my wrath.
V svoji jezi sem ti dal kralja in v svojem besu sem ga vzel proč.
12 The iniquitie of Ephraim is bound vp: his sinne is hid.
Krivičnost Efrájima je zvezana, njegov greh je skrit.
13 The sorowes of a trauailing woman shall come vpon him: he is an vnwise sonne, els would he not stande still at the time, euen at the breaking forth of the children.
Bridkosti ženske v porodnih mukah bodo prišle nadenj. On je nespameten sin, kajti ne bi smel dolgo ostati v odprtini rojevanja otrok.
14 I wil redeeme them from the power of the graue: I will deliuer them from death: O death, I wil be thy death: O graue, I will be thy destruction: repentance is hid from mine eyes. (Sheol h7585)
Odkupil jih bom pred oblastjo groba; odkupil jih bom pred smrtjo. ›Oh smrt, jaz bom tvoje kuge; ‹ ›Oh grob, jaz bom tvoje uničenje.‹ Kesanje bo skrito mojim očem. (Sheol h7585)
15 Though he grewe vp among his brethren, an East winde shall come, euen the winde of the Lord shall come vp from the wildernesse, and drie vp his veine, and his fountaine shalbe dryed vp: he shall spoyle the treasure of all pleasant vessels.
Čeprav bi bil rodoviten med svojimi brati, bo prišel vzhodni veter, veter od Gospoda bo prišel gor iz divjine in njegov izvir se bo posušil in njegov studenec bo osušen. Oplenil bo zaklad vseh prijetnih posod.
16 Samaria shalbe desolate: for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sworde: their infants shalbe dashed in pieces, and their women with childe shalbe ript.
Samarija bo postala zapuščena, kajti uprla se je zoper svojega Boga. Padli bodo pod mečem, njihovi otročiči bodo razbiti na koščke in njihove nosečnice bodo razparane.

< Hosea 13 >