< Hebrews 3 >

1 Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heauenly vocation, consider the Apostle and high Priest of our profession Christ Iesus:
Unde fratres sancti, vocationis caelestis participes, considerate Apostolum, et pontificem confessionis nostrae Iesum:
2 Who was faithfull to him that hath appointed him, euen as Moses was in al his house.
qui fidelis est ei, qui praefecit illum sicut et Moyses in omni domo eius.
3 For this man is counted worthy of more glory then Moses, inasmuch as he which hath builded the house, hath more honour then the house.
Amplioris enim gloriae iste prae Moyse dignus est habitus, quanto ampliorem honorem habet domus, qui fabricavit illam.
4 For euery house is builded of some man, and he that hath built all things, is God.
Omnis namque domus fabricatur ab aliquo: qui autem omnia creavit, Deus est.
5 Now Moses verely was faithfull in all his house, as a seruant, for a witnesse of the thinges which should be spoken after.
Et Moyses quidem fidelis erat in tota domo eius tamquam famulus, in testimonium eorum, quae dicenda erant:
6 But Christ is as the Sonne, ouer his owne house, whose house we are, if we holde fast that confidence and that reioycing of that hope vnto the ende.
Christus vero tamquam filius in domo sua: quae domus sumus nos, si fiduciam, et gloriam spei usque ad finem, firmam retineamus.
7 Wherefore, as the holy Ghost sayth, To day if ye shall heare his voyce,
Quapropter sicut dicit Spiritus sanctus: Hodie si vocem eius audieritis,
8 Harden not your hearts, as in the prouocation, according to the day of the tentation in the wildernes,
nolite obdurare corda vestra, sicut in exacerbatione secundum diem tentationis in deserto,
9 Where your fathers tempted me, prooued me, and sawe my workes fourtie yeeres long.
ubi tentaverunt me patres vestri: probaverunt, et viderunt opera mea
10 Wherefore I was grieued with that generation, and sayde, They erre euer in their heart, neither haue they knowen my wayes.
quadraginta annis: Propter quod infensus fui generationi huic, et dixi: Semper errant corde. Ipsi autem non cognoverunt vias meas,
11 Therefore I sware in my wrath, If they shall enter into my rest.
quibus iuravi in ira mea: Si introibunt in requiem meam.
12 Take heede, brethren, least at any time there be in any of you an euill heart, and vnfaithfull, to depart away from the liuing God.
Videte fratres, ne forte sit in aliquo vestrum cor malum incredulitatis, discedendi a Deo vivo:
13 But exhort one another dayly, while it is called to day, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulnes of sinne.
sed adhortamini vosmetipsos per singulos dies, donec Hodie cognominatur, ut non obduretur quis ex vobis fallacia peccati.
14 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we keepe sure vnto the ende that beginning, wherewith we are vpholden,
Participes enim Christi effecti sumus: si tamen initium substantiae eius usque ad finem firmum retineamus.
15 So long as it is sayd, To day if ye heare his voyce, harden not your hearts, as in the prouocation.
Dum dicitur: Hodie si vocem eius audieritis, nolite obdurare corda vestra, quemadmodum in illa exacerbatione.
16 For some when they heard, prouoked him to anger: howbeit, not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.
Quidam enim audientes exacerbaverunt: sed non universi qui profecti sunt ex Aegypto per Moysen.
17 But with whome was he displeased fourtie yeeres? Was hee not displeased with them that sinned, whose carkeises fell in the wildernes?
Quibus autem infensus est quadraginta annis? Nonne illis, qui peccaverunt, quorum cadavera prostrata sunt in deserto?
18 And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but vnto them that obeyed not?
Quibus autem iuravit non introire in requiem ipsius, nisi illis, qui increduli fuerunt?
19 So we see that they could not enter in, because of vnbeliefe.
Et videmus, quia non potuerunt introire in requiem ipsius propter incredulitatem.

< Hebrews 3 >