< Hebrews 7 >
1 For this Melchi-sedec was King of Salem, the Priest of the most high God, who met Abraham, as he returned from the slaughter of the Kings, and blessed him:
Doista, taj Melkisedek, kralj šalemski, svećenik Boga Svevišnjega što je izašao u susret Abrahamu koji se vraćao s poraza kraljeva i blagoslovio ga,
2 To whom also Abraham gaue the tithe of all things: who first is by interpretation King of righteousnes: after that, he is also King of Salem, that is, King of peace,
i komu Abraham odijeli desetinu od svega; on koji u prijevodu znači najprije “kralj pravednosti”, a zatim i kralj šalemski, to jest “kralj mira”;
3 Without father, without mother, without kinred, and hath neither beginning of his dayes, neither ende of life: but is likened vnto the Sonne of God, and continueth a Priest for euer.
on, bez oca, bez majke, bez rodoslovlja; on, kojemu dani nemaju početka ni život kraja - sličan Sinu Božjemu, ostaje svećenik zasvagda.
4 Nowe consider how great this man was, vnto whome euen the Patriarke Abraham gaue the tithe of the spoyles.
Pa promotrite koliki li je taj komu Abraham, rodozačetnik, dade desetinu od najboljega.
5 For verely they which are the childre of Leui, which receiue the office of the Priesthode, haue a commandement to take, according to the Law, tithes of the people (that is, of their bethren) though they came out of ye loynes of Abraham.
Istina, i oni sinovi Levijevi, koji primaju svećeništvo imaju zakonsku zapovijed da ubiru desetinu od naroda, to jest od svoje braće premda su i ona izašla iz boka Abrahamova.
6 But he whose kindred is not couted among them, receiued tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises.
Ali on, koji nije iz njihova rodoslovlja, ubra desetinu od Abrahama i blagoslovi njega, nosioca obećanja!
7 And without all contradiction the lesse is blessed of the greater.
A posve je neprijeporno: veći blagoslivlja manjega.
8 And here men that die, receiue tithes: but there he receiueth them, of whome it is witnessed, that he liueth.
K tome, ovdje desetinu primaju smrtni ljudi, a ondje onaj, za kojega se svjedoči da živi.
9 And to say as the thing is, Leui also which receiueth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham.
I u Abrahamu se, tako reći, ubire desetina i od Levija koji inače desetinu prima
10 For hee was yet in the loynes of his father Abraham, when Melchi-sedec met him.
jer još bijaše u boku očevu kad mu u susret iziđe Melkisedek.
11 If therefore perfection had bene by the Priesthoode of the Leuites (for vnder it the Lawe was established to the people) what needed it furthermore, that another Priest should rise after the order of Melchi-sedec, and not to be called after the order of Aaron?
Da se dakle savršenstvo postiglo po levitskom svećeništvu - jer na temelju njega narod je dobio Zakon - koja bi onda bila potreba da se po redu Melkisedekovu postavi drugi svećenik i da se ne imenuje po redu Aronovu?
12 For if the Priesthood be changed, then of necessitie must there be a change of the Lawe.
Doista kad se mijenja svećeništvo, nužno se mijenja i Zakon.
13 For hee of whome these things are spoken, perteineth vnto another tribe, whereof no man serued at the altar.
Jer onaj o kojemu se to veli pripadao je drugom plemenu, od kojega se nitko nije posvetio žrtveniku.
14 For it is euident, that our Lord sprung out of Iuda, concerning the which tribe Moses spake nothing, touching the Priesthood.
Poznato je da je Gospodin naš potekao od Jude, plemena za koje Mojsije ništa ne reče s obzirom na svećenike.
15 And it is yet a more euident thing, because that after the similitude of Melchi-sedec, there is risen vp another Priest,
To je još očitije ako se drugi svećenik postavlja po sličnosti s Melkisedekom:
16 Which is not made Priest after the Law of the carnal commandement, but after the power of the endlesse life.
postao je svećenikom ne po Zakonu tjelesne uredbe, nego snagom neuništiva života.
17 For hee testifieth thus, Thou art a Priest for euer, after the order of Melchi-sedec. (aiōn )
Ta svjedoči se: Zauvijek ti si svećenik po redu Melkisedekovu. (aiōn )
18 For the commandement that went afore, is disanulled, because of the weakenes thereof, and vnprofitablenes.
Dokida se dakle prijašnja uredba zbog njezine nemoći i beskorisnosti -
19 For the Law made nothing perfite, but the bringing in of a better hope made perfite, whereby we drawe neere vnto God.
jer Zakon nije ništa priveo k savršenstvu - a uvodi se bolja nada, po kojoj se približujemo Bogu.
20 And for as much as it is not without an othe (for these are made Priestes without an othe:
I to se nije zbilo bez zakletve. Jer oni su bez zakletve postali svećenicima,
21 But this is made with an othe by him that said vnto him, The Lord hath sworne, and will not repent, Thou art a Priest for euer, after the order of Melchi-sedec) (aiōn )
a on sa zakletvom Onoga koji mu reče: Zakleo se Gospodin i neće se pokajati: “Zauvijek ti si svećenik”. (aiōn )
22 By so much is Iesus made a suretie of a better Testament.
Utoliko je Isus i postao jamac boljega Saveza.
23 And among them many were made Priests, because they were not suffered to endure, by the reason of death.
K tomu, mnogo je bilo svećenika jer ih je smrt priječila trajno ostati.
24 But this man, because hee endureth euer, hath a Priesthood, which cannot passe from one to another. (aiōn )
A on, jer ostaje dovijeka, ima neprolazno svećeništvo. (aiōn )
25 Wherefore, hee is able also perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him, seeing he euer liueth, to make intercession for them.
Zato i može do kraja spasavati one koji po njemu pristupaju k Bogu - uvijek živ da se za njih zauzima.
26 For such an hie Priest it became vs to haue, which is holy, harmelesse, vndefiled, separate from sinners, and made hier then the heauens:
Takav nam Veliki svećenik i bijaše potreban - svet, nedužan, neokaljan, odijeljen od grešnika i uzvišeniji od nebesa -
27 Which needeth not daily as those hie Priests to offer vp sacrifice, first for his owne sinnes, and then for the peoples: for that did he once, when he offered vp himselfe.
koji ne treba da kao oni veliki svećenici danomice prinosi žrtve najprije za svoje grijehe, a onda za grijehe naroda. To on učini jednom prinijevši samoga sebe.
28 For the Law maketh men hie Priestes, which haue infirmitie: but the word of the othe that was since the Lawe, maketh the Sonne, who is consecrated for euermore. (aiōn )
Zakon doista postavi za velike svećenike ljude podložne slabosti, a riječ zakletve - nakon Zakona - Sina zauvijek usavršena. (aiōn )