< Hebrews 1 >
1 At sundry times and in diuers maners God spake in the olde time to our fathers by the Prophetes:
purā ya īśvarō bhaviṣyadvādibhiḥ pitr̥lōkēbhyō nānāsamayē nānāprakāraṁ kathitavān
2 in these last dayes hee hath spoken vnto vs by his Sonne, Whom he hath made heire of al things, by whome also he made the worldes, (aiōn )
sa ētasmin śēṣakālē nijaputrēṇāsmabhyaṁ kathitavān| sa taṁ putraṁ sarvvādhikāriṇaṁ kr̥tavān tēnaiva ca sarvvajaganti sr̥ṣṭavān| (aiōn )
3 Who being the brightnes of the glory, and the ingraued forme of his person, and bearing vp all things by his mightie worde, hath by himselfe purged our sinnes, and sitteth at the right hand of the Maiestie in the highest places,
sa putrastasya prabhāvasya pratibimbastasya tattvasya mūrttiścāsti svīyaśaktivākyēna sarvvaṁ dhattē ca svaprāṇairasmākaṁ pāpamārjjanaṁ kr̥tvā ūrddhvasthānē mahāmahimnō dakṣiṇapārśvē samupaviṣṭavān|
4 And is made so much more excellent then the Angels, in as much as hee hath obteined a more excellent Name then they.
divyadūtagaṇād yathā sa viśiṣṭanāmnō 'dhikārī jātastathā tēbhyō'pi śrēṣṭhō jātaḥ|
5 For vnto which of the Angels saide he at any time, Thou art my Sonne, this day begate I thee? and againe, I will be his Father, and he shalbe my Sonne?
yatō dūtānāṁ madhyē kadācidīśvarēṇēdaṁ ka uktaḥ? yathā, "madīyatanayō 'si tvam adyaiva janitō mayā|" punaśca "ahaṁ tasya pitā bhaviṣyāmi sa ca mama putrō bhaviṣyati|"
6 And againe, when he bringeth in his first begotten Sonne into the worlde, hee saith, And let all the Angels of God worship him.
aparaṁ jagati svakīyādvitīyaputrasya punarānayanakālē tēnōktaṁ, yathā, "īśvarasya sakalai rdūtairēṣa ēva praṇamyatāṁ|"
7 And of the Angels he saith, He maketh the spirites his messengers, and his ministers a flame of fire.
dūtān adhi tēnēdam uktaṁ, yathā, "sa karōti nijān dūtān gandhavāhasvarūpakān| vahniśikhāsvarūpāṁśca karōti nijasēvakān||"
8 But vnto the Sonne he saith, O God, thy throne is for euer and euer: the scepter of thy kingdome is a scepter of righteousnes. (aiōn )
kintu putramuddiśya tēnōktaṁ, yathā, "hē īśvara sadā sthāyi tava siṁhāsanaṁ bhavēt| yāthārthyasya bhavēddaṇḍō rājadaṇḍastvadīyakaḥ| (aiōn )
9 Thou hast loued righteousnes and hated iniquitie. Wherefore God, eue thy God, hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy fellowes.
puṇyē prēma karōṣi tvaṁ kiñcādharmmam r̥tīyasē| tasmād ya īśa īśastē sa tē mitragaṇādapi| adhikāhlādatailēna sēcanaṁ kr̥tavān tava||"
10 And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast established the earth, and the heauens are the workes of thine handes.
punaśca, yathā, "hē prabhō pr̥thivīmūlam ādau saṁsthāpitaṁ tvayā| tathā tvadīyahastēna kr̥taṁ gaganamaṇḍalaṁ|
11 They shall perish, but thou doest remaine: and they all shall waxe olde as doeth a garment.
imē vinaṁkṣyatastvantu nityamēvāvatiṣṭhasē| idantu sakalaṁ viśvaṁ saṁjariṣyati vastravat|
12 And as a vesture shalt thou folde them vp, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy yeeres shall not faile.
saṅkōcitaṁ tvayā tattu vastravat parivartsyatē| tvantu nityaṁ sa ēvāsī rnirantāstava vatsarāḥ||"
13 Vnto which also of the Angels saide he at any time, Sit at my right hand, til I make thine enemies thy footestoole?
aparaṁ dūtānāṁ madhyē kaḥ kadācidīśvarēṇēdamuktaḥ? yathā, "tavārīn pādapīṭhaṁ tē yāvannahi karōmyahaṁ| mama dakṣiṇadigbhāgē tāvat tvaṁ samupāviśa||"
14 Are they not al ministring spirits, sent forth to minister, for their sakes which shalbe heires of saluation?
yē paritrāṇasyādhikāriṇō bhaviṣyanti tēṣāṁ paricaryyārthaṁ prēṣyamāṇāḥ sēvanakāriṇa ātmānaḥ kiṁ tē sarvvē dūtā nahi?