< Hosea 12 >

1 Ephraim is fed with the winde, and followeth after the East winde: hee increaseth daily lies and destruction, and they do make a couenant with Asshur, and oyle is caried into Egypt.
Efraim geno gima onge, olawo yamb wuok chiengʼ odiechiengʼ duto, kendo omedo miriambo kod gero. Oketo winjruok gi Asuria kendo ooro mor zeituni ne jo-Misri.
2 The Lord hath also a controuersie with Iudah, and will visite Iaakob, according to his waies: according to his workes, wil he recompence him.
Jehova Nyasaye nigi bura kuom jo-Juda; enokum Jakobo kaluwore gi yorene; kendo enochule kaluwore gi timbene.
3 Hee tooke his brother by the heele in the wombe, and by his strength he had power with God,
Kane pod en ei min nomako tiend owadgi, kaka dhano nomako amen gi Nyasaye.
4 And had power ouer the Angel, and preuailed: he wept and praied vnto him: he founde him in Beth-el, and there he spake with vs.
Ne oii gi malaika mi oloye; eka noywak kendo kwayo mondo otimne ngʼwono. Noyude Bethel kendo mowuoyo kode kanyo.
5 Yea, the Lord God of hostes, the Lord is himselfe his memoriall.
Jehova Nyasaye Maratego, Jehova Nyasaye e nyinge mongʼerego!
6 Therefore turne thou to thy God: keepe mercy and iudgement, and hope still in thy God.
To nyaka uduog ir Nyasachu; beduru johera kendo joma ngʼado bura makare, bende keturu chunyu kuom Nyasachu kinde duto.
7 He is Canaan: the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loueth to oppresse.
Jalok ohala tiyo gi ratinde mag miriambo; ohero mecho.
8 And Ephraim saide, Notwithstanding I am rich, I haue found me out riches in all my labours: they shall finde none iniquitie in me, that were wickednesse.
Efraim sungore kawacho ni, “An jamoko momewo, kendo asebedo ja-mwandu. Gi mwanduna duto ok giniyud gimoro kuoma ma miganga kata richo.”
9 Though I am the Lord thy God, from the land of Egypt, yet will I make thee to dwel in the tabernacles, as in the daies of the solemne feast.
“An Jehova Nyasaye Nyasachu mane ogolou e piny Misri, anami udagi e hembeu kendo, mana kaka ndalo mane utimoe nyasi mag sawo mau.
10 I haue also spoken by the Prophets, and I haue multiplied visions, and vsed similitudes by the ministerie of the Prophets.
Ne awuoyo kod jonabi, ka anyisogi fweny mangʼeny, kendo kawacho ngeche kokalo kuomgi.”
11 Is there iniquitie in Gilead? surely they are vanitie: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal, and their altars are as heapes in the furrowes of the field.
Bende Gilead nigi anjawo? Joge gin joma nono! Bende gitimo misengini gi rwedhi, Gilgal? Kendegi mag misengini biro chalo, kaka kite modhurore e puodho mopur.
12 And Iaakob fled into the countrey of Aram, and Israel serued for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheepe.
Jakobo noringo modhi e piny mar Aram; Israel notiyo mondo oyud dhako, kendo nochulo nengo mare kokwayo rombe.
13 And by a Prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a Prophet was he reserued.
Jehova Nyasaye nokonyore gi janabi ma ogolo Israel oa Misri, adier ne ooro janabi mondo orite.
14 But Ephraim prouoked him with hie places: therefore shall his blood be powred vpon him, and his reproche shall his Lord reward him.
To Efraim osemiye obedo mager mobedo gi mirima; Ruodhe nowe timbene maricho mag chwero remo e wiye, kendo nochule kuom ngʼanyone.

< Hosea 12 >